50 Tit for Tat Quotes to Promote Reciprocity

Discover the power of tit for tat quotes to guide you in handling challenging situations with fairness, wisdom, and grace in this insightful article.

These quotes are interesting as well as motivational.

In addition to our quotes section, we have also discussed the phrase Tit for Tat. 

With so much to offer, this article proves to be a nice collection of Tit for Tat quotes.

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So, let’s dive in!

What is Meant by the Phrase Tit for Tat?

Tit for Tat is an intuitive and simple strategy of reciprocity.

It involves responding to the action of an opponent with an identical action.

For instance, if a party offers a reasonable proposal, then the other party will also respond positively. 

On the contrary, if the first party asks to meet an unreasonable demand, the other party could put in its own demand. 

By taking motivation through this phrase, it is possible to enjoy a better relationship with others. 

How Does it Work?

The basic element of the phrase Tit for Tat is fairness and simplicity. 

It differs from other complex strategies, which need sophisticated assumptions and calculations of the opponent’s behavior.

Anyone can easily understand the basic theme behind this phrase. 

It serves as a way to reward a person’s or organization’s positive attitude. 

On the other hand, negativity is also dealt with as a negative response.

Examples of Tit for Tat

Here are a few of the most noteworthy examples of Tit for Tat: 

  • Social psychology 
  • Business negotiations
  • International relations

Social Psychology 

Tit for Tat has widely been used to study and judge human behavior. 

It acts as a framework for studying human behavior when facing social dilemmas.

If you understand how people react to the phrase, it will help promote cooperation and minimize conflicts.

Business Negotiations

Tit for tat also serves as a perfect strategy for negotiating business deals.

This is usually done when the interests of both parties aren’t aligned. 

Using this strategy, negotiators could exhibit their willingness to cooperate without compromising their interests.

International Relations

Tit for Tat is also a great tool that serves as a model for analyzing and understanding international relations. 

It includes analyzing international relations in line with trade agreements or arms control negotiations. 

Countries can signal cooperation by adopting a Tit for Tat approach. 

It also helps them to guard their interests.

Top 10 Tit for Tat Quotes 

These are the top 10 best tit-for-tat quotes from our compilation, and we are sure that you would love them as well.

1. “Just remember, I follow the Tit for Tat.” — Ehsan Sehgal

2. “Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.” — Elbert Hubbard

3. “By each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” — David Mitchell

4. “A boomerang returns to the person that throws it.” — Vera Nazarian

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5. “One never escapes karma. Every action is stored subconsciously.” ― Deeksha Arora

6. “Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. What you sow, you reap.” Zig Ziglar

7. “I must have killed a lot of cows in a past life for Karma to hate me this much.” — Katty McGarry

8. “I’m a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it’s bad or good.” — Sandra Bullock

9. “Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.” — Edwin Hubbell Chapin

10. “The love you send into the world, you will find, is the love that returns to you.” ― Avina Celeste

Tit for Tat Quotes On Positive Actions & Reactions

You must be aware of the following tit-for-tat quotes as they are important to be aware of.

11. “When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.” — Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

12. “I’m a very firm believer in karma and put it this way: I get a lot of good parking spots.” — Al Jourgensen

13. “Your karma should be good, and everything else will follow. Your good karma will always win over your bad luck.” — Rohit Shetty

14. “If you give your best to someone, it will most definitely come back to you, often from a different person altogether.” ― Hrishikesh Agnihotri

15. “We are way less likely to love someone just because they love us than we are to hate someone just because they hate us.” — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

16. “Remember the unkindness, dishonesty, and deception you display toward others… don’t be shocked when it comes back to bite you.” — Sarah Moore

17. “My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand.”Thich Nhat Hanh

18. “You reap what you sow: Life is like a boomerang. Our thoughts, deeds, and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.” — Grant M. Bright

19. “If you practice your lies on me, do not forget; I would be the worst liar, for you as the Tit for Tat, but not to the honest and fair person.” — Ehsan Sehgal

20. “When you carry out acts of kindness, you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and says, ‘Yes, this is how I ought to feel.’” — Harold Kushner

Tit for Tat Quotes that Include Suggestions 

Tit for Tat Quotes with valuable suggestions are shown below. Hopefully, you will like reading and sharing with your loved ones. 

21. “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” Wayne Dyer 

22. “Most times, how you treat your children is how they grow up to treat you.” —Terry Mark

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23. “Show a little faith in someone when they need it. It’s amazing how it comes back around to you.” ― Garon Whited

24. “You cannot do harm to someone because someone has done harm to you. You will pay just like they will.” — Ericka Williams

25. “Treat other people’s home as you want them to respect yours because what goes around comes around.” — Ana Monnar

26. “If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you’ll receive good.” — Russell Simmons

27. “Some people do not have a problem with them continuing to like or love you, as long as you continue to like or love them.” — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

28. “Stop blaming others for the pains and sufferings you have. They are because of you, your karma, and your own disposition.” ― Girdhar Joshi

29. “If you treat me or my faith with the abuse and insult on the right to freedom of speech, do not forget the same and bitter response: Tit for Tat.” — Ehsan Sehgal

30. “People pay for what they do and, still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it simply: by the lives they lead.” James Baldwin

Based Tit for Tat Quotes With Facts 

Here are some facts-based tit-for-tat quotes that you must also go through.

31. “The universe does not carry debts. It always returns back to you what you gave it.” ― Drishti Bablani

32. “Karma is justice. It does not reward or punish because we have to earn all that we receive.” — Mary T. Brown

33. “Not only is there often a right and wrong, but what goes around does come around. Karma exists.” — Donald Van de Mark

34. “When you truly understand karma, then you realize you are responsible for everything in your life.” Keanu Reeves

35. “Karma bides its time. You will always have to watch out. Karma is unforgiving and always gets payback.” — Benjamin Bayani

36. “There’s a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone35.” — Sylvester Stallone

37. “But this was what happened when you didn’t want to visit and confront the past: The past starts visiting and confronting you.” — Bret Easton Ellis

38. “Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma.” Paramahansa Yogananda

39. “Karma is a tricky thing. To serve karma, one must repay good karma to others. To serve karma well, one must sometimes deliver bad karma where it is due.” — M.R. Mathias

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40. “Every act is done, no matter how insignificant, will eventually return to the doer with equal impact. Good will be returned with good; evil with evil.” — Nishan Panwar

Some More Tit for Tat Quotes On Responsibility and Consequences

Following are some beneficial tit-for-tat quotes on responsibility and consequences. 

41. “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson

42. “I try to live with the idea that karma is a very real thing. So I put out what I want to get back.” Megan Fox

43. “I believe in karma, and I believe if you put out positive vibes to everybody, that’s all you’re going to get back.” — Kesha

44. “Often when someone hurts you, they aren’t hurting you because you are you. They are hurting you because they are them.” — Karen Salmansohn

45. “A man is born alone and dies alone, and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone, and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode.” — Chanakya

46. “Each individual is solely responsible for his or her own actions, and every action will produce a reaction equal in every way to the suit of the action.” — Stephen Arroyo

Additional Tit for Tat Quotes

Here are a few more quotes to reflect on.

47. “Every moment of your life, you perform an action—physically, mentally, emotionally, and energy-wise. Each action creates a certain memory. That is karma.” — Sadhguru

48. “Even chance meetings … are the result of karma. …things in life are fated by our previous lives. That even in the smallest events, there’s no such thing as coincidence.” — Haruki Murakami

49. “In the long run, every man will pay the penalty for his own misdeeds. The man who remembers this will be angry with no one, indignant with no one, revile no one, blame no one, offend no one, hate no one.” Epictetus

50. “Anyone who does not care about your feelings, emotions, and honesty does not believe his or her claim of any relationship between you is real and based on sincerity and truth. Just pass your time also, with the tit for tat, as he or she does.” — Ehsan Sehgal

Which One of these Tit for Tat Quotes is your Favorite? 

Tit for Tat is an effective strategy that relies on the law of reciprocity.

It means you can’t expect a good outcome after responding in a negative way. 

This strategy is applicable in almost every aspect of life, including social psychology, international relations, and business negotiations. 

If you have found a suitable and inspiring quote, do share it in the comments section. 

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