15 Mental Health Advocacy Accounts to Follow on Facebook

Facebook is a great tool for staying connected with friends and family.

It can also be a nice distraction where we find funny memes, read the news (from reputable news sources), and even find books to read or games to play.

However, it does have the potential to be so much more!

Following these 15 mental health accounts can help educate and inspire you.

Since this is Facebook, you can share the knowledge with someone else on your feed who might need it.

Don’t forget to check out these Facebook accounts you will want to follow today.

Leading Mental Health Nonprofit organizations

1. Mental Health America – MHA is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit mental health organization.

They are dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness.

Their cause is to promote ways to improve the overall mental health of all Americans.

This is the page for you if you are looking for education and inspiration.

They even have information about fundraisers and community events if you are looking for a way to help!

2. National Alliance on Mental Illness – NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization.

They are dedicated to improving the lives of the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

NAMI works with local affiliates, state organizations, and volunteers within individual communities to raise awareness, provide support for, and educate people.

Their Facebook page is a source of awareness and education about the different aspects of mental illness.

You can read articles and interviews about mental illness.

Once a week, they post inspirational quotes and photos to remind people that they are not alone.

3. Real Warriors – The Real Warriors Campaign is a public awareness campaign sponsored by the Psychological Health Center of Excellence.

They aim to support the promotion of psychological health, reduce the stigma of psychological health concerns and encourage help-seeking behaviors for service members, veterans, and their families.

Their Facebook page contains informational content for veterans suffering from mental health issues.

This includes everything from improving sleep habits to building stronger relationships.

The page also shares inspirational pictures and videos of veterans reuniting with their families!

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Related: Mental Health

Mental health awareness pages aimed at depression

4. The You Rock Foundation – Founded by Joseph Penola, The You Rock Foundation uses music to connect to those suffering from depression.

You can watch interviews where artists and musicians from popular bands share their stories of mental illness.

These powerful videos and interviews convey a critical message: You are not alone in your pain.

Music has been known to provide solace for many, and this page reminds everyone that there is help, community, and a way forward.

5. Depression Army – Depression Army is a global community that builds connections, fosters productive dialogues, and breaks the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Depression Army’s Facebook page is filled with positive voices from diverse backgrounds.

They share quotes about depression and seek video submissions that speak to people’s various life experiences with Depression.

Their page reminds followers, “We are your neighbors, your doctors, your family, your teachers, your friends.

We are rich, we are poor.

Some of us have been directly affected by depression, others of us have helped a loved one through it.”

6. Depression on The Mighty – “The Mighty” is an online resource where people share stories of living with disability, disease, and mental illness.

On Facebook, there are different pages for different diagnoses from “The Mighty.”

Their Facebook page dedicated to Depression is active, educational, and conversational.

The video banner will help you discover the tone of the page as it educates about the difference between depression and sadness.

Give this page a follow if it resonates with you.

Mental Health Pages that are meant to be fun

7. Waves of Wellness – This fun Facebook page promotes mental health awareness and positive attitudes surrounding mental health.

Its goal is to encourage social inclusion for individuals with mental illness while promoting positive messages regarding mental health.

This page uses pictures, drawings, and inspirational quotes to engage people in talking positively about mental health.

You will get fun drawings to help inspire you every day.

The page is also a good place to come for tips and conversations with others!

8. Depression Memes – All the memes on this page are based on depression.

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While Depression is not funny, these memes kind of are!

They are easy to relate to, and even spot yourself or a loved one in them.

Some of them are a little more serious and won’t make you laugh, but go ahead and giggle at the ones that do!

We could all use a little more laughter.

9. Screw Depression – This is a personal blog belonging to “EAimee.”

Her Facebook page is a blog detailing her experiences with mental illness and recovery.

Her page is a bit different because she uses adult language, sarcasm, brutal honesty, and other dry humor to get her point across.

She shares memes, personal stories, and videos, all of which offer an unapologetically unique voice trying to destigmatize mental health issues.

Mental Health Pages for sharing your stories

10. Mental Health Awareness Life – This inspiring Facebook page is run by volunteers.

This group also focuses on speaking positively about mental health awareness, well-being, illness, inspiration, education, and support.

They recognize how important everyone’s mental health is, not just those with a mental illness or trauma.

The quotes, tips, skills, techniques, and information about mental health can help improve everyone’s life by encouraging people to join in on the conversations.

This page is meant to be a safe place, so there are some strict rules about what you can post.

11. Stigma Fighters – Stigma Fighters’ goal is to combat stereotypes and labels applied to those who live with mental illness.

Author Sarah Fader, who has panic disorder, created the page as a place to share first-person accounts.

This gives a voice to stories we wouldn’t normally hear, especially in a raw and vulnerable format.

12. This Is My Brave – Story-sharing is a common theme in mental health because it helps keep people connected.

It can also help validate people and encourage them to seek help.

Jennifer Marshall, the site’s founder, brings live story-telling events to cities across the U.S.

Through poetry, essays, and original music, performers can impart their stories to others who might also be struggling.

Marshall points out, “One day, we will live in a world where we won’t have to call it ‘brave’ when talking about mental illness.

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We’ll just call it talking.”

Mental Health Pages that are full of resources

13. Mental Health Food – This educational resource stresses the importance of eating whole, natural food.

The right food can help optimize our mental health, while unhealthy foods can add to problems with our minds.

They point out that feeding our brains for good mental health should be considered the same as feeding our bodies for physical health.

This page aims to help fix those deficiencies that studies have shown cause depression and anxiety.

This page does not just have resources, but it also has some awesome recipes to try out!

There are tons of testimonials about how changing their diet has affected their mental health, too!

14. HeadsUpGuys – This page was created in partnership with Movember Foundation.

It is also based at The University of British Columbia, Canada.

HeadUpGuys is where men are encouraged to seek professional help, support from one another, and education.

Even if you are not male, you might still want to follow the page, as you can share information or maybe even better understand the men in your life.

There are many depression-related personal stories and links to articles online.

15. Mental Health and Invisible Illness Resources – The mission of this page is “To spread awareness, find support, educate and provide information on mental health, and invisible illnesses/disabilities.”

Some of their goals include uniting everybody in the fight against mental health stigma through awareness.

There are also resources for finding help in your community.

Which of these mental health advocacy accounts will you follow?

Hopefully, you were able to find some meaningful information on these pages.

We can all better care for ourselves by understanding more about mental health, mental health disorders, and other invisible illnesses.

If we share some of this information the way we share videos and pictures, just think how many lives we might change.

Do you have some other favorite mental health accounts you follow?

Share the links in the comment section below.

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