25 Al-Ghazali Quotes From the Muslim Theologist

If you are interested in influential Islamic influencers, you will enjoy these Al-Ghazali Quotes.

Al-Ghazali’s full name is Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad at-Tusiyy al-Gazzaliy.

He was born in Tus, Iran, in 1058 and died in Tus, Iran, in 1111 at 52 or 53.

During his lifetime, he was considered the mujaddid, which is Islamic for “one who brings renewal to the religion.”

His work made him one of the Islamic Golden Age’s most influential philosophers, theologians, and mystics.

Al-Ghazali began his focused work after he disappeared from the Muslim world for over ten years due to his belief that the Islamic religion needed to be renewed.

He wrote many of his most famous works during this period, including “The Revival of the Religious Sciences.”

Look at these Al-Ghazali Quotes to learn more about the influential theologian.

Here are some popular quotes from Al-Ghazali.

1. “The tongue is the key to the heart.” — Al-Ghazali

2. “The greatest victory is over yourself.” — Al-Ghazali

3. “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” — Al-Ghazali

4. “Ignorance is the real enemy of mankind.” — Al-Ghazali

5. “The first step to knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.” — Al-Ghazali

6. “Whoever wishes to purify his heart must first guard his tongue.” — Al-Ghazali

7. “The disease of the heart is worse than the disease of the body.” — Al-Ghazali

8. “The best way to deal with your enemy is to make him your friend.” — Al-Ghazali

9. “Knowledge without action is wastefulness, and action without knowledge is foolishness.” — Al-Ghazali

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10. “The purpose of mortality is to teach you not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live.” — Al-Ghazali

Al-Ghazali Quotes About His Beliefs

These quotes speak to the beliefs of Al-Ghazali.

11. “The remedy for ignorance is seeking knowledge.” — Al-Ghazali

12. “Do not waste your time, for time is what life is made up of.” — Al-Ghazali

13. “The arm of knowledge is the understanding of the reality of things.” — Al-Ghazali

14. “One of the greatest diseases of the heart is to be pleased with one’s own opinion and to reject the truth.” — Al-Ghazali

15. “The ignorant person is one who does not know what he should know and knows what he should not know.” — Al-Ghazali

16. “True knowledge is not measured in the number of books you read, but in the way you apply it in your life.” — Al-Ghazali

17. “All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.” — Al-Ghazali

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Al-Ghazali Quotes About Religion

The following quotes from Al-Ghazali are about his religion.

18. “Do not despair of the mercy of God.” — Al-Ghazali

19. “The greatest worship is to be grateful.” — Al-Ghazali

20. “The greatest knowledge is the knowledge of God.” — Al-Ghazali

21. “The greatest of all calamities is forgetfulness of God.” — Al-Ghazali

22. “The happiness of the heart is in the remembrance of God.” — Al-Ghazali

23. “Do not be too hard on yourself, for the mercy of God is greater than your mistakes.” — Al-Ghazali

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24. “The ultimate happiness is to know the One who created us and to worship Him alone.” — Al-Ghazali

25. “The remembrance of God is like the rain, which nourishes the plants and enables them to grow.” — Al-Ghazali

What Led Al-Ghazali to Go Into Seclusion?

After Al-Ghazali took the position as the head of Nizamiyya University, he abandoned his career after a spiritual crisis and gave away all of his wealth.

He then spent time in Damascus and Jerusalem before he returned to live in isolation in Tus.

During that time, he searched to understand the word and traditions of Islam.

If you enjoyed our Al-Ghazali quotes, then you should check out these Imam Hussain quotes!

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