25 Louis Zamperini Quotes to Overcome Any Challenge

Louis Zamperini’s quotes are truly inspiring, giving you a reason to seek motivation.

This is why we compiled this list of quotes for you.

We have also shown some light on the life and achievements of Louis Zamperini.

So, without any further ado, let’s dive in!

Who was Louis Silvie Zamperini

Louis Silvie Zamperini was a multidimensional personality.

He was a famous Olympic athlete, an American World War II veteran, and an inspirational speaker. 

He was born in Olean, New York, on January 26, 1917.

Zamperini’s father was an Italian immigrant. 

On July 2, 2014, Zamperini passed away at the age of 97.

He left a legacy that continues to inspire and motivate people around the globe.

Zamperini as a Sportsman

After his family shifted to California, Zamperini became passionate about running.

Initially, he gained popularity as one of the fastest high school athletes.

Zamperini started his Olympic journey in 1936. 

These Olympics were held in Berlin, where he took part in a 5000-meter race and stood eighth. 

Later on, he was enrolled at the University of Southern California.

He continued his career as a runner and set various records.

He was also known as “Torrance Tornado.”

Here are some of his noteworthy records as a runner:

  • NCAA record for the mile
  • Fastest mile run on a U.S. Army base
  • National Collegiate mile record (Lasted for 15 years)

Joining US Army 

Zamperini joined the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1941. 

He was trained as a bombardier and took part in various missions, including the “Pacific Theater.” 

During this particular mission, the plane carrying Zamperini crashed into the ocean.

Zamperini and two other crew members survived the harsh climate for 47 days on a life raft. 

However, after being arrested by the Japanese, they were sent to a Prisoner-of-War Camp. 

While in the camp, Zamperini faced brutal treatment and unexplainable hardships for more than two years.

As a Motivational Speaker 

Zamperini courageously faced the hardships and horrific conditions of the Prisoner-of-War Camp.

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He wasn’t ready to give up hope.

During his stay at the camp, he continued to inspire the other prisoners with his positive behavior. 

This was the time when Zamperini discovered his talent as a motivational speaker.

After the war, he returned to the United States and started pursuing a career as a motivational speaker.

He used to share his story of resilience with the audience.

Soon he became a popular motivational speaker.

Publication of a Book on Zamperini’s Life

The remarkable life of Zamperini was depicted in the book named “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption”.

Published in 2010, this book was written by Laura Hillenbrand.

Soon after its release, it turned out to be the best-selling book of the year. 

You will also enjoy our article on Olympic quotes.

Top 5 Louis Zamperini Quotes

These are the best Louis Zamperini quotes from our compilation.

1. “Unbroken was published as a help to society.” — Louis Zamperini

2. “When you’re on a raft, you pray like in a foxhole.” — Louis Zamperini

3. “Every soldier should learn survival on the land, sea, and in the air.” — Louis Zamperini

4. “That’s one thing you learn in sports. You don’t give up; you fight to the finish.” — Louis Zamperini

5. “I was a rotten kid. My excitement came from seeing what I could get away with.” — Louis Zamperini 

Louis Zamperini Quotes that are Inspiring

These Louis Zamperini quotes are full of inspiration, so you will be going to get something beneficial for your life.

6. “If you can take it, you can make it.” Louis Zamperini

7. “Isn’t one minute of pain worth a lifetime of glory?” Louis Zamperini

8. “The mind is a crucial line of defense against adversity.” ― Louis Zamperini 

9. “As the Bible says, a smooth sea never made a good sailor. I believe that to this day.” Louis Zamperini

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10. “Hope is incomplete and ongoing. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and is complete.” ― Louis Zamperini

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Louis Zamperini Quotes with Lessons

Learn from the wisdom and courage of Louis Zamperini, a war hero who endured unimaginable hardships and never gave up.

11. “When there’s no further hope, men always look up.” ― Louis Zamperini 

12. “You should make your life count right up to the last minute.” Louis Zamperini 

13. “If you cling to the axe you’re grinding, eventually you’ll only hurt yourself.” ― Louis Zamperini

14. “Positive self-esteem must be preceded by self-respect. To get self-respect you have to do something good.” ― Louis Zamperini

15. “What I’ve learned is that the more you help people, the longer you live. The good feelings are a healing process.” ― Louis Zamperini

Louis Zamperini Quotes About Self Actualization

Here are the Louis Zamperini quotes related to self-actualization and reality check.

16. “To whom much has been given, much is expected.” Louis Zamperini

17. “I just knew that no matter how bad the pain, I had to keep going.” Louis Zamperini

18. “For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” Louis Zamperini

19. “If you give everything and you lose, so what? It’s not going to put you in your grave. I walked away knowing I could handle defeat gracefully, and I had more self-esteem from that than from winning the race.” Louis Zamperini 

20. “Before, as much as the hate poisoned me, I think it gave me a kind of satisfaction. I believed hating was the same as getting even, but those I hated didn’t even know my feelings. All I did was destroy myself with my hate.” Louis Zamperini

More Louis Zamperini Quotes

These are some more Louis Zamperini quotes for your reading pleasure.     

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21. “I knew then that I would not turn back. I’d struggled to come this far, and I would commit myself to whatever happened next.” Louis Zamperini 

22. “All I knew was that hate was as deadly as any poison and did no one any good. You had to control and eliminate it if you could.”Louis Zamperini

23. “The one who forgives never brings up the past to that person’s face. When you forgive, it’s like it never happened. True forgiveness is complete and total.” Louis Zamperini

24. “I decided then that while I’d continue telling my story to whoever would listen. Rather than preach I’d just plant the seed, live an impeccable life so people could see the difference in me, and let God grant the increase. It was all in His hands now—as it had always been.” Louis Zamperini

25. “One day, I knew the war would be over, but I wondered how long the remains of war would last in them and in me even after the bombs had stopped falling and the guns were silent. What I feared most was that my generation would teach the hatred and resentment I was learning at the hands of the Japanese to our own children, and the cycle of disaffection and violence would never stop.”Louis Zamperini  

Which of these Louis Zamperini Quotes is your Favorite? 

After going through our list of Louis Zamperini quotes, you can easily find a quote that inspires you the most.

All these quotes are listed under their respective section, allowing you to browse through the collection easily.

Besides, these quotes are motivational, making them suitable for sharing via social media platforms.

If you have found your favorite quote, share it with us via the comments section.

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