25 Chowder Quotes From the Animated Series From Cartoon Network

Fans of animated television series will enjoy these Chowder quotes.

The animated series is an adventure, fantasy comedy that was created by C.H. Greenblatt and starred the voices of Nicky Jones, Dwight Schultz, John DiMaggio, Tara Strong, and others.

Chowder ran for three seasons from 2007 through 2010 on the Cartoon Network for a total of 49 episodes that were each 22 minutes long.

Chowder was met with mostly positive reviews from critics, and the show appealed to children and adults.

Despite its popularity, Cartoon Network canceled Chowder after three seasons as they wanted to focus on shows for older boys.

The show’s plot follows a young cook named Chowder who works for Chef Mung Daal’s catering company.

Chowder is absent-minded and doesn’t care about anything, which leads to him regularly causing the company problems, but his enthusiasm is infectious.

Take a look at these Chowder quotes to learn more about the popular animated series.

Best Chowder Quotes from the Series

Here are some of the most popular lines from the character Chowder.

1. “Pepper spray? That sounds delicious!” — Chowder

2. “My butt saved us.” — Chowder

3. “Barking spiders! Where did those come from?” — Chowder

4. “I want to lift heavy stuff!” —- Chowder

5. “A garage sale, huh? Why would you want to sell a perfectly good garage?” — Chowder

6. “Oh, sorry. I saw the skeleton and thought you’d died.” — Chowder

7. “My imagination could never come up with something so hideous.” — Chowder

8. “I don’t want to be a boyfriend! Boyfriends have to do all kinds of weird stuff.” — Chowder

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9. “Okay, I brought cake. We can get married.” — Chowder

10. “My tummy must’ve digested the peppers. I can cook again!” — Chowder

11. “Hey, what’s this impossibly random poster that I see?” — Chowder

12. “Don’t cry; I wasn’t listening to Gorgonzola! I was just hanging around because he was giving me food.” — Chowder

13. “I just want to be able to express myself! If I still wanna be an Icelandic heavy metal groupie, or drink out of the toilet, or completely cover myself in peanut butter and roll around in my sheets, then I should be able to!” — Chowder

Chowder Quotes from the Other Characters

Enjoy a few lines from other characters in the series.

14. “I didn’t come to be crushed to death by you.” — Gorgonzola

15. “Chowder, nobody ever exploded having to go number 1.” — Mung Daal

16. “We have to nurse our baby back to health.” — Panini

17. “We gotta get rid of this kid’s thrice cream obsession.” — Mung Daal

18. “In your opinion, which would you think is better to bring on a blind date: chocolates or flowers?” — Sergeant Hoagie

19. “I knew it! You do love me!” — Panini

20. “Chowder, if you don’t march your butt to your room this minute, there will be no third dinner for you!” — Mung Daal

21. “I mean, love stinks.” — Mung Daal

22. “Chowder, look what you’ve done! Now the animators are gonna have to draw all this fire!” — Mung Daal

23. “Chowder, life is like food, and sometimes we bite off more life than we can chew.” — Mung Daal

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24. “Chocolate pudding, vanilla pudding, butterscotch, you are none of these! Tapioca pudding… this is you!” — Truffle

25. “It’s bad luck not to say the whole name. Now let me start over: Field Tournament Style Up and Down On The Ground Manja Flanja Blanja Banja Ishka Bibble Babble Flabble Doma Roma Floma Boma Jingle Jangle Every Angle Bricka Bracka Flacka Stacka Two Ton Rerun Free For All… Big Ball.” — Mung Daal

Does Chowder Ever Become a Great Chef?

At the end of the series, we see that Chowder is finally forced to grow up and become a real chef when Mung Daal retires, and Chowder is forced to choose his own apprentice.

Chowder also marries Panini, who had professed her love for him for many years, and they have many kids together.

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