25 For Whom the Bell Tolls Quotes to Grab Your Attention

Looking for the best For Whom the Bell Tolls quotes?

We are here to help you.

In this article, we have provided the most famous quotes about this novel. 

Besides, we have also discussed the key aspects of For Whom the Bell Tolls novel.

So, without any delay, let’s dive in!

An introduction to “For Whom the Bell Tolls”

For Whom the Bell Tolls is a classic novel by Ernest Hemingway.

It was published in 1940, during the Spanish Civil War. 

The story of this novel revolves around Robert Jordan, who is fighting for the Republican side.

The novel involves a variety of themes, including:

  • Love
  • Loyalty
  • Sacrifice
  • The human cost of war

Writing Style

Hemingway is popular for his simple and straightforward writing style. 

This novel is no exception, as he uses short sentences to convey the characters’ emotions.

As a result, a poignant and powerful base is created, which strongly impacts the reader.


Robert Jordan is this novel’s hero, an American professor and explosives expert.

During the Spanish Civil War, he served for the cause of the Republicans as a volunteer.

As the story unfolds, Jordan is tasked to blow up a bridge.

This bridge was a crucial structure for the enemy. 

When on his mission, Robert falls in love with Maria.

She was a young woman rescued by Pablo’s group. 

As Pablo and Robert were planning the attack, Robert starts to think about his mission’s morality. 

Ultimately, he proceeds forward to accomplish his duty. 

Depicted Themes

The most important theme of this novel is the cost of war. 

Hemingway perceives war as a senseless and brutal act.

According to him, war takes a toll on those who are involved and those who are not.

The war completely changes the lives of the characters. 

Most of them are frightened by their terrifying experiences. 

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Another theme discussed in this novel is that of sacrifice.

Robert, Pablo, and various other characters are risking their lives for their cause. 

Love and compassion are some other themes depicted in this novel. 

The relationship between Robert and Maria is a vivid display of compassion and love, even during war. 

They stay loyal to each other amid the chaos and violence spread by the war.

Character List 

Below are the main characters of the novel:

  • Robert Jordan
  • Maria
  • Pablo
  • Pilar
  • Anselmo
  • Rafael
  • Agustin
  • El Sordo

Top 5 For Whom The Bell Tolls Quotes 

Now, let’s check out the top 5 For Whom The Bell Tolls quotes.

1. “Everything you have is to give.” — Ernest Hemingway

2. “Heresy is the foe of countenance.” — Ernest Hemingway

3. “There’s no one thing that’s true. It’s all true.” — Ernest Hemingway 

4. “Discipline must come from trust and confidence.” — Ernest Hemingway

5. “I am thee and thou art me and all of one is the other.” — Ernest Hemingway

For Whom The Bell Tolls Quotes For Getting Hope 

The following For Whom The Bell Tolls quotes will give you hope for achieving your goals.

6. “To understand is to forgive.” — Ernest Hemingway

7. “For what are we born if not to aid one another?” — Ernest Hemingway

8. “Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be.” — Ernest Hemingway

9. “I suppose if a man has something once, always something of it remains.” — Ernest Hemingway

10. “So now do not worry, take what you have, and do your work and you will have a long life and a very merry one.” — Ernest Hemingway

Amusing For Whom The Bell Tolls Quotes

Here are For Whom The Bell Tolls quotes that will make you laugh and smile.

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11. “This was a big storm, and he might as well enjoy it. It was ruining everything, but you might as well enjoy it.” — Ernest Hemingway

12. “Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how justified, is not a crime. Ask the infantry and ask the dead.” — Ernest Hemingway

13. “He did not care for the lying at first. He hated it. Then later, he had come to like it. It was part of being an insider, but it was a very corrupting business.” — Ernest Hemingway

14. “I had an inheritance from my father; it was the moon and the sun. And though I roam all over the world, The spending of it’s never done.” — Ernest Hemingway

15. “There is a hollow, empty feeling that a man can have when he is waked too early in the morning that is almost like the feeling of disaster, and he had this multiplied a thousand times.” — Ernest Hemingway

Intellectual For Whom The Bell Tolls Quotes 

Some intellectual For Whom The Bell Tolls are here below: they will make you think it over.

16. “How little we know of what there is to know.” — Ernest Hemingway

17. “And if thou dost not love me, I love thee enough for both.” — Ernest Hemingway

18. “He was just a coward, and that was the worst luck any many could have.” — Ernest Hemingway

19. “The world is a fine place and worth fighting for, and I hate very much to leave it.” — Ernest Hemingway

20. “No animal has more liberty than the cat, but it buries the mess it makes. The cat is the best anarchist.” — Ernest Hemingway

For Whom The Bell Tolls Quotes that are Shareworthy 

These are some lovely For Whom The Bell Tolls quotes you would like to share with your loved ones.

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21. “I loved you when I saw you today, and I loved you always, but I never saw you before.” — Ernest Hemingway

22. “Now, feel. I am thee and thou art me and all of one is the other. And feel now. Thou hast no heart but mine.” — Ernest Hemingway

23. “You have never heard me talk much. But an intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend his time with fools.” — Ernest Hemingway

24. “Now for everyone there should be someone to whom one can speak frankly, for all the valor that one could have one becomes very alone.” — Ernest Hemingway

25. “How little we know of what there is to know. I wish that I were going to live a long time instead of going to die today because I have learned much about life in these four days; more, I think than in all other time. I’d like to be an old man to really know. I wonder if you keep on learning or if there is only a certain amount each man can understand. I thought I knew so many things that I know nothing of. I wish there was more time.” — Ernest Hemingway

Which of these For Whom the Bell Tolls Quotes is your Favorite? 

For Whom the Bell Tolls quotes can depict the true essence of this novel.

If you have read the novel, you will enjoy these quotes.

Besides, we have also described the plot and theme of the novel to let you understand what this book is about.

We have listed our quotes under their respective section to help you find a quote that inspires you the most.

Tell us about your favorite quote by commenting below. 

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