50 Rainbow Bridge Quotes for Pet Lovers

Finding heart-felt Rainbow Bridge quotes takes time and effort.

However, we have done the hard part by creating a collection of such quotes.

In addition, we have also discussed the Rainbow Bridge poem.

If interested, please continue reading! 

A Brief Introduction to Rainbow Bridge 

The bond between people and their pets is simply indescribable. 

These furry creatures offer immense love, joy, and companionship.

However, the grief of losing a pet also proves to be heartbreaking.

A mythical term offers a soothing effect in this time of sorrow and grief.

Here, we are talking about the “Rainbow Bridge.”

It is a beautiful and heart-touching metaphorical place that is believed to be created for pets who have left this world.

This term originated from a veterinarian named Paul C. Dahm.

He used the term “Rainbow Bridge” in his poem.

Paul wrote this poem to console grieving people who have lost their pets. 

With time, this poem gained massive popularity.

Now it is considered a symbol of comfort and hope for grieving pet owners.

According to this poem, the deceased pets will find eternal peace and happiness after crossing the rainbow bridge.

Meaning and Symbolism

The Rainbow Bridge portrays a picturesque scene involving a pet’s transition from life on earth to eternal life.

It symbolizes a place filled with vibrant colors, beautiful landscapes, and unmatched serenity.

The Rainbow Bridge is referred to as a connection between Earth and Heaven.

Here, the pets are waiting for their owners to come and live with them.

Life of a Pet after Crossing the Bridge

The process of crossing the Rainbow Bridge is also explained in the poem. 

After meeting death, the pets start their journey toward eternal life.

This is the moment when they regain all their health, strength, and vitality.

In other words, they leave behind their pains and sufferings back on earth. 

After crossing the rainbow bridge, the recently deceased pets are welcomed with warmth and affection.

They are well received by the pets already on the bridge’s other side.

These pets live together and enjoy the best possible time with an abundance of things like:

  • Water
  • Food
  • Comfort
  • Love
  • Warmth

The Concept of Reunion

The most heart-touching aspect of the Rainbow Bridge is the reunion. 

According to this poem, all pet owners will reunite with their deceased pets once they have departed from the world.

In other words, the pets are eager to greet their masters. 

This concept helps to soothe grieving pet owners.

Top 10 Rainbow Bridge Quotes

Here are the top 10 rainbow bridge quotes to honor the profound bond between humans and their beloved animal companions.

1. “Death ends a life, not a relationship.” — Jack Lemmon

2. “Time spent with a cat is never wasted.” Sigmund Freud

3. “When a dog dies, he leaves his heart on the floor.” Mark Twain

4. “Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.” — Elaine Everest

5. “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.” Charles Dickens

6. “All the love you ever gave is waiting for you there at Rainbow Bridge.” — Kate McGahan

7. “The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be.” — Konrad Lorenz

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8. “As my gift to you before I had to depart, I left my paw prints in your heart.” — Laurie Hulen

9. “If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.” Will Rogers

10. “The way to cat heaven is a field of sweet grass where crickets and butterflies play.” — Cynthia Rylant

Rainbow Bridge Quotes about Dogs

These dog rainbow bridge quotes are meant to help mend the broken hearts of those who have just lost their beloved pet dog.

11. “Man is truly blessed when a dog’s beautiful spirit has touched his life and heart.” — Cathy Asunma

12. “I am beyond comprehension how one little dog can be so missed, as well as cause us such heartbreak!” — Mary Vaughn

13. “You were more than a dog. You’re family. Your time came too soon. You were the light— My best friend.” — Robin Kashuba

14. “When you lose a dog or cat, you lose love, plain and simple. Love is hard to come by in our world, and love you get every day, no strings attached, is precious.” — Jon Katz

15. “When you love a dog, the love never dies. Looking at old photographs of our beloved dogs makes us happy and reminds us of the happy memories we shared with them once.” — Pallavi Kakoti-McHugh

16. “I miss you every day since you crossed the rainbow bridge, but I know you’re up there having the time of your life. Thank you for making me love dogs as much as I do.” — Annie Carlisle

17. “Looking back, I realize that the simple acts of kindness I might perform were the real small miracles. This is one of the single most important tricks my dog taught me.” — Carlo De Vito

18. “Dogs die. But dogs live, too. Right up until they die, they live. They live brave, beautiful lives. They protect their families. And love us. And make our lives a little brighter. And they don’t waste time being afraid of tomorrow.” — Dan Gemeinhart

19. “For many people, the love or the loss of an animal often becomes a gateway into a deeper spiritual journey. The most pragmatic of men will begin to question the fundamental nature of being when he is visited by an apparition of his deceased cat or dog companion.” — Elizabeth Eiler

20. “There is a Rainbow Bridge. It is like dog heaven. We run and play and never get fat. The sun is always warm but not hot, the water is fresh and cold, and we get just to be dogs. We all take turns waiting. The bridge is a beautiful wooden structure that crosses from dog land to the other side when our owners come.” — Jennifer Probst

Rainbow Bridge Quotes About Pets

These heartfelt quotes remind us that our furry friends may be gone, but they will forever hold a special place in our hearts and always be remembered.

21. “A pet is never truly forgotten until it is no longer remembered.” — Lacie Petitto

22. “When you start over the Rainbow Bridge, look back at us. We are looking at you. We will see you again.” — Laurie Thornberry

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23. “I love you, darling, more than all… The rainbows in the sky… Because you are the rainbow that… Will never say good-bye.” — James J. Metcalfe

24. “When the time comes to say goodbye to your pet, whisper to yourself, ‘Thank you. I let you go, and I celebrate your time with us.’” — Jon Katz

25. “Let’s go to the purple mountains and to the valley beyond in which you have your home, and hopefully, we’ll see plenty of rainbows.” — Henrik Barkley de Pearson

26. “You made me better. You helped me to love. You gave me so much joy. I will forever cherish in my heart the years we had here together.” — Joseph J. Mazzella

27. “I really hope that the “Rainbow Bridge” really exists so sooner or later I will meet you. Be sure! And we will play together once again…… I promise you!” — Mattia Lattanzi Giacomo Pedroni

28. “We are our pet’s Heaven, and just because their physical body is no longer alive, it doesn’t mean their soul loves us any less. We are loved from beyond, and always will be.” — Lyn Ragan

29. “I am sure that Heaven is a better place since you arrived. You are now free to breathe above rainbows high in the sky With the freedom to fly above the clouds like all of the butterflies.” — Peggy S Imm-Anesi

30. “Know that, when you do, you will be met by all your loved ones who came before you, and when that time comes, know that this place over the rainbow bridge is where your soul will naturally seek solace.” — Wendy Hayhurst

Comforting Rainbow Bridge Quotes

Like the rainbow bridge, the quotes below offer solace and hope to those who have experienced the grief of losing a beloved pet.

31. “I built the rainbow bridge of love to reach you in my dreams.” — Arunangshu Paul

32. “Life is full of color; like a Rainbow bridge of Love, Ever flowing, Ever growing, Life abounds.” — Geoffrey Peckitt

33. “Heaven, or the Other Side, is all around us. It is not in some far-away place. Your loved ones are just a thought away.” — Karen A. Anderson

34. “Time is short and sweet with our four-legged companions, but I believe we will meet them all again at the Rainbow Bridge.” — Mark J. Asher

35. “Never. We never lose our loved ones. They accompany us; they don’t disappear from our lives. We are merely in different rooms.” Paulo Coelho

36. “Faith is the rainbow bridge across To the garden we stand in, singing aloud, And hope is the angel, that holds our hands Leading us up to God.” — Melvin Gilbert Dodge

37. “With all of my heart, I believe it is true that there is a heaven for animals, too. Sometimes I think they already know, all of the animals…just where they’ll go.” — Nancy Tillman

38. “If there is a heaven, it’s certain our animals are to be there. Their lives become so interwoven with our own; it would take more than an archangel to detangle them.” — Pam Brown

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39. “Still close together after many ups and downs over rugged mountains and deep dark vales, we hold hands and stand at the abyss of fear then walk together on the rainbow bridge of love.” — Surazeus Astarius

40. “The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the rainbow bridge together.” — Joel Walton

Heartwarming Rainbow Bridge Quotes

The following quotes are amazing expressions of affection, loss, and mourning for man’s beloved deceased pets.

41. “I will miss you forever. I’ll see you at the Rainbow Bridge.” — Betty Lott

42. “The Rainbow Bridge is the path to the world of mystery and peace.” — Marcela Grant

43. “It is a beautiful rainbow bridge we walk across together or one by one.” — Cindi Lane

44. “To the Rainbow Bridge is where I am bound, As I leave this life without a whimper of sound.” — Dorothy L. Taylor

45. “I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.” — Jules Verne

46. “No one can truly understand the bond that we form with the cats we love until they experience the loss of one.” — Aj Paper House

47. “Your world is awakening from a deep sleep; Your thoughts are confused and new. Our path is under a rainbow bridge — May I walk with you?” — Wesley H. Bateman

48. “There was but one path to the shining city, and that was over the arch of the great rainbow bridge, which in those days always hung, brilliant and beautiful, between the sky city and the quiet earth.” — Frances Gillespy Wickes

49. “The rainbow is a symbol to many people. To some, it might be the bridge between heaven and earth, the dawn of a new awakening, a sign of good luck, a path for our guides to send messages, and a sign a loved one has passed over.” — Gloria Ku’uleialoha Coppola

50. “We need to go first because we cannot live without your love and care. If we lived longer than you, we would not and could not survive. It’s supposed to be this way. We also need to cross the Rainbow Bridge before you do so that we can be on the other side to greet you when you get there.” — Kate McGahan

Which of these Rainbow Bridge Quotes is your Favorite? 

The Rainbow Bridge is a popular poem that serves as a symbol of hope and healing. 

It offers hope for those who have lost their beloved pets.

The pet owners feel good for their pets to know they live a life full of comfort and happiness after crossing the Rainbow Bridge.

This theme is portrayed in most of the Rainbow Bridge quotes listed above.

If you have found a quote that inspires you the most, share it with us.

We would love to know about your choice.

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