25 ‘Friends’ Quotes From The Hit 90’s Sitcom

It’s been almost 30 years since Friends permanently embedded itself in our culture and we still can’t stop watching reruns.

We hope you enjoy these Friends quotes from one of the greatest sitcoms of all time.

The first episode of Friends aired in 1994, and, after a 236 episode run, and 17 years since the show wrapped up, it is still one of the most popular shows on television.

There is little doubt as to why Friends was and still is so popular.

It takes you through the lives of five friends across a period of ten years as they go from figuring out life as a young adult to growing up and settling down.

Not your basic sitcom, the characters in Friends are so well-crafted that it is hard not to become attached to them.

Friends is a show that is comfort food.

Even if you’ve seen every episode five times, you keep coming back to it every time you need a break, a reminder of when life was simpler, or just need to laugh.

Best friends quotes and memorable lines from Ross Gellar

1. “Pivot!” Ross

2. “Unagi.” Ross

3. “We were on a break!” Ross

4. Joey: “How did the date go?”

Ross: “Great! I’m across the street, having sex right now.”

5. “Shame on you! Ugly baby judges you!” Ross

6. “I’m just going to wander around in the rain.” Ross

7. “Brussels sprouts? That’s worse than no food.” Ross

8. “You’re over me? When were you… under me?” Ross

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9. “I just Bamboozled Chandler!…Which isn’t a sexual thing.” Ross

10. “Y’know, We should probably ask the doctor if she even knows how to deliver a baby that’s half-human, half-pure evil!” Ross

11. “Yup! You could plunk me down in the middle of any woman’s uterus, no compass, and I can find my way out of there like [snaps fingers] that.” Ross

Friends quotes and best lines from Monica Gellar

12. “Damn all the jellyfish!” Monica

13. “And I have to live with a boy!” Monica

14. “Yes. Chandler watches shark porn!” Monica

15. “I know of two surefire ways to shut a man up. And one of them is sex.” Monica

16. “I needed a plan, a plan to get over my man. And what’s opposite of man? Jam.” Monica

Friends quotes from Phoebe Buffay

17. Monica: “Do you have a plan?”

Phoebe: “I don’t even have a plan.’”

18. “I can’t have a mimosa? I’m on vacation!” Phoebe

19. Joey: (wearing women’s underwear) “Hey, Pheebs. Check it out!”

Phoebe: “Hmm, nice. Manly, and also kind of a slut.”

20. Joey: “Could you close that window? My nipples could cut glass over here.”

Phoebe: “Really? Mine get me out of tickets.”

21. “They don’t know that we know they know we know.” Phoebe

22. “Have you ever chased someone to the airport before?” Phoebe

23. “Come on, Ross. You’re a paleontologist, dig a little deeper.” Phoebe

24. “If you want to receive emails about my upcoming shows please give me money so I can buy a computer.” Phoebe

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25. “Well, you all know that I am a pacifist, which means I am not interested in war in any way. But when the revolution comes I will have to destroy you all; not you, Joey.” Phoebe

What friends quote is the most memorable to you?

How many times have you shouted, “We were on a break!”, or knowingly looked at a friend, pointed your fingers at your head, and said, “Unagi.”?

Friends is a show that is filled with terrific one-liners like these.

As is television fate, there’s a lot about older shows that don’t hold up to the current times.

There’s a lot about Friends that is like that, too.

And, while the fashion and technology dates and some of the lines don’t hold up any more, we can forgive the show for its flaws and recognize that it was a product of its time.

Despite being quintessentially 90s, the characters and situations they face are totally human, making Friends still relatable even 30 years later.

We hope you enjoyed these Friends quotes and lines.

Let us know your favorite quote in the comments below.

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