25 Dance Moms Quotes From the Hit Television Series

Fans of the Lifetime Network will love these Dance Moms quotes!

Dance Moms is a reality television show that debuted in 2011 and ran for eight seasons ending in 2019.

The show had success, winning the 2015 Kids’ Choice Award and being nominated for numerous other awards.

The show also faced much criticism, from how the young girls were portrayed and dressed to the hateful and racist treatment by Abby Lee Miller, the director of Reign Dance Productions.

The show’s plot follows the training and participation of children in the dance business under the tutelage of Abby Lee Miller.

The show highlights the relationships between Miller and the dancers as well as the relationships between Miller and the often arguing mothers.

Take a look at these Dance Moms quotes to learn more about the show.

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Dance Moms Quotes from Abby Lee

As shown in these quotes, you can tell Abby Lee means business when it comes to dancing.

1. “Are you crying? No tears.” — Abby Lee Miller

2. “Everyone’s replaceable.” — Abby Lee Miller

3. “Second is the first to lose!” — Abby Lee Miller

4. “The best kind of revenge is victory.” — Abby Lee Miller

5. “I could make you, or I could break you.” — Abby Lee Miller

6. “You are here, you’re healthy; you are one lucky little girl. Act like it.” — Abby Lee Miller

7. “If you win too much when you’re little, you stop working.” — Abby Lee Miller

8. “I don’t care what’s going on. Get your butt down to this studio.” — Abby Lee Miller

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9. “Your daughter is holding a national title, and I will take it away in a minute.” — Abby Lee Miller

10. “Girls, what are you doing? Those legs are about as straight as Elton John.” — Abby Lee Miller

11. “Remember, there is no ‘I’ in team, but there is an ‘M’ and an ‘E.’ And it’s all about me.” — Abby Lee Miller

12. “Brooke, you need to stop the whiny teenager crap. Do me a favor and just smile.” — Abby Lee Miller

13. “I wasn’t put on this earth to make her feel special. I was put on this earth to make her dance.” — Abby Lee Miller

Dance Moms Quotes from the dancers and their moms

These quotes, like the series, are full of dance drama.

14. “It doesn’t matter about dance; it matters about me. I’m emotional!” — Mackenzie Ziegler

15. “This is going to cost a lot of money in therapy!” — Jill Vertes

16. “I cut my finger on my mom’s ring. I hope I can still dance.” — Vivi-Anne

17. “I don’t like to lose, but I don’t ever lose anyway.” — Maddie

18. “You are a monstrosity of evil. You want to talk about ugliness.” — Holly Frazier

19. “I don’t really get along with my mom unless she’s buying me stuff.” — Brooke

20. “As a dancer, you get hurt all the time, but you just have to keep dancing.” — Brooke Hyland

21. “We’re not supposed to tell Abby anything. She’s a blabbermouth.” — Mackenzie Ziegler

22. “Miss Abby just talks and talks and talks, even when we’re out for ice cream, about dance!” — Chloe

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23. “I don’t even like dancing. I’m just here because my mom said she would buy me tacos.” — Vivi-Anne

24. “I find it incredibly cruel that there is a teacher who is sitting there and having a pity party for herself because her student forgot a dance on stage.” — Holly Frazier

25. “She said we were going to blow the competition away. I really hope she doesn’t mean literally… cause we could get disqualified.” — Chloe

Why Did the Show End?

Miller’s harsh treatment took its toll and included a backstage assault against her by an aggravated mother.

In Miller’s normal life, she was indicted for concealing income in 2015 and was sentenced to a year in prison.

By the end of season 4, due to differences, multiple families left Dance Moms, and many started their own dance companies.

Season 7B was the last season with the original cast, and the show lasted only one more season.

Please share these Dance Moms quotes with your family and friends and post any comments about the show in the comment section below.

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  1. Hayhh

    October 28, 2023 at 2:57 AM

    “Empty chair, do a solo!”- Holly

    • Danielle Dahl

      October 30, 2023 at 11:22 AM

      That is a great one! Thanks for commenting!

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