30 Eric Thomas Quotes About Success, Life, Beast Mode and You’re Why
A motivational speaker with a style all his own, these Eric Thomas quotes can inspire anyone.
Eric Thomas quotes are almost as powerful as his presentations.
Eric Thomas—AKA ET The Hip Hop Preacher—is a powerful motivational speaker who inspires countless individuals with his passion for uplifting others.
An author, minister, and well-known motivational speaker, allow our latest collection of Eric Thomas quotes on the Everyday Power Blog to inspire you to achieve more.
Eric Thomas, the ‘Hip Hop Preacher’, is best known for his straight talk and incredibly passionate speaking style.
Eric keeps people of all ages and from all over the world engaged, enlightened, and entertained.
I was recently reading his books, Greatness Is Upon You and The Secrets To Success, and knew that his quotes needed to be shared.
Eric Thomas has truly tapped into his Everyday Power by turning his life around and currently travels the world to inspire other people to do the same thing.
Eric Thomas Quotes about getting into BEAST MODE
1. “Everybody wants to be a beast, until it’s time to do what real beasts do.” – Eric Thomas

2. “Don’t make a habit out of choosing what feels good over what’s actually good for you.” – Eric Thomas

3. “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” – Eric Thomas

4. “Stop being average. You’re not even good. You were born to be great.” – Eric Thomas

5. “Everybody has a dream, but not everybody has a grind.” – Eric Thomas

6. “At some point in life you have to face your fears.” – Eric Thomas

7. “Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes permanence!” – Eric Thomas

8. “Success is not for the weak and uncommitted… Sometimes it’s gonna hurt!” – Eric Thomas

9. “I use pain to push me to greatness” – Eric Thomas

10. “The only way to get out of mediocrity is to keep shooting for excellence.” – Eric Thomas

Motivational Eric Thomas Quotes About Life
11. “Some of you have been worshiped since you were in high school, so you don’t really know how to grind. Like, you talk grind. I love it…I go into the weight room, and you’re playing Pac.
Or, you’re playing Biggie. You love Pac. You love Biggie. But you don’t have the spirit of Pac. You don’t have the spirit of Biggie. You listen to them, but you don’t know what the grind is like. I know what the grind is like!” – Eric Thomas

12. “Every day I wake up and I am who I say am and I get what I get because I stay in beast mode.” – Eric Thomas

13. “If you would just believe that your day is coming. That the sacrifices you are making today are going to pay off. But you’ve got to do me a favor, you can get around all these people and get around all this information…but if you do not believe…it ain’t gon’ happen!” – Eric Thomas

14. “When you have something good… When you have something good, you don’t play with it! You don’t take chances with it! You don’t take risks with it!
When you got something good, you get every single thing you can get out of it! Because guess what? When you take care of something good, that something good takes care of you.” – Eric Thomas

15. “I don’t want to hang my hat on one area of life and think I’m successful. I’m not on that! I want the triple double.” – Eric Thomas

16. “It’s one thing to talk about your destiny. It’s one thing to dream about your destiny. It’s one thing to look at your destiny. But it’s another thing – it is another thing – to make the decisions. To wake up when you know you supposed to wake up! Listen to what I’m telling you!
To write when you don’t feel like writing that paper. To say no to that party, that you know, is not going to help you, to make your dreams become a reality. Listen to me!
No, to sleep when you should be working out. Saying no to quitting when you still got a hundred more shots to make. Saying no when your body says stop, but you put in fifty more push ups! You can’t just talk about it! You gotta be about it!” – Eric Thomas
Eric Thomas quotes from his YouTube speeches
17. “Listen to me, even when you lose, it’s OK to lose, but you can never get comfortable with it. You can never be satisfied with losing. When you lose, it’s got to hurt.” – Eric Thomas

18. “You can’t sleep. Broke people sleep. You got to be willing to sacrifice sleep, if you sleep you may miss the opportunity to be successful.” – Eric Thomas

19. “I don’t care if you broke, you grew up broke… you grew up rich. You only get 24hrs in a day! We all only get 24 hours in a day. It’s what we do with it that makes the difference!” – Eric Thomas

20. “When you get to a place where you don’t go for what you can get, but you go for what you can give, you gonna see your life change tremendously.” – Eric Thomas

21. “Stop the blame game. Stop! Stop looking out the window and look in the mirror!” – Eric Thomas

22. “Success is never on discount! Greatness is never on sale! Greatness is never half off! It’s all or nothing! It’s all day, every day! Greatness is never on discount!” – Eric Thomas

23. “It’s realizing that a great dream is not as good as a great memory. The dream can be had by anyone. The memory – must be made.” – Eric Thomas

More Motivational Eric Thomas Quotes
24. “I’m not minimizing your problems, but I’m saying…if life knocked you down 1 year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago…and you still on the ground…we got a problem.” – Eric Thomas

25. “You ain’t average! But you know what? You’re playing small because it’s easier to be average.” – Eric Thomas

26. “I wanted to surround myself with the kind of people who could help me turn my life around; people whom I could rub up against like iron and be sharpened.” – Eric Thomas

27. “When you’re great! You attract great! When you’re average! You attract average.” – Eric Thomas

28. “Monday, I grind. Tuesday, I grind. Wednesday, I grind. Thursday, I grind. Friday, I grind. Saturday, I grind. Sunday, I grind. And, that’s why I’m here today.” – Eric Thomas

29. “Both desire and imagination are stored in the mind of the individual and when stretched, both have the potential to position a person for greatness.” – Eric Thomas

30. “You can’t cheat the grind, it knows hows much you’ve invested, it won’t give you nothing you haven’t worked for.” – Eric Thomas

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