25 Dave Matthews Quotes From the Famous Musician

Music fans will enjoy these Dave Matthews Quotes from the lead singer of the Dave Matthews Band.

David John Matthews was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1967 and currently lives in Seattle, Washington.

Matthews is an accomplished singer, songwriter, and actor who has acted in many roles.

The famous musician has seen his band sell more tickets and earn more money than any other act in North America between the years 2000 to 2010.

His success extends to the vineyard, where he purchased 10 acres of land in Virginia and has now collaborated with others to create the Dreaming Tree Wines.

He has been married to Jennifer Ashley Harper since 2000, and they have three children together.

Look at these Dave Matthews quotes to learn more about this accomplished musician.

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Famous Dave Matthews Quotes

Check out some of the best Dave Matthews famous quotes.

1. “How could I have been anyone other than me?” — Dave Matthews

2. “Tomorrow is no place to place your better days.” — Dave Matthews

3. “I find therapy in playing music in many different ways.” — Dave Matthews

4. “Take what you can from your dreams; make them as real as anything.” — Dave Matthews

5. “My songs are like a three-legged dog – you have to get to know them to have any love for them.” — Dave Matthews

6. “I think I am a very kind person. I think I’m joyful, but I could be kinder, and I could be more joyful.” — Dave Matthews

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7. “For me, in songwriting, I have a route I can take. Maybe there’s some forks, Ian go this way, this way.” — Dave Matthews

8. “When I write the set, I try to create something that will not only be interesting for the audience but will have a flow for the band, too, so we don’t get boring.” — Dave Matthews

9. “When I listen to my favorite songwriters, they have such simple melodies and chords. I occasionally manage to stop at the right time, but all too often, I keep on going until I have way too many notes and words.” — Dave Matthews

10. “It’s funny, I get a little quieter with time. I don’t want to chase my tail and one day repeat myself and repeat myself and one day have kids going to college and not have memories that I should because I was too busy doing my thing.” Dave Matthews

Here are some popular Dave Matthews quotes from his song lyrics.

11. “If you give, you begin to live.” — Dave Matthews Band

12. “Always walk where you like your steps.” — Dave Matthews Band

13. “Tell me, what in the world would I sing for if I had it all?” — Dave Matthews Band

14. “We gotta do much more than believe if we wanna see the world change.” — Dave Matthews Band

15. “To change the world, start with one step. However small, the first step is hardest of all.” — Dave Matthews Band

16. “It’s crazy, I’m thinking, just knowing that the world is round, and here I’m dancing on the ground.” — Dave Matthews Band

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17. “Everybody asks me how she’s doing, has she really lost her mind? I couldn’t tell you, I’ve lost mine.” — Dave Matthews Band

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The Best Dave Matthews Quotes

Enjoy some of Dave Matthews best quotes.

18. “Talk! That’s the only way we’ll find solutions.” — Dave Matthews

19. “We have to be active about kindness and about peace.” — Dave Matthews

20. “I think we should all talk to our enemies and talk to our friends.” — Dave Matthews

21. “There’s a freedom to being young that is harder to come by as time goes on.” — Dave Matthews

22. “We look to our leaders once we elect them to either lead us in the right direction or at least not crush us.” — Dave Matthews

23. “It’s a melting pot, southern Africa. You find these cultural collisions that result in art and music, and it’s pretty amazing.” — Dave Matthews

24. “When I look at how fortunate I’ve been, being a musician… my response to being overpaid is that I should pay it back to my community in some way.” — Dave Matthews

25. “If I find something I like, I’ll chase it and see what comes out the other side. Once a song gets momentum and gets away from you, that’s a good sign.” — Dave Matthews

How Did Dave Matthews Get Started in Music?

After Dave Matthews graduated from secondary school in South Africa, he was going to be forced into the military.

But he’s a pacifist, so he left South Africa for the United States.

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Once in America, he started performing in public for the first time, learning the Dave Matthews Band with Carter Beauford, Stefan Lessard, LeRoi Moore, Peter Griesar, and Boyd Tinsley in 1991.

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