10 Ways to Create Time to Find Yourself and Love Yourself

In this crazy and hectic world, it can feel impossible to find the time to do simple things for yourself, let alone find time to find yourself.

We get up, rush around through our morning routine, work non-stop all day, and then come home exhausted!

Then, there are our evening routines that need done as well.

It can be really difficult to find:

  • time for yourself
  • time to find yourself
  • time to practice good self-care

Get creative about how you find the time

Here are a few creative ways to fit that time into your day.

Remember to make yourself and your needs as much a priority as anything else that you might be doing.

Don’t forget to read these self-love quotes that inspire you to shoot for the stars.

1. Wake up 30-60 minutes before you need to

Now, you have time before you need to do anything for yourself or anyone else.

Start your day with quiet time!

Enjoy a cup of coffee, listen to an inspiring podcast, work on a project that fulfills you, or simply have some unselfish “me time.”

2. Take a little break during the day

Recharging is important!

Take this time to take a walk, clear your head, listen to music, read an article, or literally sit in your car and get some physical space.

These little breaks can be very restorative and inspiring.

3. Know what you want to do.

Make your daily to-do lists and a list of phone calls and e-mails to return.

Don’t leave for the day until everything is complete.

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While getting used to the system might take a little extra time, it will save you time in the long run.

You will start and end the day with a clean slate, leaving your evenings to you and what you want or need to do with them.

This will help you create valuable time to find yourself.

4. Make a commitment that at least one night a week is just for you.

Try going to yoga, taking a pottery class, going somewhere quiet to read, or going to a meetup.com group to meet with people who share a common interest.

This serves to revive and inspire you.

It promotes the idea that your passions and interests are just as much a priority as anything else.

5. Become a volunteer.

If you do not feel you are connecting with what you are doing for a living but only have some faint ideas of what you might want to try, or you are not sure you would be good at it, volunteer.

This is a great way to try different things out!

Take the time to find out once and for all if something is all you dreamed it would be or if it is actually not for you.

6. Have a date night.

If you have kids and a partner, make a deal to set aside one night each week where one watches the kids.

The other has the evening to do as they need and please.

This is a great practice, as it always you to explore and develop your individual needs and interests and typically creates a situation where you appreciate the time together more.

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7. Let go of negative thinking and guilt.

We have often convinced ourselves that taking time for ourselves or making ourselves a priority is selfish.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Taking this time and rejuvenating our well-being and sense of self will make us better role models, partners, and parents.

Also, taking this time to find yourself often makes us better employees, as we have a better work-life balance.

8. Have work boundaries.

Make sure that you have a good work-life balance.

Take on what you can handle.

Learn to be assertive.

Learn to ask for help and say “no” when needed.

While this might feel difficult, this makes you better at the tasks you are working on.

It also keeps you from spreading yourself too thin.

9. Take time to disconnect.

No laptops, no phones, no electronics at all.

Trust me; it is easier to take time to find yourself without being distracted.

Truly remove yourself from all that stimulation and focus on something quiet or something that you enjoy working on.

You could read a book, do a craft, gardening, or walk.

The energy and clarity this time gives you will shock you.

It allows you to shut down and reboot.

10. Get a good rest.

Be mindful of sleep, food, and exercise.

What we put into our bodies, how we treat and take care of our bodies, and getting sufficient rest are essential to our well-being.

We want to eat healthy and organic, exercise several times per week, and be certain that we get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

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Do the work, and don’t get caught up in the method

Whichever method you choose to take the time to find yourself will work!

The important thing here is to do the work and reflect on yourself and what you are doing.

Is it aligned with your vision and who you want to be?

Let us know how you find time to find yourself in the comment section below.

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