How To Be A Dream Chaser

Want to be a dream chaser instead of a dream killer?

It is essential to understand what stops us from pursuing our dreams in the first place!

The biggest hindrance to our dreams is loud and unrelenting.

This dream killer hurls a constant barrage of insults, doubts, and fears at us all day.

From early morning, this doubter starts in, ‘You’re not good enough!’

Late in the evening, while trying to fall asleep, ‘No one cares!’

There is no escape because this liar looks back at us with cold eyes while we look in the mirror.

This liar, dream killer, and hindrance to your dream is you!

Keep reading to discover seven ways to be a dream chaser, not a dream killer.

We can be our own worst enemies

As humans, we often love to blame circumstances or other doubters, but they never say things worse than we tell ourselves.

We knock ourselves down and put a lid on our life.

Sadly, we often sabotage our dreams before they even begin.

We talk ourselves out of trying because, after all, who cares?

‘Good enough’ and a life of merely existing are what we know. 

Haven’t you stood in the way of your dreams long enough?

We must be the champion of our dreams instead of the villain.

It is possible to change the world by changing ourselves.

With patience and focus, we can stop killing our dreams to live them.

These seven things will make you a dream chaser instead of a killer.

“We have met the enemy and he is us.” — Walt Kelly

1. Acknowledge Negative Thoughts

The first step to being a dream chaser is acknowledging your negative thoughts.

A lot of times, stinking thinking happens so fast we aren’t even aware it happened.

Acting like negative thought life doesn’t exist will only grow your negative thoughts.

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Like shadows in our minds, these thoughts can appear larger than reality.

To move past, we must acknowledge that there is something to move from.

We must, at the basis of everything, have a starting point.

Sometimes this can be overwhelming if our thoughts have been unchecked for a long time.

Acknowledging bad thoughts is the first step in removing the liar in our minds.

2. Dream Chasers Write It Down

Pulling the negative thoughts out of our minds and on paper clarifies the ridiculous thoughts lingering up there.

When put on paper, many of your thoughts will be unrealistic, and you will see it right away; the rest of the negative thoughts you will see are not that bad.

Negativity survives in ambiguity, and shadows pulling them to the light will remove and shrink many of your thoughts.

Bring everything into the light, even those thoughts that are embarrassing.

Leave no stone unturned.

This is the only way to move on.

Writing makes way for replacing your thoughts and changing you from a dream killer to a dream chaser.

3. Positive Affirmations

The only way to change our thoughts is to replace them.

If you and I stopped acknowledging negativity and writing it down, we would give it power.

To try not to think negatively is futile.

When you first say positive affirmations, you will probably feel foolish but do it anyway.

What is important with these is to say something you will believe.

Belief is the founding block to actual change.

Take the negative thoughts you wrote and change them into something positive.

Find something positive and reinforce it.

Replace your stinking thinking, and thoughts will become actions.

4. Dream Chasers Practice Gratitude

A heart of gratitude will transform your life.

No matter how bad things in your life are, there are things to be grateful for.

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Sometimes it takes more effort to see your blessings, but I assure you they are there.

Focusing on your blessings will keep your heart grateful and your hands giving.

Focus the most on blessings that will be there no matter what.

Things that will always be there no matter what life throws at you,

When out of practice, your mind will naturally focus on the negative instead of the positive.

Be patient with yourself but stay on it.

Grateful thoughts will help you on your journey of chasing your dreams.

5. Power Five

Surround yourself with a power five.

Jim Rohn talks about this principle: you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

If your friends are stinky thinkers, you will be too!

Write down who is positive to you and your dreams and who are negative influencers.

Start cutting out the negative voices on the outside to affect the inside positively.

Choose wisely. Your friends have more impact on your life than you could imagine.

Be kind, but consistently set boundaries for who is best for you.

Some relationships are meant to last, but most should change with the seasons of life.

Be conscious of who you are spending time with to change your thought life.

6. Fake It

Your body language is linked to your brain.

Posture, smile, and move like you are successful and happy, and you will be successful and happy.

Slouching and frowning will make your thoughts negative.

Act like you feel confident, and you will become more confident.

Faking body language is not being inauthentic but a rewiring of your thought life.

Be conscious of your body language and what it communicates to your mind.

When you find your thought life is going down the drain, stop and look at what your body is communicating.

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Change your body language to change your thoughts.

7. Dream Chasers Take Action

The more we learn to move despite feeling stuck, the more we will feel successful.

Expect that you will be afraid.

Fear is all part of the journey, but you must get going and move even while afraid.

Action despite fear is the calling card of someone that will achieve their dreams.

It is as if the days you don’t feel like pursuing your dreams and do it anyway where all the success is found.

It is moving without feeling like it is the sign of a mature dream chaser and one that will reach the dreams in their heart.

After all, it is the action that matters.

Move to get your inner monologue to shut up.

You can be the hero of your own story.

Change your thought life and change your world.

The inner world will always need to change, for the outer world never will.

A little progress every day will lead you in a direction you never used to think was possible.

Don’t give up, and don’t yield to the liar in your mind.

You have what it takes.

You can learn skills that will make your dreams possible.

With time and focus, you can make up for any shortcomings you think you have.

Be blessed on your journey as you change yourself and change the world.

Are You a Dream Chaser or Killer?

Are you the hero or the villain of your dreams?

Do you practice any of the seven tactics listed above to pursue your dreams?

Or in what ways have you given in to self-doubt that kills your dreams?

Tell us your thoughts in the comment section.

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