Your Action Creates Your Motivation, So What Are You Waiting For?

Your action creates your motivation to achieve your goals and dreams.

Why are you waiting to get started?

All too often, individuals come up with amazing ideas or plans that could change their lives in a positive way.

They do a little amount of research and decide that they are not like the people who can bring this idea to fruition.

Then they give up before ever starting.

Unsuccessful people often give up without putting forth the least amount of effort.

This is in direct contrast to how successful people go about bringing a new plan or idea to reality.

Unsuccessful people may also say that they are not like that or don’t possess the skills.

However, successful people, instead of giving up, go out and gain those skills.

They become what they need to be through trial and error.

Action that creates motivation does not mean instant success

Before individuals can parachute off a mountain or even climb the mountain, they went through some drills and followed specific steps.

After working on their skills, they became proficient in this ability.

Becoming an expert in any endeavor is not a one-day activity.

It is important to get fired up and stay fired up.

This strength will allow you to get through the not-so-exciting days!

Unfortunately, you must pass through tough days before realizing your potential and goals.

Motivation or drive comes in small, consistent waves like those found on a relatively calm beach.

It is not meant to be like a volcano that quickly exhausts its ferocity.

When starting a new project or behavior, it is necessary to start out in smaller steps.

For instance, if someone started a new workout regimen, they would not start out jogging for an hour every morning, five days a week.

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It is more reasonable and safe to start out jogging fifteen minutes a day, only three mornings a week.

Over the course of two months, they can then increase the time to one hour and the days to five.

Set goals to turn your action into motivation

As you can clearly see in the above example, there was a target or goal.

After setting a goal, break it down into component steps.

That will make attaining your goal easier.

Since this is a short-term goal and relatively uncomplicated, we can get it done in just a few component steps.

  1. Start jogging 15 minutes a day every Monday, Wednesday, And Friday
  2. Increase the time that you will jog by fifteen-minute increments every two weeks
  3. Increase the number of mornings that you will jog by one day every four weeks
  4. After two months, the target of jogging one hour five mornings a week would have been achieved

The most important part of making a plan of action is not the number of steps you set but making realistic milestones for yourself and striving to complete them consistently.

When you can complete the steps you set for yourself on time, it will bolster your confidence.

This will inspire you to work harder while giving you a sense of accomplishment.

(A word of caution: be careful not to mistake activity with accomplishment.

Activity serves to waste energy while accomplishment usually serves to conserve energy).

Action will help you live your best life

We only have one chance to live our lives, we can make as many mistakes as we like, and that is ok.

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It is all a part of learning.

The only thing that I would advise anyone trying to start something new is to evaluate what went wrong so that when you are trying again, you will be better able to tackle the problem.

Thomas Edison famously failed one thousand times before learning how to make a light bulb.

He was just a human being.

Just like you and I, so there is nothing stopping us from making our dreams a reality if only we are persistent and consistent.

In the world today, most people stop a project before they even start.

Fight the urge to count yourself out before you have even begun.

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you truly put your mind to it.

Putting one foot in front of the other (starting), a goal and a plan can take you from one end of the world and back.

Using myself as an example, I had to fight an uphill battle with family members before I could ever get my business started.

If I would have listened to them and kept on working my nine to five, I would never have gotten to where I am today.

There are only so many ways that I can reiterate my point.

So, let me say it in the simplest English I can find.


Break the inhibitions of fear, doubt, and negative energy while allowing yourself to become the best you that you can be.

Final thoughts on action creating your motivation

Let me leave you with a short excerpt from a book I read a while back called As a Man Thinketh by Allen James:

You may be keeping accounts, and presently you shall walk out of the door that for so long has seemed to you the barrier of your ideals and shall find yourself before an audience—the pen still behind your ear, the ink stains on your fingers and then and there shall pour out the torrent of your inspiration.

You may be driving sheep, and you shall wander the city—bucolic and open-mouthed; shall wander under the intrepid guidance of the spirit into the studio of the master, and after a time, he shall say, “I have nothing more to teach you.”

And now you have become the master who did so recently dream of great things while driving sheep.

You shall lay down the saw and the plane to take upon yourself the regeneration of the world.

I like this excerpt because it lets us know that when we attain mastery in our field, it may seem to us like another day’s work, but the rest of the world is looking at us in awe.

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It is a gradual process that has been sped up by the advent of the internet and the amount of information available to us.

Make a choice

There has never been a better time in the history of the known world to chase your dream, so I ask, what are you waiting for?

We, all of us, are unique people that have unique purposes in our individual lives; reasons for being.

I just want, in the depths of my heart, for everyone to at least attempt their journey.

Remember, the choice is and always will be yours.

What action will you take today to create motivation in your life?

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