20 Private Life Quotes For Movie Fans

Fans of comedy dramas will love these Private Life quotes!

Private Life was released in 2018 as a comedy-drama about a middle-aged couple desperate to have their own child.

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What are the benefits of reading these Private Life quotes?

Tamara Jenkins wrote and directed the movie.

Anthony Bregman, Stefanie Azpiazu, and Tamara Jenkins produced it.

Private Life stars Paul Giamatti, Kathryn Hahn, and a collection of other talented actors.

The movie premiered at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival and was released on Netflix later that year.

When middle-aged couple Richard and Rachel realize that their time to have a child of their own is running out, they explore all possibilities.

After failed attempts at artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, they make a last attempt by getting a donor egg from their niece.

We can learn several lessons from Private Life, including:

  • what infertility and IVF really look like
  • you can cope with whatever you are going through in whatever way works for you
  • how important your friends and support system are

Take a look at the Private Life quotes to learn more about the movie.

The Best Private Life Quotes From the Movie!

Check out some of the best quotes from the movie!

1. “Marty’s an idiot.”  Richard

2. “We’re like an ad for assholes.”  Sadie

3. “Having a baby is an immoral act.”  Rachel

4. “Your husband didn’t have any sperm.”  Doctor

5. “Alright, let’s get pregnant, shall we?”  Dr. Dordick

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6. “Actually, we wanted to ask you about your eggs.”  Richard

7. “Maybe you have a lower pain threshold than most people.”  Richard

8. “Scrambled is good, but however you guys do them is fine with me.”  Sadie

9. “I took a media and consumer society course. It was pretty life-altering.”  Sadie

10. “I thought they were done with all that, and they were trying to adopt.”  Cynthia

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Private Life Quotes That Give You Insight Into the Movie

Check out these quotes that do a good job of summing up the movie’s main points.

11. “They’re not in a position to take care of anyone but themselves right now.”  Cynthia

12. “But, if the pipe gets clogged, you don’t get Mountain Dew. You just get seltzer.”  Dr. Dordick

13. “I’m not failing, Mom. I did a lot of good work at the beginning of the semester that I’m really proud of.”  Sadie

14. “You guys are authentic and real; you’ve just been co-opted by cultural mechanisms that create desirability.”  Sadie

15. “Look, I get my period every month, and I flush an egg down the toilet. Why not give some to Richard and Rachel?”  Sadie

16. “Don’t be depressed, Rich. Based on everything that I told him, he’s confident that you’ve got sperm in there.”  Dr. Dordick

17. “What could be more meaningful than me giving two people that I love who are desperate to start a family the gift of life?”  Sadie

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18. “I know you’re technically just my step-uncle and aunt, but I feel closer to you guys than everyone else in the family. You guys get it.”  Sadie

19. “She did IVF to get her kids, and her doctors told her she shouldn’t even bother. Her chances were like one percent or something.”  Caroline

20. “It’s like she doesn’t even have a body anymore; she’s just drowning inside all this fabric and erased all sexuality from her being. It’s like she’s been spayed.”  Sadie

Do Richard and Rachel Finally Become Pregnant?

Unfortunately, Richard and Rachel’s attempt with the egg donor fails like their previous attempts.

Their marriage had been suffering, and they had grown apart.

With this last attempt completed, they are relieved to be done trying.

The movie’s end shows that Richard and Rachel are closer than ever and are exploring the possibility of adoption.

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