25 Burning Bridges Quotes About Moving Forward

You might have been told to be careful not to burn your bridges before, but some of these burning bridges quotes point out why sometimes you have to do just that.

So, is burning bridges a good or a bad thing?

First off, let’s look at this from the literal sense of the metaphor.

There are two pieces of land separated by an impassable cavern.

The idea behind this saying is that if you burn the bridge down, there is no going back to the other side.

Now, the idea behind the metaphor is that you shouldn’t do things that make it completely impossible for you to return to another person or situation.

For instance, if you are moving and have to quit a job, you should give a two-week notice.

Someday in your life, you might end up back in your original town, and want/need that job back.

Basically, burning bridges is all about your inability to go back the way you came, which might be safe and comfortable.

However, this is exactly why some people think burning bridges is not a good thing but a necessary thing.

Don’t forget to also check out these bridge quotes to encourage you to make connections.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration. 

Check out our entire collection of motivational quotes here. 

Burning bridges quotes about moving on

1. “Burn the bridges that lead back to your old way of living.” — Unknown

Burning Bridges Quotes about returning back

2. “I demolish my bridges behind me―then there is no choice but to move forward.” — Fridtjof Nansen

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Burning Bridges Quotes about moving forward

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3. “It makes no difference if I burn my bridges behind me―I never retreat.” — Fiorello LaGuardia

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4. “Sometimes you need to burn bridges to stop yourself from crossing them again.” — Unknown

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5. “I will burn all bridges behind me and stake my entire future on my ability to get what I want.” — Cliff Townsend

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6. “I won’t just burn bridges anymore, I’ll destroy portals between worlds. You are not allowed near me if all you carry is toxicity.” — Erin Van Vuren

Burning Bridges Quotes about toxicity

7. “If the bridge to your past is burned behind you, then you have no choice but to travel the path into a successful future.” — John Di Lemme

Burning Bridges Quotes about successful future

8. “If you believe in destiny then you must believe that the bridge was burned so you can find a new way to go to find the destiny that you were meant to follow.” — Terry Perkins

Burning Bridges Quotes about destiny

9. “With every bridge that burns a new path is opened for the way your destiny is to be shaped.” — Terry Perkins

Burning Bridges Quotes about new paths

10. “Any bridge to the past that refuses to burn just gives the enemy an invitation and an entry point back into your life.” — Femi Olorunnisola

Burning Bridges Quotes about rejection of the past

Burning bridges quotes about why we shouldn’t

11. “Careful not to burn bridges, you just might need to cross back.” — Unknown

Burning Bridges Quotes about going back

12. “Never burn a bridge. Just shut it down for renovations for a while.” — Unknown

Burning Bridges Quotes about staying in contact

13. “Never burn bridges. If it’s a faulty bridge then close it off and let it fall on its own.” — Gregor Collins

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Burning Bridges Quotes about moving on

14. “I don’t burn bridges. I just fail to maintain them and let them structurally degrade over time.” — Unknown

Burning Bridges Quotes to teach you how to stop contact

15. “Don’t burn bridges. Keep your integrity. If you don’t get along, just keep your distance.” — Unknown

Burning Bridges Quotes about integrity

16. “I never wanted to set the world on fire. So I never had to burn any bridges behind me.” — Dinah Shore

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17. “Don’t burn bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.” — H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Burning Bridges Quotes about reaching back

18. “You never know when a relationship will come in handy, so be cautious about burning bridges.” — John Michael Morgan

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19. “I wish someone had told me about ‘burning bridges.’ I have burned loads of bridges in my life and I just had to move forward.” — Natalie Bandlow

Burning Bridges Quotes to help you move on

20. “Burning a bridge, for example, does not just impact the situation at hand. It can Impact opportunities you may never be aware of.” — Valorie Burton

Burning Bridges Quotes about opportunities

Burning bridges quotes from song lyrics

21. “Why’d we want to burn those bridges? Why’d we want to light such a flame?” — Daniel Smith Chauncey

Burning Bridges Quotes about staying in touch

22. “And we’re burning all the bridges now, watching it go up in flames, and then we’d build it up again.” — Casey Michael Laforet

Burning Bridges Quotes about re-connection

23. “And we’re burning all the bridges now, cause it was sink or swim and I went down, down, down.” — Casey Michael Laforet

Interesting Burning Bridges Quotes

24. “These bridges burning so fast, we can’t just stomp ’em out as if you know what I’m talking about.” — Christopher Bridges (Ludacris)

Burning Bridges Quotes and sayings

25. “I can feel a strong desire, a distant fire burning through the past.Deep inside my heart is yearning, a bridge is burning.” — Remy David Shand

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What did you learn from these burning bridges quotes?

Looking back at the land separated by bridges, it is easy to see how burning bridges could be good.

There are things that happen you might want to leave in the past and never return to.

Horrible things that make it a no-brainer to burn that bridge to the ground and never walk back.

However, there are also times when the things behind us are pleasant enough.

Safe and secure—not something you feel the need to run from.

This sense of safety can keep you from growing and exploring new things that could be infinitely better for you.

Maybe you crossed from your side of the bridge and were just brave enough to step on the other side, but not explore.

If the bridge is there, you could decide to go back.

But if it were to collapse behind you, then you would have no choice but to go forward.

What awaits you in the unknown land?

That is for you to discover!

Maybe, you don’t need to burn the bridge to have the courage to venture forth into the unknown.

However, it is easy to see how sometimes not having the option to go back the way you came could be a really good thing.

What’s your biggest takeaway from these burning bridges quotes and sayings?

Do you regret burning a bridge, or was it the best thing that ever happened to you?

Let us know in the comment section below.

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  1. Greg

    September 26, 2022 at 11:49 AM

    I failed to burn a bridge and it led to the most devastating decade of my life.
    Burn those bridges and rid yourself of the people holding you back.
    No-one ever achieved greatness by following average people. Leaders dont need a back door.

    • Danielle Dahl, Lead Contributor

      September 26, 2022 at 12:17 PM

      Thank you for commenting! ‘Burning bridges’ has a negative connotation because it strikes fear into us that we won’t be able to “go back” to somewhere we thought we were comfortable. However, the flip side of that is that we learn we are destined for more than comfortable, and burning bridges means that those holding you back won’t be able to cross back to you! Your comment may help remind others of this truth!

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