20 Tough & Inspirational Cus D’Amato Quotes

If you love boxing, you will love the Cus D’Amato quotes we have prepared for you.

Constantine (Cus) D’Amato was a talented and famous boxing trainer and manager from 1933 until he passed away in 1985.

Cus was born in 1908 and is best known for training boxers such as Mike Tyson, Jose Torres, and Floyd Patterson.

This driven man was a leader of men and used his tough style to train his pupils and push them to success.

Enjoy the collection of Cus D’Amato quotes below and see if any of them inspire you to work harder or become better at your chosen profession.

Don’t forget to also check out these boxing quotes to motivate you toward victory.

Cus D’Amato Quotes On Being A Winner

You can tell that Cus D’Amato doesn’t believe people are born winners or losers. It is your choice if you are willing to put in the work to be a winner, as evidenced by the quotes below.

1. “Break your opponent’s will. Constant attack, no let up. Destroy his spirit.” – Cus D’Amato

2. “Character is that quality upon which you can depend under pressure and other conditions.” – Cus D’Amato

3. “Losers are winners who quit. Even if you lose, you still win if you don’t quit.” – Cus D’Amato

4. “Greatness is not a measure of how great you are but how great others came to be because of you.” – Cus D’Amato

5. “You can teach better by setting examples than we do by explaining and talking about them.” – Cus D’Amato

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6. “I don’t allow people to intimidate me, for no reason than to set an example for my boxers.” – Cus D’Amato

7. “A fighter has to know fear.” – Cus D’Amato

8. “I’m not a creator. What I do is discover and uncover. See, my job is to take the spark and fan it.” – Cus D’Amato

9. “People who watch you judge you on what you do, not how you feel.” – Cus D’Amato

10. “When a person’s interested in something, they’re willing to tolerate any kind of problems that may come up.” – Cus D’Amato

Cus D’Amato Quotes on Character

Your character is not determined by easy situations. As the Cus D’Amato quotes below show, your character is shown in hard times and in your willpower.

11. “A man who’s thinking or worried about getting hit is not gonna have a good sense of anticipation. He will, in fact, get hit.” – Cus D’Amato

12. “If you learn to control it, you let it work for you. If you don’t learn to control it, it’ll destroy you and everything around you.” – Cus D’Amato

13. “Believe in yourself. A guy can feel it if you don’t believe in yourself. Set your mind to make yourself do it.” – Cus D’Amato

14. “Boxing is a contest of character and ingenuity. The boxer with more will, determination, desire, and intelligence is always the one who comes out the victor.” – Cus D’Amato

15. “Remember, it’s always good to throw the punch where you can hit him, and he can’t hit you. That’s what the science of boxing is all about.” – Cus D’Amato

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16. “The man who has the confidence that his ability will not be denied, especially when you know what your ability is, nobody can con you.” – Cus D’Amato

17. “No matter what anyone says, no matter the excuse or explanation, whatever a person does, in the end, is what he intended to do all along.” – Cus D’Amato

18. “The fighter that’s gone into the ring and hasn’t experienced fear is either a liar or a psychopath.” – Cus D’Amato

19. “Boxing is entertainment, so to be successful, a fighter must not only win, but he must win in an exciting manner. He must throw punches with bad intentions.” – Cus D’Amato

20. “Emotions, particularly anger, are like fire. They can cook your food and keep you warm, or they can burn your house down.” – Cus D’Amato

Cus D’Amato Quotes Show That Your Beginnings Do Not Determine Your Ends

Cus D’Amato was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

In fact, he grew up with a physically abusive father, but instead of complaining, Cus said it made him tougher and made him the man he grew up to be.

He took that toughness and became an amateur boxer.

When an eye injury cut short his boxing career, he didn’t let the setback stop him.

Instead, Cus opened his own gym at the age of 22 and became one of the most famous and influential boxing trainers and managers in the world.

If we can learn anything from the Cus D’Amato quotes, it is that obstacles will be placed in your life, but it is how you respond to them that determines who you will become.

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