129 Samurai Quotes to Live Your Life With Honor

It’s likely that you have heard of a Samurai sword, but how much do you know about the Samurai who wielded them?

According to a study published in the Journal of Business Ethics, the Samurai were known for their code of honor and ethical principles, emphasizing loyalty, self-discipline, and integrity.

These qualities are still relevant today and can serve as a model for ethical leadership.

What were the duties of a Samurai?

Were there special qualities the Samurai possessed?

What kind of rules were the Samurai expected to follow?

Keep reading through these Samurai quotes to learn the answers to these questions and more, including how they felt about their homes!

In medieval and early-modern Japan (from the 12th until the 1870s), the Samurai were hereditary military nobility and officers.

They were paid well to be the defenders of the daimyo (the great feudal landholders).

Samurai were held in high regard and afforded special privileges, like wearing two swords.

The Samurai crafted the bushido code.

This code is the rule of the Samurai and governs their martial virtues, views on pain and death, loyalty, and conduct in battle.

These quotes delve deep into some of their beliefs like Seppuku.

If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. 

If you want more motivational quotes, check out our motivational quotes category page.

Samurai quotes and sayings about Seppuku and not fearing death

A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that practicing gratitude can increase happiness and well-being.

Many Samurai quotes, such as “gratitude is the sign of noble souls,” highlight the importance of expressing gratitude in daily life.

1. “The samurai code of honor affected every part of their lives.” ― Jim Ollhoff

2. “I dreamt of worldly success once.”  -Miyamoto Musashi 

3. “My mentality is that of a samurai. I would rather commit seppuku than fail.” ― Elon Musk

4. “The Way of the warrior (bushido) is to be found in dying.”  -Yamamoto Tsunetomo

5. “At the moment of victory, tighten the straps of your helmet.” -Tokugawa Ieyasu 

6. “There is even rhythm in being empty.”  -Miyamoto Musashi

7. “Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.” – Miyamoto Musashi

8. “It’s actually the samurai spirit, which is ‘no fear and never give up.” ― Enson Inoue

9. “Generally speaking, the way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.” ― Miyamoto Musashi

10. “A samurai should always be prepared for death – whether his own or someone else’s.” ― Stan Sakai

You will also enjoy our article on warrior quotes.

Samurai quotes from Tommy Ito

The Samurai valued honor and reputation, valuing their personal and familial reputations above all else.

A study published in the journal Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes found that reputation is a key factor in ethical decision-making, with individuals often making decisions that maintain or enhance their reputation

11. “The story of the samurai warriors charts the rise and fall of the most skilled and courageous group of elite combatants the world has ever seen.” ― Tommy Ito

12. “Although the samurai are well-known for their use of the sword, they began as skilled mountain archers, and used a variety of weapons, including longbows, spears, and firearms.” ― Tommy Ito

13. “Two of the most remarkable aspects of samurai culture are bushido, a strict philosophy which places absolute loyalty to the master above all else, and seppuku— ritual suicide, performed in preference to dishonor.” ― Tommy Ito

14. “Growing a mustache was one of the disciplines of a samurai so that his head would not be thrown away upon his death.” ― Tommy Ito

15. “A child born into a samurai family was immersed in warrior culture from its first breath. During its birth, a priest, or the baby’s father, pulled a drawstring so that the twanging sound might ward off evil spirits. The future samurai was presented with a small sword talisman to wear from infancy.” ― Tommy Ito

16. “Samurai girls did not receive formal education, but they were expected to run their husband’s estate while they were away at war.” ― Tommy Ito

Samurai warrior quotes about Bushido, the code of honor

17. “The Samurai lived by a code of honor, not unlike the code that you live by. It’s called the Bushido. It was never written down; was always something the Samurai knew, and it was handed down from one warrior to another.” ― Kenneth Eade

18. “I look at the Samurai because they were the artists of their time. What I think struck me when I read Bushido is compassion. ‘If there’s no one there to help, go out and find someone to help.’ That hit me because I try to lead my life like that.” ― Tom Cruise

19. “Samurai culture did exist really, for hundreds of years and the notion of people trying to create some sort of a moral code, the idea that there existed certain behaviors that could be celebrated and that could be operative in a life.” ― Edward Zwick

20. “A samurai chooses to serve a master and does it out of respect and love, not because they are forced. Service to them is not demeaning; service is an expression of their prowess and their pride; they serve because only they are strong enough to serve with such flawless perfection and such consummate ability. It is a source of pride to them.” ― Alexei Maxim Russell

21. “The samurai who failed his lord suffered a dishonor worse than death. There was only one way to erase the disgrace. The samurai must commit seppuku, sometimes called hara-kiri, or belly-slitting. In this horribly painful suicide, the dishonored samurai used a short sword to cut open his belly and release his spirit.” ― Virginia Schomp

22. “Bushido as an independent code of ethics may vanish, but its power will not perish from the earth; its schools of martial prowess or civic honor may be demolished, but its light and its glory will long survive their ruins.” ― Inazo Nitobe

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23. “Bushidō is about experiencing life in every breath. Seeing life in the simplest of things. There is beauty and honor in that.” ― Renée Ahdieh

24. “Bushido refers not only to martial rectitude but personal rectitude. We understand that in serving each other we serve our own interests. In serving our world, our world serves us. Allowing us to live in harmony with it.” ― Rick Remender

Short Samurai quotes and captions

25. “The Samurai always has to rise and move on, because new challenges will come.” ― Lyoto Machida

26. “As a samurai, I must strengthen my character; as a human being I must perfect my spirit.” ― Yamaoka Tesshu

27. “A samurai must remain calm at all times even in the face of danger.” ― Chris Bradford

28. “Everyone feels fear. What a samurai or warrior is, is what you do when you feel fear.” ― Enson Inoue

29. “The word samurai translates to ‘those who served.’” ― Blake Hoena

30. “A samurai was essentially a man of action.” ― Inazo Nitobe

31. “My philosophy is the same as a Samurai: To hit without getting hit.” ― Lyoto Machida

32. “Be a Samurai. Because you just never know what’s behind the freaking sky.” ― Laini Taylor

33. “The true meaning of the ‘samurai’ is one who serves and adheres to the power of love.” ― Morihei Ueshiba

Samurai quotes about their homes and swords

34. “Every samurai home had a soothing, artistically designed garden that served as a hideaway for thought and prayer.” ― Virginia Schomp

35. “The samurai castle is the grandest example of the blending of beauty and practicality in the Japanese arts.” ― Virginia Schomp

36. “The size of a samurai’s house depended on his rank, but all shared the same basic design.” ― Virginia Schomp

37. “Working on the samurai sword is very different because your body position has to be very still. It’s a much quieter way of fighting.” ― Lucy Liu

38. “Katana, the sword of Samurai too became an integral part of the warriors at that time. As the honor of the Samurai resided in his sword, the craftsmanship or making the perfect Katana grew as an art.” ― Sreechinth C.

39. “The sword was a very elegant weapon in the days of the samurai. You had honor and chivalry much like the knights, and yet it was a gruesome and horrific weapon.” ― Dustin Diamond

Samurai quotes from Yamamoto Tsunetomo

40. “A samurai will use a toothpick even though he has not eaten. Inside the skin of a dog, outside the hide of a tiger.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

41. “The person who practices an art is an artist, not a samurai, and one should have the intention of being called a samurai.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

42. “This is the substance of the Way of the Samurai: if by setting one’s heart right every morning and evening, one is able to live as though his body were already dead, he gains freedom in the Way. his whole life will be without blame, and he will succeed in his calling.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

43. “I have found that the Way of the samurai is death. This means that when you are compelled to choose between life and death, you must quickly choose death.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

44. “Bushido is realized in the presence of death. In the case of having to choose between life and death, you should choose death. There is no other reasoning.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

45. “It is bad when one thing becomes two. One should not look for anything else in the Way of the Samurai. If one understands things in this manner, he should be able to hear about all Ways and be more and more in accord with his own.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Samurai quotes about their history

46. “To a great extent, the story of a samurai has been the story of Japan during most of the past millennium, and it is surely premature to relegate the samurai tradition entirely to the past.” ― Stephen Turnbull

47. “Samurai were feudal lords who mostly ruled farmland. But as more and more people moved to larger cities, such as Tokyo, the samurai began to lose their influence and wealth.” ― Blake Hoena

48. “As the samurai’s influence grew, so did their status in Japanese society. They went from being professional soldiers to land-owning nobles. The most powerful of these lords were called daimyos.” ― Blake Hoena

49. “The samurai no longer exist. But even today, they capture our imagination with their skill, their loyalty, and their fearlessness.” ― Jim Ollhoff

50. “The word Samurai itself is a synonym as they are the great ferocious aristocratic warriors in the history of the country.” ― Sreechinth C.

Samurai quotes about their lives

51. “New eras don’t come about because of swords, they’re created by the people who wield them.”  -Watsuki Nobuhiro 

52. “Samurai are born to die. Death is not a curse to be avoided — but the natural end of all life. Death is not eternal…dishonor is.” ― Rick Remender

53. “In the Kamigata area, they have a sort of tiered lunchbox they use for a single day when flower viewing. Upon returning, they throw them away, trampling them underfoot. The end is important in all things.”  -Yamamoto Tsunetomo

54. “There is no greater solitude than that of the samurai unless it is that of the tiger in the jungle… Perhaps…”  -Jean-Pierre Melville 

55. “Rehearse your death every morning and night. Only when you constantly live as though already a corpse (jōjū shinimi) will you be able to find freedom in the martial Way, and fulfill your duties without fault throughout your life.”  -Yamamoto Tsunetomo

56. “The way of the samurai is found in death. When it comes to either or, there is only the quick choice of death. It is not particularly difficult. Be determined and advance.” ― Nabeshima Naoshige

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57. “At times because of one man’s evil, ten thousand people suffer. So you kill that one man to let the tens of thousands live. Here, truly, the blade that deals death becomes the sword that saves lives.”  -Yamamoto Tsunetomo

56. “The samurai swore an oath of loyalty to their leader and would fight to the death to protect him or her. This oath made the samurai even more fearsome on the battlefield because the samurai were not afraid of death.” ― Jim Ollhoff

59. “Engage in combat fully determined to die and you will be alive; wish to survive in the battle and you will surely meet death.” ― Uesugi Kenshin

60.“Becoming the opponent means you should put yourself in an opponent’s place and think from the opponent’s point of view.” -Miyamoto Musashi

Samurai Quotes about Being a True Warrior

61. “Honour may not win power, but it wins respect. And respect earns power.” – Ishida Mitsunari

62. “Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price.” – Sun Tzu

63. “The samurais were very interested in Zen because they admired the tremendous precision that the Zen Masters had, their lack of fear and pain and their absolute lack of fear of death.” ― Frederick Lenz

64. “See first with your mind, then with your eyes, and finally with your body.” – Yagyu Munenori

65. “We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” – Archilochus

66. “Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied.” – Alexander the Great

67. “Civilize the mind but make savage the body.” – Mao Zedong

68. “I’m not a fighter, but in my mind I’m fighting every day. ‘What’s new? What am I doing?’ I’m fighting myself. My soul is samurai. My roots aren’t samurai, but my soul is.” – Masaharu Morimoto

69. “Master the divine techniques of the Art of Peace and no enemy will dare to challenge you.” – Morihei Ueshiba

70. “The undisturbed mind is like the calm body water reflecting the brilliance of the moon. Empty the mind and you will realize the undisturbed mind.” – Yagyu Jubei Mitsuyoshi

Samurai Quotes To Help You Strategize

71. “Ultimately you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really no path.” ― Morihei Ueshiba

72. “The approach to combat and everyday life should be the same.” ― Miyamoto Musashi

73. “Human life has sorrow, those who meet must part, he that is born must die.” ― Bushido Code

74. “Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.” ― Morihei Ueshiba

75. “The sword has to be more than a single weapon, it has to be an answer to life’s questions.” ― Miyamoto Musashi

76. “Knowledge becomes really such only when it is assimilated in the mind of the learner and shows in his character.” ― Bushido Code

77. “Study hard and all things can be accomplished. Give up and you will amount to nothing.” ― Yamaoka Tesshu

78. “Dishonor is like a scar on a tree, which time, instead of effacing, only helps to enlarge.” ― Bushido Code

79. “It is good to face challenges in your youth. He who has never suffered will not sufficiently temper his character.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

80. “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Samurai Quotes About Their Culture

81. “Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords.” ― Lucy Liu

82. I am a genre lover – everything from spaghetti western to samurai movie.” ― Quentin Tarantino

83. “We should think of a photographer as a Samurai who makes rituals, moves and gestures in order to develop his techniques and his instinct.” ― Alex Majoli

84. “A warrior is worthless unless he rises above others and stands strong in the midst of a storm.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

85. “It feels like guitarists are samurais. You know, I’m playing a guitar, instead of a katana!” ― Miyavi

86. “I’ve done a lot of Samurai film in Japan, and sometimes done the choreography by myself.” ― Hiroyuki Sanada

87. “I like action films, not exclusively, but I like Samurai films. I like Westerns. Not so much war pictures, but a few. I like kinetic cinema.” ― Alexander Payne

88. “As for the decorum at the time of a campaign, one must be mindful that he is a samurai. A person who loves beautification where it is unnecessary is fit for punishment.” ― Kato Kiyomasa

89. “I do not like to be called a samurai, but I admit that I have an image of myself as a fighter. I would like to fight against all authorities and powers.” ― Nagisa Oshima

90. “This is almost the most famous story The last samurai – Samurai story – in Japan.” ― Hiroyuki Sanada

Samurai Quotes To Encourage You To Face Obstacles

91. “A real man does not think of victory or defeat. He plunges recklessly towards an irrational death. By doing this, you will awaken from your dreams.” — Nabeshima Naoshige

92. “Mental bearing (calmness), not skill, is the sign of a matured samurai. A Samurai, therefore, should neither be pompous nor arrogant.” — Tsukahara Bokuden

93. “Sword and mind must be united. Technique by itself is insufficient, and spirit alone is not enough.” — Yamada Jirokichi

94. “The samurai is the first to suffer anxiety for human society, and he is the last to seek personal pleasure.” — Morihei Ueshiba

95. “Never quit, you have to resist to the utmost. ‘Til you drop, like a Samurai.” — Carlson Gracie

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96. “For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.” — Sun Tzu

97. “I am the scroll of the poet behind which samurai swords are being sharpened.” — Lester Cole

98. “The samurais lived with death constantly. They wore a short dagger to take their own life if need be. At any moment they might have to do that, it was a part of their code.” — Frederick Lenz

99. “Once the will is resolved, one’s spirit is strengthened. Even a peasant’s will is hard to deny, but a samurai of resolute will can sway ten thou­sand men.” — Yoshida Shoin

100. “The samurai were warriors in medieval Japan. They were expert fighters, with an unsurpassed knowledge of martial arts.” — Jim Ollhoff

Timeless Samurai Quotes

101. “The samurai’s honor is not for sale.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

102. “I love family reunions. Maybe next year we could pass out samurai swords.” ― Doug Solter

103. “A true samurai serves his lord with his heart and soul.” ― Tsugawa Hiroshi

104. “A samurai’s honor is worth more than his life.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

105. “How could he possibly bow deeply enough to honor a thousand-year-old samurai queen?” ― Nadia Scrieva

106. “It was pretty late and the streets were quiet so she was almost sure no one had seen her drag the soul eater into the alley… where she cut his head off with a samurai sword. God, she loved her life.” ― Samantha Young

107. “The way of the samurai is in desperateness. Ten men or more cannot kill such a man.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

108. “The life of a samurai is one of loyalty and honor.” ― Miyamoto Musashi

109. “The samurai’s most important duty is to remain loyal to his lord.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

110. “The samurai’s greatest weapon is not his sword, but his discipline.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Samurai Quotes From Known Warriors

111. “The samurai is always ready to serve and protect his lord, even at the cost of his own life.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

112. “Honor is the foundation of a samurai’s life.” ― Tsugawa Hiroshi

113. “Loyalty is the most important virtue a samurai can possess.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

114. “A samurai must be a master of strategy and tactics.” ― Miyamoto Musashi

115. “A samurai must have the discipline to act calmly in the face of danger.” ― Tsugawa Hiroshi

116. “A samurai must always be willing to defend his lord’s honor, even if it means sacrificing his own.” ― Tsugawa Hiroshi

117. “The samurai’s discipline is like a sharpened blade – honed to perfection.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

118. “A samurai’s loyalty is a matter of life and death.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

119. “A samurai’s self-control is his armor.” ― Yamamoto Tsunetomo

120. “The samurai’s loyalty is not to his lord, but to the code of honor.” ― Tsugawa Hiroshi

121. “It’s a Samurai story [47 ronin], so if we change too much Japanese audiences will have strong against feelings to the film. It’s not good.” — Hiroyuki Sanada

122. “I’ve done Last Samurai in Japan, in LA, in New Zealand. Even in Japan it is very hard to shoot, because there’s been so many changes. Only around a temple can we shoot.” — Hiroyuki Sanada

123. “Before I go off and direct a movie, I always look at four films. They tend to be The Seven Samurai, Lawrence Of Arabia, It’s A Wonderful Life and The Searchers.” — Steven Spielberg

124. “The saying ‘the arts aid the body’ is for samurai of other regions. For samurai of the Nabeshima clan the arts bring ruin to the body.” — Yamamoto Tsunetomo

125. “Samurai films, like westerns, need not be familiar genre stories. They can expand to contain stories of ethical challenges and human tragedy.” — Roger Ebert

126. “All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.” — Sun Tzu

127. “a samurai is a total human being, whereas a man who is completely absorbed in his technical skill has degenerated into a ‘function’, one cog in a machine.” — Yukio Mishima

128. “Elves have this superhuman strength, yet they’re so graceful. Tolkien created them to be angelic spirits, but I also saw Legolas as something out of the Seven Samurai.” — Orlando Bloom

129. “To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.” — George Washington

What did you learn from these Samurai quotes?

They were not always referred to as Samurai.

The Japanese traditionally called the men bushi (武士, [bɯ.ɕi]), which means “warrior”.

The Chinese character, 侍 was originally a verb that meant ‘to wait upon’, or ‘accompany persons’ in the upper crust of society.

Translators discovered a reference to the word samurai in the Kokin Wakashū (a 10th-century work).

By the end of the 12th century, samurai became synonymous with the word bushi, which is why today they are most commonly known as Samurai.

The Bushido code governed the Samurai’s behavior.

It is still used in martial arts today and is a good code for life.

The eight codes within the Bushido are justice, courage, mercy, politeness, honesty, honor, loyalty, and self-control.

The Samurai lived this code in their daily life, and not just on the battlefield.

The most noted weapons associated with the Samurai are Japanese swords.

These swords include the Chokutō, which had a straight blade.

The Tachi had a curved blade and preceded the Katana.

The swords are awe-inspiring, especially if you see them up close!

Do you have any other favorite Samurai quotes and sayings to add?

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