25 Catwoman Quotes From Throughout the Batman Universe
There have been many actresses who played the role of Catwoman (also known as Selina Kyle) and contributed to these fantastic Catwoman quotes.
This compilation of the best Catwoman lines comes from the original 1960s show, Batman Returns, Catwoman, and The Dark Knight Rises.
With so many actresses and takes on the character, it can be hard to keep it all straight.
If you were wondering when Catwoman made her first appearance, or the order the many talented actresses played her, you are not alone!
Created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, Catwoman first appeared in the 1940 DC Comic series, where she was known as “The Cat.”
Later during the 1960s, Julie Newmar originated the role in the Batman TV series.
Lee Meriwether played the iconic villain in the 1966 film adaptation when Newmar couldn’t.
Newmar then left the TV show in 1968, which gave the incomparable Eartha Kit a chance to step into Catwoman’s heels.
Keep reading these Catwoman quotes to learn more about how the role changed over the years!
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Bold Catwoman Quotes
1. “I am Catwoman. Hear me roar.” — Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman Returns (1992)

2. “Cats come when they feel like it. Not when they’re told.” — Halle Berry, Catwoman (2004)

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3. “Careful what you wish for.” — Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

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4. “A long time ago, before I put on this mask, I was afraid of everything.” — Catwoman

5. “The day I died was the day I started to live.” — Halle Berry, Catwoman (2004)

6. “Life would be so much easier if I didn’t have this conscience!” — Catwoman

7. “Don’t condescend, Mr. Wayne. You don’t know a thing about me.” — Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

8. “It’s such a waste when pretty things get broken.” — Catwoman

9. “You could have gone anywhere, but you came back.” — Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

10. “Please. I wouldn’t touch you to scratch you.” — Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman Returns (1992)

Catwoman quotes from Batman Returns
11. “Honey, I’m home! Oh, I forgot, I’m not married.” — Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman Returns (1992)

12. “But a kiss could be deadlier if you mean it.” — Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman Returns (1992)

13. “You poor guys. Always confusing your pistols with your privates.” — Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman Returns (1992)

14. “I don’t know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier.” — Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman Returns (1992)

Catwoman quotes from Catwoman
15. “Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is the gift that I’ve been given, and so my journey begins.” — Halle Berry, Catwoman (2004)

16. “You saved my life, Midnight. But somebody killed me and I’ve got to find out who and why.” — Halle Berry, Catwoman (2004)

17. “Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is the gift that I’ve been given, and so my journey begins.” — Halle Berry, Catwoman (2004)

Catwoman quotes from The Dark Knight Rises
18. “My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men.” — Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

19. “Look, you wouldn’t beat up a woman any more than I would beat up a cripple.” — Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

20. “You boys know you can’t come into my neighborhood without asking politely.” — Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

21. “Come with me. Save yourself. You don’t owe these people anymore. You’ve given them everything.” — Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Catwoman quotes that teach us things about life
22. “Show a man what he expects to see, and he won’t look beneath the surface.” — Catwoman

23. “Batman wanted to change us. That’s not love. Try to remember who you are.” — Catwoman

24. “My world is all just shades of grey, Batman. That’s why you’ll never really understand me.” — Catwoman

25. “No one ever finishes that proverb. Curiosity killed the cat…but satisfaction brought it back.” — Catwoman

Which of these Catwoman quotes is your favorite?
Julie Newmar’s take on Catwoman started the sexual tension between her and Batman.
Michelle Pfieffer played the character in 1992 and really turned up the heat.
Maybe it was because it was the 90s and not the 60s, and she could.
However, if you ask my husband it’s because she is Michelle Pfieffer and the best Catwoman!
Halle Berry followed Michelle Pfieffer, and sadly that movie kind of tanked, and Halle’s version of Catwoman is often ranked the worst.
Anne Hathaway gave it a shot after that.
While I love her, I have to agree with “the Michelle Pfieffer obsessed husband” and say the performance lacked… something.
Recently, it was announced that Zoe Kravitz would be playing the villain turned antihero, in the upcoming Batman movie.
What are your thoughts on that?
Who is your favorite Catwoman?
Do you have any other Catwoman quotes and sayings to add?
Let us know in the comment section below.
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