60 Blogger Quotes to Motivate You to Start that Blog

These blogger quotes will have you motivated and ready to log in and post some content in no time.

Even in the second decade of the 21st century, there are some who still may ask “But why do I need a blog?”

Well, first let’s identify what a blogger is.

The definition of a blogger is someone who makes their living blogging.

A web log, or blog refers to any writing, photography, film or other media that is self-published online. 

David Meerman Scott, a very successful marketing speaker, summed up the power of the blog, noting “You can buy attention (advertising).

You can beg for attention from the media (PR).

You can bug people one at a time to get attention (sales).

Or you can earn attention by creating something interesting and valuable and then publishing it online for free.”

Check out these blogger quotes and feel inspired to create some content!

Don’t forget to also check out these writing quotes to help you create your best work.

If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. 

If you want more motivational quotes, check out our motivational quotes category page.

Blogger Quotes To Help Get You Started

1. “Don’t procrastinate. If you want to blog, then blog.” ― Fritz Chery

2. “I think of us as journalists; the medium we work in is blogging.”- Joshua Micah Marshall

3. “The term ‘Professional Blogger’ is no longer an oxymoron.”- Luke Langford

4. “Blogging is hard because of the grind required to stay interesting and relevant.”- Sophia Tippu

5. “Focus on actually treating your blog like a business.” – Preston Lee

6. “A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others.”- Lee Odden

7. “I believe the term “blog” means more than an online journal.”– Michael Arrington

8. “I believe a blog is a conversation. People go to blogs to read and write, not just consume.” – Michael Arrington

9. “Blogging is a conversation, not a code.”- Mike Butcher

10. “Figure out how you’re going to make money blogging first.” – Tim Soulo

11. “The currency of blogging is authenticity and trust.”- Jason Calacanis

12. “The first step in blogging is not writing them but reading them.” ~Jeff Jarvis

13. “Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field.” ~ Penelope Trunk

14. “Making money from blogging requires you to do only two things: drive a lot traffic, then maximize the income from that traffic.”- John Chow

15. Successful blogging is not about one-time hits. It’s about building a loyal following over time.”- David Aston

Blogger Quotes To Get You Thinking

16. “Blogs are whatever we make them. Defining ‘Blog’ is a fool’s errand.” – Michael Conniff

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17. “Not only are bloggers suckers for the remarkable, so are the people who read blogs.”- Seth Godin

18. “Blogging is not a business by itself. It is only a promotional platform.”- David Risley

19. “It should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog – you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed.” – Steve Pavlina

20. “If your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it.”- Steve Pavlina

21. “If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog on a consistent basis.”- Neil Patel

22. “Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.”- Brian Clark

23. “Blogging is a communications mechanism handed to us by the long tail of the Internet.”- Tom Foremski

24. “I’ve long advised that bloggers seeking to make money from blogging spread their interests across multiple revenue streams so as not to put all their eggs in one basket.”- Darren Rawse

25. “Blogging is like work, but without coworkers thwarting you at every turn.”- Scot Adams

26. “Blogging is just writing — writing using a particularly efficient type of publishing technology.”- Simon Dumenco

27. “The casual conversational tone of a blog is what makes it particularly dangerous” – Daniel B. Beaulieu

28. “The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it, and what it can do if successful.”- Ron Dawson

29. “Where the Internet is about availability of information, blogging is about making information creation available to anyone.” – George Siemens

30. “Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.” – Andrew Sullivan

31. “Fashion is something comes within you. Fashion Blogger” ― Lilahly

32. “The first thing you learn when you’re blogging is that people are one click away from leaving you. So you’ve got to get to the point, you can’t waste people’s time, you’ve got to give them some value for their limited attention span.” ~ Alex Tabarrok

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Blogger Quotes To Keep You Motivated

33. “Blogging is a great way to show your talents and interests to prospective employers, while adding an edge to your resume. If you blog consistently it shows your dedication, passions and creativity – all of which are key attributes employers look for in job candidates.” ~ Lauren Conrad

34. “Sometimes I think of blogging as finger exercises for a violinist; sometimes I think of it as mulching a garden. It is incredibly useful and helpful to my “real” writing.” ~ Kate Christensen

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35. “Don’t try to plan everything out to the very last detail. I’m a big believer in just getting it out there: create a minimal viable product or website, launch it, and get feedback.” – Neil Patel

36. “Create a link through which you can market your dream products. Create a blog or a website of your own depending on what you want to be recognized for. Share your experiences through these media.” ― Israelmore Ayivor

37. “Readers subscribe to blogs when they provide an informational or entertainment value so great that it would be a loss to not subscribe to it” – Maki

38. “If you love writing or making music or blogging or any sort of performing art, then do it. Just don’t plan on using it as a shortcut to making a living.” – Seth Godin

39. “I’m always reinventing my blog for the better.” – Ryan Robinson

40. “I generally blog between 5:30 A.M. and 7 A.M. I will from time to time add something during the day, but for the most part blogging is an early morning activity for me.” – Fred Wilson

41. “Look at your blog like a product or a brand. What’s going to make your blog different from what’s already out there?” – Brian Dean

42. “One of the ways eloquent bloggers are able to generate great content and write great blogs is by habitually proofreading their works thoroughly.” – Jason Wolf

43. “No one – and I really mean no one – will ever read your blog just because your grammar is spot on. If “good grammar” is the only thing you have going for you, you’ve lost.” – Bill Widmer

44. “Running a blog has its highs, lows and plateaus, and you just have to continue pumping out genuine good content.” – Matt Nelson

45. “The real thing you should focus on, if you want to break away and make blogging or writing, a cornerstone of your livelihood—is to make the medium you’re using a jumping-off point to other services you can offer.” – Darren Murph

46. “Being successful at blogging requires you to get outside of your comfort zone.” – Nathan Barry

47. “The importance of blogging for business ventures cannot be underestimated under present digital and marketing circumstances.” – Prism Global Marketing Solutions

48. “Nothing can beat a good solid reputation, and blogging makes an essential investment into this process because it allows you to share your perspective with your audience in a new way.” – Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Funny Blogger Quotes

49. “He returned my smile with a half grin. “So what do you blog about? Knitting? Puzzles? Being lonely?” – Jennifer L. Armentrout

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50. “A million years ago – some hairy bastard daubed a horse on the wall of his cave, he saw it, he drew it – well done! Flash forward: ‘Hello, welcome to my vlog. Today I bought a plum” ― Patrick Marber

Funny Blogger Quotes That Will Remind You of Blogs

51. “A blogger is an average person who happens to have a need to count his friends every half hour.” ― Robert Breault

52. “Bloggers create kind of a popularity. But they are not the experts, and we have to understand that.” ― Martha Stewart

53. “I’m very much against the anonymity of bloggers and social media. I just hate it and I think it’s really cowardly.” ― Ice T

54. “I know it’s dangerous to take on bloggers. They can go after you every day, all day long, and anonymous people can chime in, too.” ― Jerry Saltz

55. “Bloggers now have no concept. They are given things; they put them on, take pictures, and then just disappear from sight. Who cares?” ― Franca Sozzani

56. “I’m fortunate to make any money as a blogger.” ― Mickey Kaus

57. “Oh, you know what bloggers are like, they write and write and write. I don’t know why, because they’re not being paid.” ― Jon Ronson

58. Bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie annoy me.” ― Sarah Palin

59. “I just wanna thank all those amazing Internet bloggers out there that hate me day-to-day. I love you! You rock!” ― Tori Spelling

60. “I’ve never once met a successful blogger who questioned the personal value of what she did.” ― Seth Godin

In the beginning, blogging started as a venue for individuals to write and post diary-style entries.

People would share experiences and information about themselves or things they felt were important.

Since its inception, blogging has grown considerably into an integral part of how many modern businesses operate.

What started as a way for people to express themselves has evolved into an important part of business.

Blogs have the potential to do so much more now.

Aside from helping people become authority figures on a variety of topics, they attract new clients, they help build community around a website or brand, they help build reputation in whatever field you are in, they help advertise, and they can make you appear more trustworthy to those seeing you for the first time.

There are free platforms out there such as wordpress.com, Medium and Tumblr.

We all have something to say, get out there and share your voice!

What’s your biggest takeaway from these blogger quotes and sayings?

Do you have any other favorite quotes to add?

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