25 You Quotes from the Psychological Thriller

We dare you to try not to feel a range of emotions as you read through these You quotes.

You is an American psychological thriller series based on the novel by the same name, written by Caroline Kepnes.

The show revolves around Joe, a seemingly cool and charming guy that you think any woman would want.

But with a mind wrecking turn of events, Joe quickly becomes obsessed with any girl he feels to be the love of his life and goes to any extra lengths to manipulate their feelings.

The show was a huge hit across the globe and left many thinking about how this situation may play out in real life.

So hopefully, these You quotes will get you excited for the next upcoming season.

Don’t forget to also check out these Alien quotes from the sci-fi film franchise.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration. 

Our inspirational quote category page has even more inspirational and educational quotes.

You quotes by Joe Goldberg

1. “I believe in love at first sight.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes about i believe in love at first sight

2. “There are terrifying people in the world. It’s important to be safe and that’s why I have to do what I’m going to do.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes by Joe Goldberg

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3. “You know, the first step to fixing something is to know no matter how destroyed it seems, it can always be saved.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes from Joe Goldberg

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4. “The first thing my beloved Internet gave me was your address.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes on the first thing my beloved Internet gave me was your address

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5. “Hello. Who are you? All your accounts are public, you want them to see you, to listen to you, to know you. And I thank you.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes for public

6. “If those are your friends, you’re really very lonely” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes about friends

7. “I’ll help you get the life you deserve.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes about life

8. “Pro tip of the day: screen your calls when you’re trying to burn a body, because it turns out things slip out that you didn’t actually wanna say.” ― Joe Goldberg

More You quotes

9. “if I wasn’t so blinded by love I would have seen the secrets right in front of me waiting to be uncovered.” ― Joe Goldberg

Wise You quotes

10. “Social networks make you vulnerable and offer nothing in return.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes on social networks

11. “Unremarkable people don’t worry about being unremarkable.” ― Joe Goldberg

Relatable You quotes

12. “It was hard to find a line between boss and boyfriend between supportive and enabling. “ ― Joe Goldberg

Inspirational You quotes

13. “You said babe was a default for unimaginative lovers, but then you never cared for people the way Karen does. You were so caught up in you, you never thought to take care of me. And honestly, it’s worth all the babe.” ― Joe Goldberg

Wise and inspirational You quotes

14. “I’m not an option, I’m the chosen one.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes on i’m not an option, i’m the chosen one

15. “Jealousy brought out the best in me.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes about jealousy brought out the best in me

16. “I know it’s not cool to say and it’s not big and flashy but I love books, and I want my life to be about what I actually love.” ― Joe Goldberg

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You quotes on love

17. “Love has taken me to dark places, but Los Angeles has got to be as dark as it gets. When you’re running from someone who thinks they know you, the best place to hide is somewhere they think you hate because you do.” ― Joe Goldberg

You quotes about dark places

You quotes by other characters

18. “Social media. It’s like the next great genocide.” ― Blythe

You quotes by other characters

19. “I’m going to tell you something and when you do I’ll know your worst secret and you’ll let me go.” ― Benji

Amazing You quotes

20. “You are one magnanimous mother fuc*er, and we’re going to make one hell of a team.” ― Forty Quinn

21. “Maybe I’m cynical, but I really don’t think any of that stuff works for anyone who is truly broken. Serves us better to just keep barreling forward and hope the demons can’t keep up, so you might as well be who you are.” ― Delilah

Motivational You quotes

22. “I’m definitely walking the line between desperate and shameless.” ― Love Quinn

Random You quotes

23. “At the end of the day, only you know who you really are.” ― Will

Top You quotes

24. “Dude, I love green juice, but celery is basically Satan’s butt plug.” ― Forty Quinn

Meaningful You quotes

25. “Work in a bookstore and learn that most people in this world feel guilty about being who they are.” ― Caroline Kepnes

Powerful and inspirational You quotes

Which of these You quotes is your favorite?

You has a unique blend and gives you mixed feelings as you watch it.

Sometimes you’ll feel awkward for the characters.

Other times you’ll find yourself liking the main character even though you know you shouldn’t.

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And with the snap of a finger, you’ll find yourself hating him.

The character’s personality will keep you coming back for more.

The story of You may be an extreme case of obsession but it’s easy to see ways that it connects with unhealthy and toxic relationships in real life as well.

If you haven’t watched the series yet, it’s a great time to catch up on the episodes while enjoying these You quotes and sayings.

And if you love thrillers, you might also like these Signs quotes from the thriller movie!

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