25 Unorthodox Quotes About Finding Your Own Path

If you’ve never watched the miniseries, these Unorthodox quotes will give you a taste of what it’s all about.

Unorthodox is a German-American drama miniseries on Netflix inspired by Deborah Feldman’s 2012 autobiography, Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots.

The story is about Esty, a 19-year-old Jewish immigrant who made a daring escape from her unhappy arranged marriage.

Unorthodox takes a bold step giving life to Esty and how she discovers what true freedom means.

Slowly she will find herself and begin to explore the world, away from conformity and predetermined beliefs.

These Unorthodox quotes will inspire you to explore the world.

If you love this quote collection, read out our most popular quote article about short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. 

If you need more inspirational quotes, check out our motivational quotes category page.

Unorthodox quotes from the miniseries

1. “I can be different too.” ― Yakov “Yanky” Shapiro

Unorthodox Quotes about I can be different too

2. “Where is Esty, Telephone?!” ― Yakov “Yanky” Shapiro

Unorthodox Quotes about where is Esty, Telephone

3. “I’m different from the other girls.”  Esther “Esty” Shapiro

Unorthodox Quotes about I’m different from the other girls

4. “if you don’t come back, you’ll do it yourself.” ― Moishe Lefkovitch

Inspirational Unorthodox Quotes

5. “I thought the ham would make me sick. it didn’t.” ― Esther “Esty” Shapiro

Other Unorthodox Quotes

6. “When we forget who we are, we invite God’s wrath…now, we accept who we are.” ― Zeidy

Unorthodox Quotes for Instagram

7. “You went all the way to Europe and all you saw were graves?” ― Esther “Esty” Shapiro

Unique Unorthodox Quotes

8. “God expected too much of me. Now I need to find my own path.” ― Esther “Esty” Shapiro

Best Unorthodox Quotes

9. “I don’t know anything about women. If I could touch you, what would you like?” ― Yakov “Yanky Shapiro

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Wish Unorthodox Quotes

10. “My husband was a drunk who could barely take care of himself, let alone his family. I didn’t see you people running to help.” ― Leah Mandlebaum

Unorthodox quotes from the miniseries

Unorthodox quotes from the book Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots

11. “I’d rather believe in reincarnation than hell. The idea of an afterlife is much so more tolerable when returning is an option.” ― Deborah Feldman

Unorthodox quotes from the book Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots

12. “Can anyone survive without faith, however its labeled? No matter how you live, it seems, you need faith to get by, to get ahead.” ― Deborah Feldman

Other Unorthodox Quotes

13. “If my mind cannot be tied down, if my dreams cannot be diminished, then no amount of restraints can really guarantee my quiet submission.” ― Deborah Feldman

Motivational Unorthodox Quotes

14. “I feel so extraordinarily happy and free when I read that I’m convinced it could make everything else in my life bearable, if only I could have books all the time.” ― Deborah Feldman

amazing Unorthodox Quotes

15. “Until the stifling heat of summer sets in, my neighborhood is suspended in momentary perfection, a fantasy filled with swirling gusts of pink and white petals that rain down on the sunlit pavement.” ― Deborah Feldman

Unorthodox Quotes and sayings

16. “Subconsciously, I have started to say goodbye to the people and objects in my life as if preparing to die, even though I have no real plan. I just feel strongly, in my gut, that I’m not meant to stay here.” ― Deborah Feldman

Short Unorthodox Quotes

17. “Bubby scoffs at my question. A Jew can never be a goy, she says, even if they try their hardest to become one. They may dress like one, speak like one, live like one, but Jewishness is something that can never be erased. Even Hitler knew that.” ― Deborah Feldman

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Meaningful Unorthodox Quotes

18. “I resolve to venture into the city on my own. I look at maps in the library—subway maps, bus maps, and regular maps—and try to memorize them. I’m afraid of getting lost; no, I’m afraid of sinking into the city as in a quicksand, afraid of getting sucked into something I can never escape.” ― Deborah Feldman

Unorthodox Quotes that will encourage you

19. “I can’t bear the thought of living an entire lifetime on this planet and not getting to do all the things I dream of doing, simply because they aren’t allowed. I don’t think it will ever be enough, this version of freedom, until it is all-inclusive. I don’t think I can be happy unless I’m truly independent.” ― Deborah Feldman

Appreciation Unorthodox Quotes

20. “As far as I can remember, I have always wanted everything from life, everything it can possibly give me. This desire separates me from people who are willing to settle for less. I cannot even comprehend how people’s desires can be small, ambitions narrow and limited, when the possibilities are endless” ― Deborah Feldman

Wise and inspirational Unorthodox Quotes

Unorthodox quotes by Deborah Feldman

21. “Already I have grown too big to fit back into my old world.” ― Deborah Feldman

Unorthodox quotes by Deborah Feldman

22. “What brand of self-pride is the consciousness that Zeidy has, that he can dress like a pauper and still command respect?” ― Deborah Feldman

Unorthodox Quotes to helping others

23. “That wouldn’t explain my womb’s failure to open its doors at that very loud and persistent knock. My strange, rebellious womb, that doesn’t want guests.” ― Deborah Feldman

Top Unorthodox Quotes

24. “But truthfully, all those assurances are in the mind, and if my mind cannot be tied down, if my dreams cannot be diminished, then no amount of restraints can really guarantee my quiet submission” ― Deborah Feldman

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Favorite Unorthodox Quotes

25. “I cannot be one of those girls who fritters away her entire life in this small, stifling square of tenements, when there is an entire world out there waiting to be explored. I don’t know how, but maybe my escape will be accomplished in small, steady steps, like Francie’s. Maybe it will take years. But I know, with great certainty, that it will be.” ― Deborah Feldman

Unorthodox Quotes to motivate you

Due to its bold and heartfelt portrayal, Unorthodox received eight Primetime Emmy Award nominations and was well received by fans worldwide.

The life of Esty is a mirror to many people across the globe where predetermined beliefs imposed by society can create a proverbial prison for them.

Esty’s escape and bold decision to find her true self is an inspiration for many people who watched the miniseries.

In the end, her husband finds her and promises to change their lives for the better.

Esty then mustered all her courage to end things once and for all and walked away from her past to live the life she deserves.

Reflect on a time when you dared to break out of your mental prison and felt true freedom and come back to these Unorthodox quotes whenever you feel like it.

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