25 Futurama Quotes for Fans of Animated Sci-Fi

Share which of these Futurama quotes takes you back to the series in the comments.

Futurama is an American animated science fiction sitcom aired in 1999.

The series centered on the adventures of Philip Fry and his friends: one-eyed Leela and metal robot Bender.

Philip is cryogenically preserved in the 20th century and reawakens in the 30th century to become a delivery boy for an intergalactic delivery company owned by his great-grandnephew, Professor Hubert.

Together with his friends and old nephew, they will become the best delivery company in the galaxy and solve many problems along with their adventures.

The series received numerous awards during its run because of its genius scriptwriting and hilarious gags.

Here are some of the most iconic and funniest Futurama quotes to laugh at.

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Futurama quotes from Bender

1. “Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder.” — Bender

Futurama quotes about oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder

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2. “This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me!” — Bender

Futurama quotes about this is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me

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3. “I’m back, baby!” — Bender

Futurama quotes about I'm back, baby

4. “I’m so embarrassed, I wish everybody else was dead!” — Bender

Futurama quotes about I'm so embarrassed, I wish everybody else was dead

5. “Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV…sitting down with your kids…and hitting them?” — Bender

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Futurama quotes about have you ever tried simply turning off the TV

6. “I hope he didn’t die. Unless he left a note naming me his successor, then I hope he did die.” — Bender

Futurama quotes about I hope he didn’t die

7. “We’re making beer. I’m the brewery!” — Bender

Futurama quotes about we’re making beer. I’m the brewery

8. “Well, if jacking on will make strangers think I’m cool, I’ll do it.” — Bender

Futurama quotes about well, if jacking on will make strangers think I’m cool, I’ll do it

9. “Hey sexy mama. Wanna kill all humans?” — Bender

Futurama quotes about hey sexy mama. Wanna kill all humans

10. “Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The ‘X’ makes it sound cool.” — Bender

Futurama quotes about blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The ‘X' makes it sound cool

11. “I got ants in my butt, and I need to strut.” — Bender

Futurama quotes about I got ants in my butt, and I need to strut

12. “Game’s over, losers! I have all the money. Compare your lives to mine and then kill yourselves.” — Bender

Futurama quotes about compare your lives to mine and then kill yourselves

13. “My story is a lot like yours, only more interesting cause it involves robots.” — Bender

Futurama quotes about my story is a lot like yours, only more interesting cause it involves robots

14. “I don’t remember ever fighting Godzilla… But that is so what I would have done!” — Bender

Futurama quotes about I don’t remember ever fighting Godzilla… But that is so what I would have done

15. “Bite my shiny metal ass.” — Bender

Futurama quotes about bite my shiny metal ass

16. “You know what cheers me up? Other people’s misfortune.” — Bender

Futurama quotes about you know what cheers me up? Other people’s misfortune

17. “You’re a pimple on society’s ass and you’ll never amount to anything!” — Bender

Futurama quotes about you’re a pimple on society’s ass and you’ll never amount to anything

18. “I’m going to go build my own theme park! With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the park!” — Bender

Futurama quotes about I'm going to go build my own theme park

19. “We’ll soon stage an attack on technology worthy of being chronicled in an anthem by Rush!” — Bender

Futurama quotes about we’ll soon stage an attack on technology worthy

Futurama quotes from Fry

20. “Valentine’s Day is coming? Oh crap – I forgot to get a girlfriend again.” — Fry

Futurama quotes about valentine’s Day is coming? Oh crap – I forgot to get a girlfriend again

21. “Shut up and take my money!” — Fry

Futurama quotes about shut up and take my money

22. “My folks were always on me to groom myself and wear underpants. What am I, the pope?” — Fry

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Futurama quotes about my folks were always on me to groom myself and wear underpants

23. “They’re like sex, except I’m having them!” — Fry

Futurama quotes about they’re like sex, except I’m having them

24. “I never thought it would end this way, gunned down by Santa Claus.” — Fry

Futurama quotes about I never thought it would end this way, gunned down by Santa Claus

25. “When you look this good, you don’t have to know anything!” — Fry

Futurama quotes about when you look this good, you don’t have to know anything

Which of these Futurama quotes is your favorite?

If you find Futurama hilarious and fun, you’ll probably have a hard time finding someone to disagree with you.

This series has tons of entertainment value, and each episode never gets old.

In addition, there are numerous hidden details and easter eggs, which is a hidden treat for fans of the series.

In essence, this series is an interestingly fun workplace sitcom where every character has running jokes that define who they are.

Futurama gained a large number of loyal fans, and even now, many people are rewatching and sharing the series with their friends.

If you haven’t already, now is a good time to rewatch this series after you’re done enjoying these Futurama quotes and sayings.

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