Choices Come at us Every Day & They Matter

The choices we make significantly influence the life we live and the legacy we leave behind.

Every choice we make stands as a landmark on the map of our life’s experience:

Our choices can give us power and pleasure or impotence and pain.

Each choice is a key that can unlock a door that leads to our future—the life, dreams, and goals we desire.

Conversely, each choice can send us tumbling from our climb up the mountain back into the valley.

Selecting the right key is paramount in opening doors with the answers, directions, opportunities, knowledge, and resources to guide us to our destination.

Selecting any key is better than never making a choice

If you select the wrong key, you can try again!

However, if you select no key, you will stay stuck with no hope for advancement, no chance of defining your life experience, or creating a legacy for years to come.

Since our choices can create great consequences, we must make them precisely and not by guesswork.

Carefully analyze, evaluate, and ponder the pros and cons before selecting.

We can’t choose blindly or by some random act.

We mustn’t let the situation linger and languish.

Our future depends on us taking a step, so we must set a cut-off point—a target date to decide.

We must move speedily, without wavering (single-minded)—secure in our decision.

Otherwise, we will wake up one day and find that the future is now, and we have missed our moment.

Related  Leadership Is Not a Position, It’s an Attitude!

Belief and confidence matter

When we choose, we must believe in the choice with all our heart, soul, and being.

We must believe in it enough that we use it to find our destination, whether or not the outcome is as expected.

If our choice is perfect and puts us squarely on the path that leads to our pot of gold, then all is well!

But, even if it doesn’t, we can’t throw our hands up and walk away.

Instead, we must closely review the outcome and let it help us win a “do over” or allow it to reveal to us a “new way.”

We must use our choices and their results as building blocks to create the life we want, to secure our bequest as a gift of hope and help for the people and times to come.

Check out this motivational video before you go!

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