25 Coach Carter Quotes From the Inspiring Sports Drama

Looking for quotes from the inspirational sports drama Coach Carter?

You’ve come to the right place.

We have curated some of the best Coach Carter quotes that have inspired millions since its 2005 release.

What’s your favorite scene from Coach Carter?

Starring Samuel J. Jackson, Coach Carter centers around the true story of Ken Carter, former basketball coach of Richmond High School.

The coach made headlines when he suspended his team’s practices and games after finding out about their poor grades.

The film features a talented ensemble cast including Rob Brown, Ashanti, and Channing Tatum in his feature movie debut.

If you’re looking for a boost of inspiration, Coach Carter is the perfect movie to watch. 

Today, we have compiled dozens of quotes from Coach Carter on sports, society, and more. 

And if you’re a fan of the game, don’t forget to read our collection of basketball team quotes for added inspiration!

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration. 

Our inspirational quote category page has even more inspirational and educational quotes.

Coach Carter quotes on sports

1. “In this state, you’re 80% more likely to go to prison than college.” – Coach Ken Carter

2. “Sir, they can cut the chains off the door, but they can’t make us play.” – Jason Lyle

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3. “Gentlemen, you told me you deserved to be here. Well, you’re not playing like it.” – Coach Ken Carter

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4. “Push the ball, go hard to the hole, everybody attack the board. You got that?” – Coach Ken Carter

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5. “If you vote to end the lockout, you won’t have to terminate me; I’ll quit.” – Coach Ken Carter

6. “Starting today, you will play like winners, act like winners, and most importantly, you will be winners.” – Coach Ken Carter

7. “When we step on to the floor, every second that clock is ticking we are pedal to the medal.” – Coach Ken Carter

8. “You men played like champions. You never gave up. And champions, they hold their heads high.” – Coach Ken Carter

9. “These students are student-athletes. “Student” comes first.” – Coach Ken Carter

10. “I see a system that’s designed for you to fail.” – Coach Ken Carter

11. “Before you leave my gym, you must pay an exit price of 50 made free throws before you can go.” – Coach Ken Carter

12. “It’s the same message that we as a culture send to our professional athletes, and that is that they are above the law. If these boys cannot honor the simple rules of a basketball contract, how long do you think it will be before they’re out there breaking the law?” – Coach Ken Carter

13. “If you listen and learn, you will win basketball games. And gentlemen, winning in here is the key to winning out there.” – Coach Ken Carter

14. “We have a game tomorrow so get some rest tonight. Remember: ties and jackets tomorrow.” – Coach Ken Carter

15. “You owe me 1000 pushups and 1000 suicides before you can play. I’ll see you at practice tomorrow.” – Coach Ken Carter

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16. “When we step on the floor every second that clock is ticking, we are pedal to the metal, we run the ball, we pressure the ball, and most importantly we control the tempo of the game, we make them play Richmond Oiler ball.” – Coach Ken Carter

17. “You have achieved something that some people spend their whole lives trying to find. What you achieved is that ever-elusive victory within.”  – Coach Ken Carter

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Coach Carter quotes on society

18. “You said we’re a team. One person struggles, we all struggle. One person triumphs, we all triumph.” – Jason Lyle

19. “I came to coach basketball players, and you became students. l came to teach boys, and you became men.” – Coach Ken Carter

20. “”Nigga” is a derogatory term used to insult our ancestors. See, if a white man used it, you’d be ready to fight. Your using it teaches him to use it. You’re saying it’s cool. Well, it’s not cool, and when you’re around me, I don’t want to hear that shit! Are we clear?” – Coach Ken Carter

21. “I played basketball at Richmond 30 years ago. It was the same thing then. Some of my teammates ended up in prison. Some of them ended up dead.” – Coach Ken Carter

22. “In this county, 33% of black males between 18 and 24 get arrested. So look at the guy on your left. Now, look at the guy on your right. One of you is going to get arrested.” – Coach Ken Carter

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23. “God ain’t gon’ do you no good in this neighborhood.” – Timo Cruz

24. “You won 4 games last season. FOUR! What gives you the right to the game that I love with trash talk and taunting? What gives you the right to wear Richmond on your chest and act like punks?” – Coach Ken Carter

25. “I took this job because I wanted to affect change in a special group of young men, and this is the only way I know how to do that.” – Coach Ken Carter

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What did you take from the events of Coach Carter?

In the movie Coach Carter, Carter wasn’t afraid to go against the grain and do what he felt was best for his students.

At the time their neighborhood, Richmond, CA, wasn’t overflowing with positive influence.

As a result, Carter was willing to do everything he could to ensure that his team didn’t become a statistic. 

Today, don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

Often, when you make your voice heard you are amplifying the voice of millions who wish they could be as brave as you. 

Which of these Coach Carter quotes and lines is your favorite?

Is there another movie that you would like us to feature on Everyday Power?

Let us know in the comments section below!

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  1. Lyon Chiang

    March 13, 2023 at 11:03 AM


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