25 Fun Date Ideas that Won’t Leave You Broke

There is nothing like spending time with your significant other but creating fun date ideas is not always easy.

Whether you’ve been together for 20 years or only two months, you probably know that going on a date can be expensive.

You want to do something special for that extraordinary person in your life – but you don’t want to break the bank to show them you care.

Don’t worry.

We have plenty of fun date ideas for you to enjoy some time with them and still have some money in your pocket.

Fun Date Ideas that cost almost no money

1. Hiking

Not only do you get to enjoy beautiful natural scenery with your significant other, but you also get some exercise.

More than likely, there are several hiking or nature trails near you.

The best part about hiking as a date is it is usually free or costs only $2 or $3 for parking fees.

Bring a sandwich and some chips; you have the perfect day for active couples.

2. Picnic

Speaking of packing sandwiches, who needs an expensive, fancy restaurant when you can pack your lunch and enjoy the bright sunshine?

Make some sandwiches, get his/her favorite food to go, or cook their favorite meal and put it in a basket.

Find a park or a nice place to sit down with a blanket and play music on your phone.

Voila, this is one of the fun date ideas that didn’t drain your savings.

3. Campfire

Making s’mores and telling stories aren’t just for boy scouts.

It can also be a cheap and intimate date idea as well.

Who says you can’t have a campfire in your backyard?

Even building it can be a fun part of the date.

4. Volunteer

While it isn’t the most common date idea, volunteering is easily one of the best.

Not only do you get to get to know your date, but you both give back to your community.

Sit down and decide which charity you want to volunteer at and sign-up.

It’s a win-win for everyone.

Fun date ideas that cost under $50

 5. Mini-Golf

You can never go wrong with a nice round of mini-golf.

If you’re looking for cheap, fun date ideas that just about everyone enjoys, mini-golf is the way to go.

About every town has a mini-golf course nearby.

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Each person can play for less than $10.

6. Bowling

Another classic cheap date idea is bowling.

Go to the closest bowling alley, rent the horrible-looking shoes, put a few bucks in the jukebox, and throw some bowling balls in the gutter.

You couldn’t ask for a better date idea.

Save a couple of extra bucks and go earlier.

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7. Festivals

There might be dozens of opportunities for free, fun date ideas right in your hometown.

More than likely, festivals or parades will happen in your city or nearby.

It could be an apple, peach, or other celebration.

fun date ideas festivals
Image credits to Luka Radikovic via Pexels.com

You and your date can enjoy homemade food, support your local economy, and only spend a couple of dollars.

Look online to find any festivals close to you.

8. Coffee Date

There is a Starbucks on every corner – but don’t automatically use the massive chain as your go-to venue.

Look for a unique local coffee shop that has its unique ambiance.

You’ll spend less than five dollars on each drink, and you can sit in the cozy coffee shop and enjoy each other’s company.

Fun date ideas that are about accomplishing things together

9. Cook a Meal Together

Sometimes the best part about dinner together is cooking the meal.

Go through your cookbook, Pinterest, or order a ready-to-cook meal kit and find a new recipe for you and your date to try together.

fun date ideas cook off
Image credits to Krzysztof Puszczyński via Tookapic.com

10. Ride a Bicycle

If there is a bicycle rental place, it’s a great way to get some exercise and is usually very cheap.

Take a ride downtown or through a nearby nature trail.

11. Fishing

Fishing is a nice and peaceful way to get out, enjoy nature, and have plenty of time to talk.

Go to your local fishing hole, cast a line, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.

To make things more interesting, make a bet that the person who catches the smaller fish has to buy lunch.

Fun date ideas involving movies and theater

12. Movie Marathon

Sure, you could go to the movie theater and spend $12 a ticket, $5 bucks or more on a drink, and another $10 on snacks.

Or you can plop down on your couch with a couple of your favorite movies.

13. Drive-In Movie

Travel back in time to enjoy the old pastime of going to a drive-in movie.

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Instead of $12 a person, you can pay $10 for your car.

Bring your snacks and drinks.

Recline your seat a little and enjoy a blockbuster hit from several months ago or even an old classic.

14. Local/Children’s Theatre

There is no better way to support your local arts programs than by going to a play at a high school or community theater.

Pay $5 and enjoy a play without paying the Broadway costs.

Fun date ideas involving games and activities

15. Board Games/Card Games

The days of sitting around the dining room table playing a board game or card game are long gone.

But that doesn’t mean it can’t be an amazing date idea.

Ask you’re significant other what their favorite board/card game is and surprise them with it.

It promises to be a night full of reliving their favorite memories.

16. Trivia Night

What better way to impress your significant other than with all of your useless trivia information?

Find a local restaurant that hosts trivia night.

You can win some money to pay for your food.

Even if you aren’t good at it, it’s still a fun night laughing at how wrong your answers were.

You can also do it at home.

17. Toss Around The Pigskin

Even if your date isn’t “athletic,” it’s still fun to go to a local sports complex or park and throw a Frisbee or football, kick a soccer ball, etc.

You don’t have to be a sports fanatic to enjoy the sunshine and toss around the Frisbee.

If nothing else, it’s fun to laugh at how bad you are.

Fun date ideas where you can stroll around

18. Thrift Store Shopping/ Antiques

Going to the mall is a great way to kill a couple of hours, but you can’t find 15-year-old VHS tapes at the mall.

Going to a thrift store or antique shop is much more interesting than going to mainstream stores.

You can find dozens of interesting things.

And besides, who doesn’t need a denim jacket from the 90s?

19. Farmer’s Market

You’ll need a nice side of fresh veggies for that meal you’re going to cook together.

Browse the local farmer’s market and see all the delicious produce for sale.

You’ll save money versus going to the store.

Plus, you’ll be helping the local farmers.

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20. Zoo/Aquarium

Going to the zoo probably isn’t something you’ve done since you were a kid.

But the zoo or aquarium is one of the great fun date ideas to try.

Going earlier in the day can save you money on admission prices.

Coupled with a pre-packed picnic, you can make a great afternoon date.

21. Local Sports

Going to a professional sports game can be expensive.


But there are plenty of options for sports junkies that won’t require you to take out a loan.

You can go to a minor league baseball game or the high school football game.

You get your sports to fix at a fraction of the price.

Here are a few more fun date ideas to consider

22. Local Museums

We could all learn something from our past or broaden our horizons.

Local museums are a great place to learn more about the history of your hometown.

You don’t even have to pay the admission prices of major museums.

This is one of the fun date ideas to try.

23. Lunch Dates–Instead of Dinner

Speaking of afternoon dates, earlier is better if you want to go out to eat.

Every restaurant has lower prices during the day when they are less busy.

Go on your romantic meal, but do it during the day.

You’ll save money but still enjoy delicious food.

24. Live Music—Local Band

Go to a local bar, coffee shop, amphitheater, or park, or find a music festival where a live band is playing.

Normally, you can get in for free.

Enjoy a couple of drinks and listen to local artists’ soothing (or not soothing?) sounds.

25. Tubing

Floating down a nice river is relaxing, cheap, and the perfect opportunity to connect or reconnect with your date.

You’ll be on the river for several hours, which means plenty of time to ask questions and get to know each other.

fun date ideas tubing
Image credits to Sebastian Voortman via Pexels.com

Fun Date Ideas Without Going Broke?

It’s Possible

Dates are fun.

Spending hundreds of dollars isn’t.

As you can see, there are plenty of different fun date ideas for under $20.

It isn’t about what you’re doing – it’s about who you’re with and forming a lasting relationship with that person.

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