25 Darren Hardy Quotes From the Author and Speaker Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed

Check out these Darren Hardy quotes if you are looking for a good mentor for your career or business.

Darren Hardy is an entrepreneur who is the founding publisher of the magazine “SUCCESS” and is a renowned author and speaker.

He was born in 1971 and started his first business at 18; since then, he has started numerous other businesses.

Hardy has been married to his wife, Georgia, since 2001.

He currently works as a writer, motivational speaker, and advisor.

He is a New York Times Bestselling author; his most well-known book is “The Compound Effect.”

Hardy has also held executive positions at two different television networks, TPN and TSTN.

I’ve been Darren Hardy’s email list member for several years and always benefit from the morning emails.

They are full of encouragement and inspiration to keep me focused on going after achieving the goals I have for my life.

Take a look at these Darren Hardy quotes to learn more about how Hardy motivates others to succeed.

Best Darren Hardy Quotes to Learn From

These quotes will inspire you to pursue your dreams and live your best life.

1. “Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” — Darren Hardy

2. “It’s time to wake up and make empowering choices.” — Darren Hardy

3. “Life begins outside the edge of your comfort zone.” — Darren Hardy

4. “The first step always looks harder than it actually is.” — Darren Hardy

5. “You will get in life what you accept and expect you are worthy of.” — Darren Hardy

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6. “Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum.” — Darren Hardy

7. “You can only control two things in life: Your attitude and your actions.” — Darren Hardy

8. “Allow yourself to go and do it wrong. Don’t expect to always get it right.” — Darren Hardy

9. “In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices make you.” — Darren Hardy

10. “Becoming wealthy, influential, and world-class in your field is slow and arduous.” — Darren Hardy

Inspirational Darren Hardy Quotes

Find the inspiration you need to go after your goals with help from the following quotes.

11. “You alone are responsible for what you do, don’t do, or how you respond to what’s done to you.” — Darren Hardy

12. “You only need to take a series of tiny steps, consistently, over time, to radically improve your life.” — Darren Hardy

13. “Choose to make up for what you lack in innate ability with discipline, hard work, and good habits.” — Darren Hardy

14. “Our need for immediate gratification can turn us into the most reactive, non-thinking animals around.” — Darren Hardy

15. “The magic is doing the simple things repeatedly and long enough to ignite the miracle of the Compound Effect.” — Darren Hardy

16. “Tell me what everyone else does, what’s the consensus and what’s popular, and I will typically do the opposite.” — Darren Hardy

17. “This is the story of most people’s lives; they’re riding the horse of their habits with no idea where they’re headed.” — Darren Hardy

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18. “Unsuccessful people carry their goals around in their head like marbles rattling around in a can, and we say a goal that is not in writing is merely a fantasy.” — Darren Hardy

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Wise Darren Hardy Quotes About How to Achieve Your Goals

Learn more about what separates the successful from the unsuccessful in the following quotes.

19. “Our choices can deliver us to our goals or send us orbiting into a galaxy far, far away.” — Darren Hardy

20. “Track every action that relates to the area of your life you want to improve. All winners are trackers.” — Darren Hardy

21. “The person who has a clear, compelling, and white-hot burning why will always defeat even the best of the best at doing the how.” — Darren Hardy

22. “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” — Darren Hardy

23. “If you are not making the progress that you would like to make and are capable of making, it is simply because your goals are not clearly defined.” — Darren Hardy

24. “The biggest difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not.” — Darren Hardy

25. “Seek out positive people who have achieved the success you want to create in your own life. Remember the adage: ‘Never ask advice of someone with whom you wouldn’t want to trade places.’” — Darren Hardy

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What is Darren Hardy’s Philosophy on Success?

Hardy learned at a young age from his father that circumstances don’t matter; if you are willing to put in the time and effort, you can succeed.

From this learning experience, he learned to “Be the Exception” and has carried that mantra throughout his life and has encouraged others to do the same.

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