20 Sid the Sloth Quotes About Kindness and Loyalty

Enjoy these Sid the Sloth quotes from your favorite, lovable sloth.

Sid is kind and loyal, although not always the smartest animal in the wild.

Sid is abandoned by his family, which is hard on him and leaves him lonely but starts his journey that will change his life.

When Sid is left alone, he meets two other loners, a mammoth named Manny and a saber-toothed tiger named Diego.

Together the three friends start on a journey to return a human baby named Roshan to his tribe.

Once the three friends return the human baby, they go on to add others to their new “herd” of mixed creatures and have many more adventures.

In the end, you will see “friends” become family and that there is a place for everyone.

Enjoy the good vibes from these Sid the Sloth quotes!

Check out our collection of Invader Zim quotes if you enjoy this article.

Classic Sid the Sloth quotes

Check out this collection of some of the best and most remembered quotes from the movie.

1. “I’m a mammal that cares.”  Sid the Sloth

2. “All right, I’ll just go by myself.”  Sid the Sloth

3. “Hey, widebody, curb it next time!”  Sid the Sloth

4. “Wow, I wish I could jump like that.”  Sid the Sloth

5. “Fine, be a jerk. I’ll take care of him.”  Sid the Sloth

6. “You and me. We make a great team.”  Sid the Sloth

7. “That means there’s something wrong with it.”  Sid the Sloth

8. “Hey, Manny. Aren’t you forgetting something?”  Sid the Sloth

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9. “Now to find a meal befitting a conquering hero.”  Sid the Sloth

10. “Look, I’m sorry to interrupt your snack, but we gotta go.”  Sid the Sloth

Funny Sid the Sloth quotes

Check out these quotes for a quick laugh!

11. “Way to go, tiger.”  Sid the Sloth

12. “Humans are disgusting.”  Sid the Sloth

13. “Hey, why am I the poop-checker?”  Sid the Sloth

14. “Don’t let them impale me, please I wanna live!”  Sid the Sloth

15. “We’ll see if brains triumph over brawn tonight. Now, won’t we?”  Sid the Sloth

16. “My family abandoned me. They just kinda migrated without me.”  Sid the Sloth

17. “Gosh, I hate breaking their hearts like that. But you know how it is.”  Sid the Sloth

18. “From now on, you’ll have to refer to me as ‘Sid, Lord of the Flame.”  Sid the Sloth

19. “This has definitely not been my day. You know what I’m saying, buddy?”  Sid the Sloth

20. “Well, I think mating for life is stupid. I mean, there’s plenty of Sid to go around.”  Sid the Sloth

Sid the Sloth’s qualities

Sid the Sloth goes on to show that although we don’t all have the same skills or qualities, the ones we do have are unique to us and all we have to do is be the best version of ourselves.

Did the Sid the Sloth quotes and sayings show you that it is ok to be you and not anyone else?

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Please share these quotes with anyone that has struggled with feeling accepted.

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