25 St. Michael Quotes About the Leader of the Angels

Check out these St. Michael quotes to learn more about the angel who will lead other angels to victory over Satan and his demons in the end times.

St. Michael is also known as the Archangel Michael or as Saint Michael the Taxiarch.

Although Saint Michael has the name of a saint, he is not a saint but rather an angel who is the leader of God’s army of angels, hence the title “Archangel.”

In the Bible, Saint Michael is not mentioned often, but he is very important, as the scriptures point out.

He is mentioned twice in the book of Daniel, first when he helps Daniel and then later when referencing how St. Michael will stand up for the “Children of God” in the end times.

His final mention in the scriptures is in the book of Revelation when he leads the angels into battle against Satan and the demons.

Take a look at these St Michael quotes to learn more about the powerful angel.

St. Michael Quotes About the Well-Known Archangel

As one of the most famous archangels, many people have things to say about Michael.

1. “Michael was for the offensive.” — Anatole France

2. “An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.” — Luke 22:43

3. “You chose a warrior, remember? As you chose an archangel.” — Nalini Singh

4. “So much the fear, of Thunder and the Sword of Michael, wrought still within them:” — John Milton

5. “His countenance, wherein his soul was visible, expressed contempt for danger.” — Anatole France

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6. “Above all, Saint Michael told me that I must be a good child and that God would help me.” Joan of Arc

7. “And Gabriel’s the breath of His command, but Saint Michael is the sword in God’s right hand.” — Joyce Kilmer

8. “Gabriel before me, Raphael behind me, Michael to my right, Uriel on my left side. In the circle of fire.” — Kate Bush

9. “St Michael has the honorable office of presenting to Jesus Christ the Judge, all the souls that depart out of this world in the grace of God.” — St Alphonsus Maria De Liguori

10. “The battle against the Devil, which is the principal task of Saint Michael the Archangel, is still being fought today because the Devil is still alive and active in the world.” Pope John Paul II

Thought-Provoking St. Michael Quotes

Here are some quotes about St. Michael to make you think.

11. “Among the Angels in Heaven none surpasses St Michael in Glory.” — St Alphonsus Maria De Liguori

12. “The divine life is the spirit in everything that exists, from the atom to the archangel; the grain of dust could not be were God absent from it.” — Annie Besant

13. “Archangel Michael is a well-known example of an archangel. Guardian angels are assigned to each and every one of us at or before conception.” — Doreen Virtue

14. “Michael is the Breath of the Redeemer’s Spirit, Who at the end of the World, will combat and destroy the antichrist, as he did Lucifer in the beginning.” St Thomas Aquinas

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15. “Neither angel, nor archangel, nor yet even the Lord Himself (who alone can say “I am with you”), can when we have sinned, release us unless we bring repentance with us.” — Ambrose

16. “Whenever a mighty deed is in question, Michael is assigned, so that by his actions and name, which means “Who is like God?” it may be made known that no-one can do what God can do.” — St Gregory the Great

17. “I am a Bible Christian, and if an archangel with a wingspread as broad as a constellation shining like the sun were to come and offer me some new truth, I’d ask him for a reference. If he could not show me where it is found in the Bible, I would bow him out and say, ‘I’m awfully sorry, you don’t bring any references with you.’” — A.W. Tozer

Best St. Michael Quotes

Enjoy these great quotes about St. Michael, who is God’s archangel.

18. “The archangel Michael took supreme command.” — Anatole France

19. “I believe in angels because the Bible says there are angels, and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God.” — Billy Graham

20. “But first, I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. (No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince.” — Daniel 10:21

21. “Then war broke out in Heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.” — Revelation 12:7

22. “But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!’” — Jude 1:9

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23. “And the angel’s body was bared, and he was clothed in light so that eye could not look on him; and his voice grew louder, as though it came not from him but from heaven above.” Leo Tolstoy

24. “How shall we celebrate the day, when God appeared in mortal clay, the mark of worldly scorn; when the Archangel’s heavenly lays, attempted the Redeemer’s Praise, and hail’d Salvation’s Morn!” — Thomas Chatterson

25. “The powers of hell will assail the dying Christian but his Angel Guardian will come to console him. His Patrons and St Michael, who has been appointed by God to defend his faithful servants, in their last combat with the devils, will come to his aid.” — St Alphonsus Liguori

What Are the Responsibilities of Saint Michael?

Saint Michael is a powerful figure, and his main responsibilities are:

  • Lead God’s army of angels against Satan and his demons in the end times
  • To escort God’s children to Heaven when they die
  • Be a protector to all Christians
  • Call men to a heavenly judgment based on their earthly life

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