5 Steps to Manage Your Emotions to Find Inner Peace

The overwhelming noise inside our minds leads to a fury of emotions that can be difficult to manage.

It can sometimes bring us down and keep us from finding true happiness.

“You’re not trying hard enough.”

“That was an embarrassing thing to say.”

“I can’t be happy until I have X.”

Negative self-talk can creep up when you least expect it, and the damage it can cause to your emotional well-being can take years to erase.

Managing your inner emotions is the key to finding lasting inner peace and boundless happiness; all you need to do is believe in your ability to be happy.

“Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.”

Paramahansa Yogananda

My advice for managing your emotions is to take the following five steps.

1. Practice Deep Breathing

“Happiness breathes when you do.” -Terri Guillemets

There’s a reason a rejuvenating yoga practice always includes a lot of deep breathing.

Large inhalations and long, slow, complete exhalations help calm the mind and increase joy.

Try sitting quietly in a soothing location when you’re feeling less than your best.

Just bask in the rhythm of your breath.

Did you know deep breathing is a natural painkiller?

It releases endorphins, similar to brisk exercise, and helps to promote good blood flow.

Taking slow, steady, and intentional deep breaths benefits your body and mind; a five-minute session counting your breaths helps you take a step back and review any current challenges with wisdom and grace instead of being a hothead.

2. Find Your Inner Power

“The world within you is of greater consequence than the world around you.” -Matshona Dhliwayo

Rather than allowing the pieces of life to fall into place where they may, you grasp control of your life and turn it into the one you want to lead.

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This begins with finding the power within to accomplish what you put your mind to.

Your inner power is the essence of who you are.

Harnessing this strength can help you overcome negative thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns.

There are many times in life when we could allow the opinions of others and the expectations of society to define us.

Whether it’s pressure to go to the right college, get married, or find a fulfilling career, having a strong inner power and sense of self can help you make the right decisions and not be influenced by others.

Called “I Can Do It” power, you find that the inner power you find is your closest friend who can reassure you and comfort you.

It will also give you the strength to enter the world like a force of nature.

3. Focus on Self-Love: Be Your Own Cheerleader

“Love yourself first to fill your heart with bliss. Now give it away with humility, love and gratitude.” -Debasish Mridha

People talk a lot about self-love, but very few ever define it.

“You need to love yourself more.”

“Love yourself to truly be loved back.”

Simply put, self-love is the love you feel for who you are.

It is not love you get from another person or love you feel for another person.

Self-love is not a mother’s love or a lover’s love.

It can only come from deep inside you.

Self-love can seem elusive, but you know it when you feel it.

It’s a deep appreciation for the unique quirks that make you, you. 

Strength in your sense of self will help you manage your emotions and find happiness.

To find the mental power needed to always be betting on yourself, it’s important to go with your gut feelings and listen to your inner cues.

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You are your own best cheerleader.

Putting yourself first is not selfish or mean; it’s necessary for approaching the world with a calm, clear head and the confidence you need to tackle the stresses of life.

To find this for yourself, I strongly encourage keeping a journal listing wins, successes, and things you are proud of.

Looking back on these memories can keep your self-worth in mind.

4. Practice Gratitude: Motivate Yourself to Be Happy

“Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality.” -Alfred Painter

As human beings, we constantly need motivation.

Motivating yourself to work out, eat healthily, or drive your regular commute to work is hard.

Life challenges present themselves like clockwork, and one uncomplicated way to find the energy to conquer them is through the day-to-day practice of gratitude.

Daily gratitude, the #1 tool in your happiness toolkit, will help you manage tough emotions and find inner peace.

As Richard Carlson says, “Demonstrate gratitude for the simple things in life…[Show] that you are a person who is truly grateful for the simple, good things in life: a sunset, rain, insects, birds, children laughing, or a kind gesture… Appreciative people are happy; they see the beauty in life while others miss it.”

How often do you say thank you on a day-to-day basis?

Whether it’s a simple, “Thank you” to the checkout clerk in the grocery store, a thank you to your children for cleaning up their toys, or a thank you to your spouse for being a loving and supportive partner, gratitude can make all the difference in the way you view the world.

When you are continually grateful, you see each day as a gift waiting to be unwrapped and find it easy to be happy about the little things in life.

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5. Forgive Easily: Why Holding Grudges Makes Us Unhappy

“Unconditional forgiveness is the path to your own inner peace.” -Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Why do we hold grudges in the first place?

It is not always easy to forget when people hurt or wrong us.

The pain of past scars can reopen and remind us of the intense hurts we’ve had to endure.

Holding onto blame for what has happened to us is human nature; forgiveness sets us apart and allows us to break free from the prison of emotions we’re trapped in.

Holding a grudge against someone may feel you’re getting revenge for what they’ve done to you.

However, thinking about the past and hating someone means giving them a constant presence in your thoughts.

Giving them the chance to drain your energy reserves constantly.

This is no way to foster inner peace.

A lifelong process, forgiveness doesn’t mean we have to forget what happened to us, but we can rise above it.

We have the power to release ourselves from pain and suffering.

Instead of looking for instant results and relief, accept that forgiveness is like a dull ache that will fade over time, a scar you will learn to live with.

You might also like these spiritual quotes about inner peace and love.

There are many ways to release yourself from negative emotions and calm the fears within; we just need to trust that we are worthy of happiness and deserve to live each day with appreciation, love, and light.

I know you are strong enough to choose positivity, and I encourage you to be your best self.

If you forget you are powerful enough to invoke this change, remember Sydney J. Harris once said, “Happiness is a direction, not a place.”

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  1. Doris

    May 9, 2019 at 12:12 PM

    [email protected]
    What I have read is all well and good, but I am a constant worrier (always have been since a child) I am now in my 70’s. My mind is constantly racing and I can’t seem to stop it. I have a hard time dealing with sickness and with death and this is having a very negative affect on me. I don’t know if I can change at my age.

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