25 Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes From the Talented Musician

Christian music fans will love these Morgan Harper Nichols quotes from the talented musician.

Morgan Harper Nichols is a Christian musician, songwriter, artist, and social media influencer.

Nichols shares her work across multiple platforms, including through her app Storyteller.

When she was growing up, her parents started Kingdom City Church in Stone Mountain, GA.

Nichols and her sister were homeschooled, which allowed her to excel and begin attending Point University at age sixteen.

She then began singing at local coffee shops before she graduated and became an admissions counselor for a few years.

In 2015 Nichols released her first solo album, and in 2017 released her first book titled Storyteller, before starting her podcast and app in 2019.

Take a look at these Morgan Harper Nichols quotes to learn more about the talented artist.

You will also enjoy our article on music quotes.

Best Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes

Enjoy these wise and peaceful words from the talented woman.

1. “You are free to forgive, and you are also free to heal.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

2. “Don’t give up on Love. Love has not given up on you.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

3. “Step into the unknown and learn as you go.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

4. “But no matter who stays or who walked away, remember all the things they taught you.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

5. “You are still not as lost as you think you are; you are here, for a reason, to make the most of it.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

6. “You are worthy of love no matter how anyone else has made you feel.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

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7. “You have not seen all there is to see, and that, my friend, is a beautiful thing.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

8. “Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

9. “The same morning light that shines on the most beautiful places on earth is shining on you, too.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

10. “I hope you find the peace you need in moments unhurried, where you are reminded it’s alright to embrace the quieter days of your life.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

Inspirational Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes

Find encouragement and inspiration in the following quotes.

11. “Hold tight to hope, amidst all unanswered questions, for even in uncertainty, there is strength to be found.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

12. “Keep planting, sowing, living and knowing that beautiful things take time…and that’s okay.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

13. “What if all the imperfections and the flaws were only part of your story — not the sum of who you are?” — Morgan Harper Nichols

14. “You may not have chosen your surroundings, but you can choose to find life in them.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

15. “And the thing about blooming is, nothing about the process is easy.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

16. “Even though you have learned the skill of running on empty, now is the time to learn the art of breathing deep all over again.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

17. “Living in the moment is learning how to live between the big moments. It is learning how to make the most of the in-betweens and having the audacity to make those moments just as exciting.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

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18. “You do not have to live afraid. You do not have to live with the lie that things will always be this way.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

19. “When you find yourself falling into the pit of anxiety, remember the ladder of hope that reminds you there is no reason to be afraid.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

20. “In a world that often seems too crowded or busy to notice beautiful things or make meaningful connections, there is still room for each of us to grow in the ways we were meant to.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes About God

These quotes from the author and singer share about God’s Love and goodness.

21. “Not everyone believes in her, and not everyone supports her. But her God goes with her, and that’s what sustains her.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

22. “When you are struggling to see your worth, remember you are planted here on this earth, and even in your slower seasons, your presence matters in the greater landscape.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

23. “When you know you are loved and seen by God, you live a different life. You no longer need attention or affection from others to feel satisfied.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

24. “And the beautiful thing about God is this: even though we cannot fully comprehend His love, His love fully comprehends us.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

25. “You were made for more than satisfying the eyes and momentary affections of those passing by. Your Maker has set a glorious depth in you, filled with purpose, intentions, grace, and truth.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

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What is Morgan Harper Nichols’ Personal Life Like?

She was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1990, grew up near Atlanta, Georgia, and now lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with her husband, Patrick Kekoa Nichols, and their son Jacob.

Nichols has her studio and shop located in Phoenix and runs them alongside her husband.

She also likes spending time with her son and nature while also serving as the Vice-President of the board of directors of a non-profit.

Please share these Morgan Harper Nichols quotes with your friends and family and share which quotes inspired you the most in the comments.

Also, check out our Mitski quotes about the influential singer-songwriter.

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