25 BoJack Horseman Quotes From the Hit Netflix Show That Illustrate The Human Condition

BoJack Horseman, an animated adult sitcom, follows the misadventures of an anthropomorphic horse named BoJack Horseman.

BoJack was the star of a 1990s sitcom who is desperate to reclaim his star status again.

He plans to release a ghostwritten autobiography.

This means he has to handle the dynamic between the ghostwriter and his agent.

The show also follows his relationships with his roommate and former rival.

It also details his struggles with depression and addiction, as you can see in these BoJack Horseman quotes.

Raphael Bob-Waksberg created the series which is set primarily in L.A. and features the voice talents of Will Arnett, Amy Sedaris, Alison Brie, Paul F. Tompkins, and Aaron Paul.

Cartoonist Lisa Hanawalt is the show’s designer.

She has been friends with Bob-Waksberg since high school and the pair worked together on the webcomic Tip Me Over, Pour Me Out.

The series premiered on Netflix on August 22, 2014, and ended on January 31, 2020, airing 77 episodes.

If you like adult animated series, then this is one you should watch.

Keep reading through these funny BoJack Horseman quotes for a good laugh.

Don’t forget to also check out Homer Simpson quotes that will make you laugh.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration. 

Explore our complete collection of motivational quotes here.

Sad BoJack Horseman quotes that show his struggle with depression

1. “There is no other side.” ― BoJack Horseman

2. “I need to go take a shower so I can’t tell if I’m crying or not.” ― BoJack Horseman

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3. “I can’t say no to people because I want everyone to like me.” ― BoJack Horseman

4. “He’s so stupid he doesn’t realize how miserable he should be. I envy that.” ― BoJack Horseman

5. “Yeah, I ate them all in one sitting because I have no self-control and I hate myself.” ― BoJack Horseman

6. “I spend a lot of time with the real me and believe me, nobody’s gonna love that guy.” ― BoJack Horseman

7. “I want to feel good about myself. The way you do. And I don’t know-how. I don’t know if I can.” ― BoJack Horseman

8. “I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast!” ― BoJack Horseman

9. “I’ve had a lot of what I thought were rock bottoms, only to discover another, rockier bottom underneath.” ― BoJack Horseman

10. “It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day—that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.” ― BoJack Horseman

11. “You know, sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak, and any goodness I started with just slowly spilled out of me, and now it’s all gone. And I’ll never get it back in me.” ― BoJack Horseman

12. “I don’t understand how people… live. It’s amazing to me that people wake up every morning and say: ‘Yeah, another day, let’s do it.’ How do people do it? I don’t know how.” ― BoJack Horseman

13. “Settle. Because otherwise you’re just gonna get older and harder, and more alone. And you’re gonna do everything you can to fill that hole, with friends, and your career, and meaningless sex, but the hole doesn’t get filled. One day, you’re gonna look around and you’re going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world.” ― BoJack Horseman

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Funny BoJack Horseman quotes

14. “Beer before liquor, don’t do heroin.” ― BoJack Horseman

15. “Your girlfriend has a stripper name.” ― BoJack Horseman

16. “Crack an egg on your head. Let the yolk drip down.” ―Mr. Peanutbutter

17. “Ow, crap. I hate this. Running is terrible. Everything is the worst.” ― BoJack Horseman

18. “Henrietta, don’t use a foreign language in front of the child, she’ll get ideas!” ― Beatrice Horseman

19. “I told you, I don’t know where it is. Don’t put things in my butt if you want them back.” ― Mr. Peanutbutter

20. “Man, I really regret buying those muffins and then eating them all on the drive home.” ― BoJack Horseman

21. “You’ve got a nice set of pipes. You’re like a Josh Groban who doesn’t also think he’s funny.” ― BoJack Horseman

22. “Also, are you wearing comfortable shoes? Because I feel like that was a long road to walk to get to that punchline.” ― BoJack Horseman

23. “Todd, your good-hearted naivety has once again conspired with outrageous happenstance to completely dick me over!” ― BoJack Horseman

24. “That woman can knock a drink back like a Kennedy at a wake for another Kennedy, but I’ll be damned if she doesn’t get shit done!” ― Princess Carolyn

25. “Goddammit, Honeydew? Jesus, why does Cantaloupe think every time it gets invited to a party it can bring along its dumb friend Honeydew? You don’t get a plus one Cantaloupe.” ― BoJack Horseman

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Which of these BoJack Horseman quotes is your favorite?

Why was BoJack Horseman canceled?

The show received mixed reviews when it first aired, but the subsequent seasons were critically acclaimed.

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GQ magazine listed the show as one of the best of the decade.

There doesn’t seem to be an obvious reason for the show’s cancelation, other than that it was Netflix’s decision to do so.

Creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg said that the studio gave him a heads up, which let him end the show in a way that was satisfying for him and the fans.

For an animated series, the show depicts a realistic take on depression, trauma, addiction, self-destructive behavior, racism, sexism, and sexuality.

For a show about a horse, they nail down the emotions and problems that make up the human condition.

They do such a good job that the show has won four Critics’ Choice Television Awards for Best Animated Series.

It has also been awarded three Annie Awards and two Writers Guild of America Awards.

It has been nominated for several others too!

If you are looking for your next show to stream, then give this one a shot.

It is a complete series that always makes me happy―no waiting!

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