The ‘F’ Word We All Need to Understand: Fear

You might have had a different ‘F’ word in mind, but trust me, fear is worse!

I hate thinking about all the times I have allowed fear to reign over me, have a stronghold in my life, stand in the way of pursuing things and keep me from doing things I needed to do.

Fear is paralyzing, terrorizing, and, most of all, a great thief.

The only thing to fear is fear itself” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

The only thing to really fear is fear itself for the havoc it can create in your life and the many ways it can rob you.

Webster’s dictionary defines fear as an unpleasant, sometimes strong emotion caused by anticipation of danger or anxious concern.

Based on the latter definition, it is safe to say that healthy fears exist that serve, protect, and keep us out of harm’s way.

Don’t let the ‘F’ word stop you

However, the kind of fear most of us experience is often unhealthy and without basis, resulting from our wild imagination.

When faced with the unknown, most of us panic and allow fear to set in.

Fear is paralyzing because it hinders our progress in life and keeps us stagnant, where movement/action is often required.

When faced with situations that require stretching and growing, most people opt to stay in their comfort zones rather than step out of the proverbial boat and walk on water.

Fear disguises itself and shows up in many different ways and forms in our lives.

The fear that we aren’t good enough

This mask of fear is probably the most common and paralyzing because it takes a jab at our self-esteem and confidence and puts a dent in them.

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Many don’t think or believe we are smart enough, educated enough, qualified enough, connected enough, attractive enough, or whatever enough to pursue our dreams.

We refuse to dream because we don’t believe we have what it takes to bring our dreams to fruition or are even worthy of them.

This form of fear often results after accepting negative words spoken to us and limitations placed on us by our loved ones or society.

It takes a deeper root in our lives when we compare ourselves with others and feel like we fall short or don’t measure up.

Stop letting fear (insert another ‘F’ word here) you up!

Fear of failure

This fear is often reflected in our lives when we pass up opportunities, make up excuses for why we can’t do certain things, or stubbornly refuse to do them.

Deep within us is the fear that we won’t succeed and that our flaws and inabilities will be displayed as a result.

Rather than risk the embarrassment of seeming inadequate, we resist anything that would challenge us to get out of our comfort zones or save face.

Maybe we take up the challenge but procrastinate pursuing it or never come around to doing it.

You can redefine your definition of failure, though!

Fear of losing control

The mask of fear shows up in our lives when we try to control those around us and everything that concerns our lives lest people take advantage of, dupe, or hurt us.

It shows up in relationships when we play games rather than be authentic and allow ourselves to be vulnerable.

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In this case, it often seems wiser to put up walls, run away, or use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves against hurt, rejection, or disappointment.

Fear that we can’t have what we want

This is the number one reason people settle for less!

They resign themselves to mediocre lives, fail to ask for what they want, put up with more than they have to, and stay in unsatisfying relationships and jobs that are way past due.

The underlying feeling is unworthiness; deep down, we feel we aren’t worthy of what we desire.

We might also experience this fear after having people pooh-pooh our lives often and telling us that they are impossible and that we don’t have what it takes to make them happen.

What kind of ‘F’ word nonsense is that?

Fear that there isn’t enough

Although the universe is unlimited and abundant in all ways, most of us don’t believe there’s enough to go around.

Therefore, we have developed a competitive mentality responsible for the dog-eat-dog world we live in.

‘F’ word that!

We believe we must stab others in the back or step over them to get ahead and that if we share whatever we have, we won’t have enough left over for ourselves.

Freeing ourselves from the cycle of fear is challenging and requires a lot of effort on our part.

We have to re-program our minds and change the way we view ourselves.

We can begin to relinquish fear’s hold in our lives by believing in ourselves and our abilities.

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This will allow us to take the necessary steps we need to take to pursue and do the things we would otherwise put off.

It will build our confidence and allow us to face more of our fears head-on.

The only way to get past our fears is by embracing them and doing the things (s) we fear.

Eventually, the more we confront our fears and deny them power over us, the more confident in ourselves we’ll become and render our fears harmless.

Are you ready to tell fear to ‘F’ word off?

With time, the fears we once considered giants will begin to diminish or disappear altogether.

How has fear negatively influenced your life?

In what ways has fear robbed you?

Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

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