25 The Umbrella Academy Quotes to Enjoy Between Seasons

Catch up on the popular Netflix show with these The Umbrella Academy quotes while you wait for the next season.

The Umbrella Academy is a huge hit series on Netflix based on the comic book written by Gerard Wein.

The story focuses on 8 non-biological siblings who have some sort of X-men superpowers.

Together, they are tasked by their weird, unapologetic poster father to protect the world from impending destruction in just a week!!

This show put a heavy emphasis on the humanistic vulnerability of the characters which allows the audience to relate directly with their favorites.

It represents that no matter how strong we think we are, we still need people by our side.

These Umbrella Academy quotes will get you more excited for the upcoming season!

Don’t forget to also check out these Atypical quotes that help bring autism into the mainstream media.

If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. 

If you want more motivational quotes, check out our motivational quotes category page.

The Umbrella Academy quotes by Five

1. “We didn’t choose this life, we’re just living in it.”  Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about we didn’t choose this life, we’re just living in it

You will also enjoy our article on Klaus Mikaelson quotes.

2. “We all wanted to be loved by a man incapable of giving love.”  Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about we all wanted to be loved by a man incapable of giving love

3. “What the hell did we do now?” ― Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about what the hell did we do now

4. “The commission will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go.”  Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about the commission will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go

5. “Not that apocalypse, this is a new one.”  Five

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The Umbrella Academy quotes about not that apocalypse, this is a new one

6. “The clock is ticking on doomsday. Just tell me that when I need you, you’ll be ready.”  Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about the clock is ticking on doomsday

7. “I know what it’s like being stuck in time, thinking this is how you are going to live out the rest of your life. On the run, and not knowing if you’re ever gonna see the people you love again, and to be in an unfamiliar world.” ― Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes by Five

8. “Wonder if it’s too late to be un-adopted.”  Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about wonder if it’s too late to be un-adopted

9. “You can either stay here and wait for the IKEA mafia to come back to kill you, or you can come with me.” ― Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about the IKEA mafia to come back to kill you

10. “I’d ask what you’re up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me… I don’t care.” ― Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about I’d ask what you’re up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me

11. “Everything about our family is insane. It always has been.” ― Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about everything about our family is insane. It always has been

12. “Solitude can do funny things to the mind.” ― Five

The Umbrella Academy quotes about solitude can do funny things to the mind

The Umbrella Academy quotes by Klaus

13. “Dad, could you stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment?”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about dad, could you stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment

14. “You are depriving some village of their idiot.”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about you are depriving some village of their idiot

15. “I’m just gonna go murder Mom, I’ll be right back.”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about I’m just gonna go murder Mom, I’ll be right back

16. “He’s dead! Yay!”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about he’s dead! Yay

17. “You guys are scarier without the masks.”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about you guys are scarier without the masks

18. “The only thing The Umbrella Academy knows about love is how to screw it up.” ― Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about the only thing The Umbrella Academy knows about love is how to screw it up

19. “Family barbecues are about to get real weird.” ― Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about family barbecues are about to get real weird

20. “You don’t have to join the military to become a man. Don’t sacrifice yourself — because I love you.”  Klaus

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The Umbrella Academy quotes about you don’t have to join the military to become a man

21. “Eternal peace is probably overrated.”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about eternal peace is probably overrated

22. “My cult is going to be so pissed… I told them we had until 2019.”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about my cult is going to be so pissed… I told them we had until 2019

23. “Unfortunately ghosts can’t time travel.”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about unfortunately ghosts can’t time travel

24. “They are gone like a fart that went poof.”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about they are gone like a fart that went poof

25. “I know this is impossible, but did we all get sexier?”  Klaus

The Umbrella Academy quotes about I know this is impossible, but did we all get sexier

Which of these The Umbrella Academy quotes is your favorite?

The Umbrella Academy is still an ongoing series on Netflix and many fans are biting their lips right now for the upcoming season.

Of course, people should expect a bunch of randomness and quirky sequences that weirdly go well together in the next season.

Will the siblings be able to uncover the secrets of their origin?

Will they finally unravel the mystery of their family and why they were chosen?

We’ll have to wait and see!

So, get your devices ready because now is the perfect time to rewatch the season as you wait.

Share these The Umbrella Academy quotes and sayings with your friends to help draw them into the series with you.

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