7 Strategies On How To Set Goals And Finally Achieve Them

Strategies On How To Set Goals And Finally Achieve Them

Goal setting is definitely one of the most powerful tools available in your arsenal that you can utilize to achieve the best of life.

The problem is, most people don’t really know how to make full use of this tool to really make their goals come true.

In fact, a lot of people set goals, but they never really do much follow through and eventually fail to accomplish what they have set out to do.

It doesn’t matter if they are life goals, business goals, health goals, relationship goals, work goals or spiritual goals…there are strategies for goal setting.

If you are here now, don’t worry as you will discover the 7 strategies how to reach your goals more easily.

And below are the 7 strategies you can apply instantly…

1. Write Down Your Goals

If you want to really learn how to set goals, then you must never underestimate this technique.

When you put down your goals into writing, you are actually telling yourself that you are more committed to achieve it.

Most people will only think about what they want in their mind.

And the next minute they will forget about their goals.

Never let this happen to you.

If you are serious about achieving your goals, write them down.

If you have wrote them down, here’s the next thing you can do…

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2. Share with 3 People

Whether they are personal goals or professional goals, yes, you need to share your goals with other people so that you will actually make a public commitment to yourself.

So who should you share your goals with?

The best candidates for this are to choose 3 friends or family members whom you know will support you.

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Don’t share your goals with those who will sabotage you and tell you your goals are impossible.

Go for those who want you to be successful.

Choose the ones that will empower and give you encouragement.

You have to put yourself on the line so that you will be more committed about your goals.

If you keep your goals all to yourself and nobody knows about it, guess what, it is alright even if you did not acted on your goals and fail to achieve them.

Nobody knows anyway.

3. Read Out Your Goals Every Morning

Every morning the first thing you need to do before you go out for work is to read out your goals.

You can do this while you are still at home.

Do this consistently; do this every single day; and don’t miss a day for this.

You want to program your mind so that your goals are the primary focus of your life.

You want to make this a habit that you will constantly remind yourself about your goals, and hence, take action upon them.

Get seriously committed to this and do it every day.

This technique or programming your goals into your mind is free and it did not take much of your time.

A lot of people have done this and most of them are getting positive results from this.

If reading out your goals each morning can make you successful, just go ahead and do it.

4. Review Your Goals Each Week

At the end of each week, you need to review your goals and your results.

What have you accomplish and where you currently stand.

Without knowing your score, you will never know where would be.

And if you do not know where you are, it will be impossible for you to get there.

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Most people set their goals once and they never really review them anymore.


You have to review your goals at least once a week.

Find out whether the actions you did are getting you the result you want, else, just change your strategy and take action again.

Sometimes your strategy will just have to change as it is not producing you the results you want.

Bear in mind that I’m saying that you may change or improve your strategies, but never abandon your goals.

5. Take A Break

No matter how committed and energetic you are, you should take a break at least once a week.

You have to understand that this is not a sprint, but a marathon.

No one will run with the fastest speed and use all his stamina in a marathon.

You do not want to suffer burnout which will cause you breakdown and unable to compete again, unless your goals are super short-term with deadlines within hours or a few days.

Simply take a walk in the wood, schedule a whole day for reading, go for a short one-day trip, visit the museum, go for sports, spend quality time with your friends and family, etc.

Do something that has nothing to do with your goals that will relax your mind and your body.

6. Learn and Improve Consistently

If your goal is to become a professional tennis player, learn and improve how to do this consistently.

If your goal is to make money from the stock market, read books, attend seminars and get a coach on how to achieve it.

Depending on what are your goals, you have to learn and improve your skills, your knowledge and your ability so that you can reach your goals more easily.

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All the great leaders are voracious readers.

People read to improve and to learn from others.

There are books and information available out there to help you achieve what you want in life.

If you want to lose weight, there are courses and books to help you.

If you want to build a 7 figure business, there are workshops, seminars and also a ton of books and courses can help.

My suggestion is to read at least a book related to your field per month.

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7. Act On Your Goal

The secret to achieving anything you want in life is this, take action.

If you are not doing anything, how would you be able to get the results you want?

If you want to win the lottery, you must take action, go and buy the lotteries in the first place.

Without doing anything about your goals, you will never get anywhere.

Thinking about living a great life and achieving all the things you want is just the first step.

Everything happens twice in the world, once in your mind, and once in the physical world.

When you think about your goals, you are manifesting them in your mind.

You are doing the inner work.

However, what about the outer work?

You have to work on your goals to materialize them.

Action is the bridge that will connect your inner world to your outer world.

So take action today, tomorrow and always.

Do something to make your goals and your dreams a reality, now.

These are the 7 strategies how to achieve your goals more effectively.

Remember, you have to write down your goals, share with others to make public commitment, read your goals and review them, and finally, take action upon them.

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1 Comment
  1. arsla ahsan

    September 9, 2019 at 12:24 AM

    There is a fabulous art of conveying about setting goals so I’m happy to say that it is so beautiful as well.

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