158 Nephew Quotes To Make You Love Being An Aunt Or Uncle

These nephew quotes will show you why having one is so special.

Everyone talks about how special it is to have your own child but having a nephew doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

In the comment section below, let us know which nephew quote you liked the most.

What Are The Benefits Of Reading These Nephew Quotes?

Nephews can be fun and wild.

They can be a partner in crime or the person you spend time teasingly tormenting.

There’s nothing like getting back at your sibling by teaching their son the things they don’t want him to know, like stories of what their parent did as a teenager.

These nephew quotes will:

  • Help you appreciate and understand the special bond people have with their nephews
  • Be a great source for social media captions for all the moments you two will share
  • Help you hint to your sibling that you are ready for another nephew… or niece

You get the fun of spending time with your nephew without having to be the person responsible for taking care of them.

It’s the best of both worlds.

Below is our collection of beautiful, inspirational, and loving nephew quotes and sayings collected from various sources over the years.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration. 

Wild Nephew Quotes

1. “I always joke with people that having nephews is the best birth control there is.” – Tahj Mowry

best Nephew Quotes

You will also enjoy our article on brother and sister quotes.

2. “I like being an uncle because there’s no such thing as a deadbeat uncle.” – @nedostup

uncle and Nephew Quotes

3. “If you think I’m fast, just wait until you see my nephew Bruno.” – Ayrton Senna

funny Nephew Quotes

4. “The best aunts aren’t substitute parents, they’re co-conspirators.” — Daryl Gregory

Nephew Quotes about parents

Nephew Quotes About The Fun Of Having One

5. “Every child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her.” — Urie Bronfenbrenner

crazy Nephew quotes

6. “The nephew that I know and I love, and I know in my heart.” – Anna Jones

loving nephew quotes

7. “Any day spent with you, my nephew is my favorite day.” – A.A. Milne

favorite nephew quotes

8. “My nephew doesn’t even like good food; he just wants the toys.” – Julia Sawalha

nephew quotes about what they love

9. “I love spending time with you my nephew, and music has always bonded us.” – Jessie J

nephew quotes on spending time with them

10. “My nephew is a manipulative and scheming. And those are his good qualities.” – Kelley Armstrong

funny nephew quotes

Uncle And Nephew Quotes

11. “It’s really important to me that my nephews can come and see my show.” – Jessie J

nephew quotes that will make your day

12. “I’ve got loads of nieces and nephews.” – Karl Pilkington

nieces and nephew quotes

13. “But if I were you, I would stand by the nephew. He has more to give.”  – Jane Austen

nephew quotes celebrating a special bond

14. “I sort of like bumper cars but I don’t really go to Disneyland all that much unless if have my nephews.” — Anjelica Huston

nephews quotes

15. “I’m definitely going to be setting up a trust fund for my little nephew.” — Chad Michaels

little nephew quotes

Relationship With A Nephew Quotes

16. “My nephews all look at me differently now. Before, they couldn’t relate to me, and now I’m like a god.” – Ruth Buzzi

nephew quotes we can all relate to

17. “Sometimes, the littlest things take up the most room in your heart.” — Winnie the Pooh

heartfelt nephew quotes

18. “Everyone had an uncle who tried to steal their nose.” – Peter Kay

uncle and nephew quotes

19. “To me, my nephew is the angel of my world. It is my absolute happiest moment whenever he smiles at me.” – Li Bingbing

nephew quotes about happy moments

20. “Finally, a Thanksgiving without a drunken uncle. Just me, my nieces and nephews and my bottle of Jack Daniels.” – Conan O’Brien

nephew quotes about thanksgiving

21. “There’s something so great about being with your nephew and, when you’re tired, just handing him off back to your sister.”  – Tahj Mowry

great nephew quotes

If you enjoy these quotes, read our collection of funny sister quotes celebrating unconditional love.

22. “Every time I go to my nephews’ house he wishes to show me all his drawings. I know I’m biased but those things belong in a museum.” – James Avery

nephew quotes from uncle

23. “It distresses me when I take my seven-year-old nephew out. I cook healthy food, and he wants to go to McDonald’s.” – Julia Sawalha

nephew quotes from aunt

24. “An aunt is a safe haven for a child. Someone who will keep your secrets and is always on your side.” — Sara Sheridan

nephew quotes about aunt

If you’re enjoying these quotes, read our collection of aunt quotes about the power of family love.

Nephew Quotes That He’ll Love

25. “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.” – Rabindranath Tagore

nephew quotes to encourage them

26. Dear nephew, as you will already have realized during our much too brief companionship, I am essentially a man of principle.” – Franz Kafka

dear nephew quotes

27. “I always ask my crying nephew, ‘Dude why are you crying? Your life is great. All you do is eat apple sauce and take naps. That’s your day’.” – Hannibal Buress

nephew quotes about life

28. “Just got invited to my nephew’s preschool graduation. I’m actually thrilled he’s decided to finally do something positive with his life.” – Abe Yospe

positive nephew quotes

29. “Turtles are greater than baby nephews, because it’s OK to drop a turtle.” – Demetri Martin

cute nephew quotes

30. “Nephews are the guardians of our joy, ensuring that our hearts stay forever young.” ― Maya Angelou

humorous nephew quotes

Nephew Quotes From Aunt And Uncle

31. “My 2-yr-old nephew learned to imitate laser beam sounds, a rite of childhood. Getting hit with a lot of imaginary beams, a rite of unclehood.” – Matthew Pleasant

32. “Well, I’m an uncle now… don’t know if I’m a good one. My nephew asked me the difference between a hamster and a gerbil and I told him I thought there was more dark meat on a gerbil.” – Bobcat Goldthwait

33. “Happiness is actually found in simple things, such as taking my nephew around the island by bicycle or seeing the stars at night. We go to coffee shops or see airplanes land at the airport.” – Andrea Hirata

34. “I’m a pretty agile guy, especially being taller and having done martial arts from about the age of 13, but parkour is one of those sports that I wish I’d discovered sooner. When my nephew first showed me, I thought ‘Damn – I’m too old for this.’” – Paul Walker (see more Paul Walker quotes)

35. “Shopping for kids for Christmas presents is so much fun but having a kid sounds like too much work so being an uncle is the perfect scenario! Glad my sister had a baby so I don’t have to!” – Ricky Dillon

36. “Nephew’s hair got so blonde this summer it looks peroxided. He is getting it cut so kids won’t think he is punk. I have failed as an uncle.” – Unknown

37. “Nieces and nephews give you the chance to be the parent you would be if you didn’t have to worry about being a parent.” – Unknown

38. “Uncles are there to help the child get into mischief that they haven’t thought of yet.” – Unknown

39. “I never dreamed I would be a super cool aunt, but here I am killing it.” – Unknown

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40. “There’s this boy… he kinda stole my heart, he calls me Auntie.” – Unknown 

Nephew Quotes To Remind You Of That Awesome Boy

41. “An unlikely source of inspiration? My nieces and nephews. I feel encouraged to keep going because I know that if I keep going, then I can tell them to keep going.” -KiKi Layne

42. “I feel very much like a father sometimes to my nephew but sometimes I feel like a teammate.” – Dusty Baker

43. “Today I am forcing my nephews to watch my favorite movie, Seven Samurai, because even if you have a cool uncle, sometimes the price is enduring a 3+ hour subtitled black & white movie on vacation.” – Lin-Manuel Miranda

44. “Wherever my nephew will be, there my love will also be.” -Author Unknown

45. “One of the best things in life that I get to do is to love, pamper, and fuss over my little nephew.” -Author Unknown

46. “I really want my nephew to have a little bit of an advantage over everyone when it comes time for him to make his way in the world.” – Chad Michaels

47. “Nephews like you are precious gold because they keep their uncles from getting old.” -Author Unknown

48. “My nephew feels like he has got me under his command. Well, he is right.” -Author Unknown

49. “Great! I now have a nephew who will inherit the greatness of his uncle.” -Author Unknown

50. “Behind every great nephew is an aunt cheering him on.” -Author Unknown

Nephew Quotes On Why They Are The Son We Never Had

51. “When my nephew was 3 and 4, he would say the most genius things. He said, You’re hammer macho with FBI dogs. I thought it was just one of those great lines.” – Beck

52. “I have three incredible nieces and a nephew who’s going off to college. To hear them say they’re proud of me left me in tears.” – Tamron Hall

53. “I get to have Sunday lunch at my mum’s, pick my nephew up from school now and then: it’s a very normal life.” – Vicky McClure

54. “Why should I marry? One marries to have children, but I already have children! My nieces and nephews are my children.” – Salman Khan

55. “I have two new nephews and a new niece this year, so I have plenty of kids that I can spend time with.” – Anjelica Huston

56. “I went to pick up my nephew from primary school, and one of the teachers there stopped me and said, ‘My son listens to you.’ That’s quite an awkward thing.” – Stormzy

57. “I have a transgender nephew on my father’s side of the family. So I’m extremely aware of how important it is to support and advocate for young people who are experiencing that in their lives.” – Emma Walton Hamilton

58. “There are many ways to be a mother. I have a lot of young actors I mentor, and my nieces and my nephews need a lot of love.” – Kim Cattrall

59. “I’m the age where we didn’t have television as kids. So when I saw my nieces and nephews watching Howdy Doody, Kukla, Fran and Ollie, and so forth, I thought the world had gone mad.” – Jack Nicholson

60. “To find out who you are is like putting yourself on a psychiatric couch, but you have nobody to help you. Really it isn’t easy. I was talking with my nephew this morning and he gave me one of the best quotes I’ve heard in years ‘Personal style is curiosity about oneself.'” – Iris Apfel

Nephew Quotes About Their Bond

61. “Nephews are the music in the soundtrack of our lives, playing the sweetest melodies of love and happiness.” ― Agatha Christie

62. “I think there are many Democrats who are good, strong leaders. The person I like the most over everyone is my nephew.” — Kerry Kennedy

63. “My nephew has HDADHD. High Definition Attention Deficit Disorder. He can barely pay attention, but when he does it’s unbelievably clear.” — Steven Wright

64. “I told my nephew that if he wanted to get on in motor racing, the first thing he should do was master English. Thank goodness he now speaks it.” — Juan Manuel Fangio

65. “You, know I’m the Queen’s favorite great-nephew, Well, yeah I’m her only great-nephew, but that’s not important, I’d still be her favorite” — Richelle Mead

66. “Hey, I’m just looking for an excuse to retire so I can play summer league baseball, go coach my nephews, and play pickup basketball. I’ve always had that ability to move on to the next thing.” — Doug Flutie

67. “Honestly, I don’t think I would have been that quick or even thought to do that. I’m just grateful he’s alright, and I can’t thank my nephew enough for what he did.” — Donna King

68. “I was going to take my little nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. He cried and cried, but I think that deep down, he thought it was a pretty good joke.” — Jack Handy

69. “Nothin like teaching your 3 ½ year old nephew about the joys of a whoopie cushion and throwing a football in one night! Sweet Uncledom!” – Brandon Barash

70. “Electricity can be dangerous. My nephew tried to stick a penny into a plug. Whoever said a penny doesn’t go far didn’t see him shoot across that floor. I told him he was grounded.” – Tim Allen

Thought-Provoking Nephew Quotes

71. “The only siblings I have are half-siblings. My nuclear family would have been an extra-suffocating threesome. Instead, I have an interesting brother and sister, in-laws, and darling nephews.” — Jane Smiley

72. “Tori’s my legal name. My niece and nephews, they all call me Aunt Ellen, because I went by my middle name years ago, before I turned 18.” — Tori Amos

73. “I mostly make R-rated movies. To make a movie that one day if I have kids or my nephews want to watch, I can show them without being put in prison. It would be really nice.” — Jonah Hill

74. “My nieces and my nephews think the only thing that I do is ‘Ice Age.’ That’s fine with me because pretty soon they’ll grow up enough to realize that I suck or that my time has passed, whichever it might be.” — Denis Leary

75. “Plato once wanted to punish one of his slaves and asked his nephew to do the actual whipping for he himself did not own his anger.” — Seneca the Younger

76. How wrong Emily Dickinson was! Hope is not “the thing with feathers.” The thing with feathers has turned out to be my nephew. I must take him to a specialist in Zurich.” — Woody Allen

77. “Christmas a humbug, uncle!” said Scrooge’s nephew. “You don’t mean that, I am sure?” “I do,” said Scrooge. “Merry Christmas! What right have you to be merry? What reason have you to be merry? You’re poor enough.” — Charles Dickens

78. “To be on television and have my nieces and nephews see me, and seeing them wear my shirt to the games and be proud, it’s so sweet. Sometimes it feels like it’s just a dream.” — Sue Wicks

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79. “My wife and I were shopping for the whole family. In the music department my wife said, “Let’s get your nephew a set of drums. That’s what your brother did to us last year.” — Milton Berle

80. “Ask me a question about paparazzi, and I get so heated. And I feel so bad for the young kids of celebrities. My nieces and nephews get yelled at, and I’m like, ‘You are yelling at a 2-year-old.’” — Kendall Jenner

Nephew Quotes About Spending Quality Time With Them

81. “My first nephew, he couldn’t say Auntie Nicole, so he called me Coco.” ― Nikki Bella

82. “To be on television and have my nephews see me, and seeing them wear my shirt to the games and be proud, it’s so sweet.” ― Susan Joy Wicks

83. “I’ve had two young children close to me born into the world—my nephew and my goddaughter.” ― Michael Clarke

84. “He’s a bootlegger….One time he killed a man who found out that he was nephew to Von Hindenburg and second cousin to the devil.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald

85. “It takes a year, nephew… a full turn of the calendar, to get over losing someone.” ― Annie Proulx

86. “I’ve helped with nephews, stepchildren, and my own son, so the biggest challenge is making sure the kids are raised and finding enough quality time with them.” ― Reba McEntire

87. “I choose parts because I don’t want to be embarrassed when the movie comes out. What if my nephew wandered into the theater and saw the movie?” ― Wallace Shawn

88. “My nephew insists 93 comes after 38. Looks like I’ve found the one who allotted noida its sectors.” ― Nitya Prakash

89. “I’m not a fan of Star Wars. That is not for me. That is for my nephews and nieces. I don’t get it.” ― William Friedkin

90. “What, nephew, said the king, is the wind in that door?” ― Thomas Malory

Nephew Quotes For Hanging Out With Them

91. “I love spending time with my dog, my nephew and my family. I’m very family-oriented.” — Lil’ Kim

92. “I have a 92 year old father who’s doing beautifully who lives in Chicago and a sister and a nephew and I love coming back and try to do so fairly often.” — Bob Balaban

93. “It is my principles that have made me what I am, and no one can ask me to deny my fundamental self. Not even you, my dear nephew.” — Franz Kafka

94. “I have experience seducing nephews.” — Gina Lollobrigida

95. “I like to take pictures of lots of things: people-such as my nephews, my dogs, and just interesting objects that I see. For instance, I might take a picture of flowers by the side of the road, an old sign or a fence.” — Lacey Chabert

96. “It is not the rich man’s son that the young struggler for advancement has to fear in the race for life, nor his nephew, nor his cousin. Let him look out for the dark horse in the boy who begins by sweeping out the office.” — Andrew Carnegie

97. “Until I can find a man who can tell me the dates of all of his nieces and nephews birthdays and get presents out to them regularly, I’m going to stay by that statement.” — Cokie Roberts

98. “That said, I like to be a typical girl and go shopping. I have three nieces and nephews that I like to hang out with.” — Diana Lopez

99. “I learned from my uncle that jazz, like symphony music, was built to last.” — David Amram

100. “Why can’t I love him (a 2 yr old nephew) from afar? That’s how I want to love him – through pictures and folklore.” — Ray Romano

Nephew Quotes For Seeking Attention

101. “I still see Prince George as my nephew, and I just want to be the best uncle possible.” — James William Middleton

102. “Whether you’re a mother or father, or a husband or a son, or a niece or a nephew or uncle, breast cancer doesn’t discriminate.” — Stephanie McMahon

103. “The sons of York will destroy each other, one brother destroying another, uncles devouring nephews, fathers beheading sons. They are a house which has to have blood, and they will shed their own if they have no other enemy.” — Philippa Gregory

104. “In moments when I question if I should be having kids, I think of all those phone calls from my sister-in-law, in which, 3,000 miles away, I hear my nephews screaming for her attention.” — Beth Ditto

105. “As a matter of fact, I am an uncle. I have nine nephews and nieces. I’m not sure if they think I’m all that quick with a quip. But I’m quick with a spank.” — Dean Norris

106. “Eyes Wide Open’ took shape from two real life events straight from my own past. One was the sad suicide of my young nephew, a troubled kid, who was found at the bottom of a landmark cliff in central California.” — Andrew Gross

107. “[He] saw that a peculiar expression had come into his nephew’s face; an expression a little like that of a young hindu fakir who having settled himself on his first bed of spikes is beginning to wish that he had chosen one of the easier religions.” — P. G. Wodehouse

108. “Real budgeting and accounting procedures are in place; so are real professionals, not somebody’s nephew.” — George Weigel

109. Tyler Perry’s ‘Madea Goes to Jail!’ Which, I have to tell you, of everything that I’ve ever done in my career, that’s the only thing that’s perked up the ears of my nieces and nephews.” — Viola Davis

110. “Dyan Favre, Brett’s nephew, is also a gem. Not just a favorite person from the book – a favorite person, period. I actually wound up writing this about him. Simply a good, righteous man.” — Jeff Pearlman

Heartwarming Nephew Quotes About The Joys Of Being An Uncle Or Aunt

111. “I can’t work out and *not* be watching or listening to music or something. I also journal a lot. I think writing is super therapeutic. And then, hanging with my nieces and nephews. Just like baking or doing silly stuff like jumping on a trampoline, doing fun things with them, pretending I’m five with them, that makes my day.” ― Khloe Kardashian

112. “I was raised in a very faith-filled household, very hardworking. It made me aware of what privilege is. And it’s a place I can go back to, spend time with nieces and nephews, celebrate the things that have nothing to do with the hubbub of Hollywood.” ― Nicholas D’Agosto

113. “The closer the genetic relationship of the family members, as for example father-to-son, as opposed to uncle-to-nephew, the higher the degree of cooperation.” ― E. O. Wilson

114. “No matter what, I always make it home for Christmas. I love to go to my Tennessee Mountain Home and invite all of my nieces and nephews and their spouses and kids and do what we all like to do – eat, laugh, trade presents and just enjoy each other… and sometimes I even dress up like Santa Claus!” ― Dolly Parton

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115. “She gave me another of those long keen looks, and I could see that she was again asking herself if her favourite nephew wasn’t steeped to the tonsils in the juice of the grape.” ― P. G. Wodehouse

116. “My father’s best friend, Georgie Terra, was an Italian guy. The children and the cousins and nieces and nephews were children of the Mafia. Those were the children he grew up with. If you want to go to a safe neighborhood, go to where the Mafia is.” ― Louis Gossett, Jr.

117. “Come, then,” returned the nephew gaily. “What right have you to be dismal? What reason have you to be morose? You’re rich enough.” ― Charles Dickens

118. “What Uncle Leo XIII never suspected was that his nephew’s courage did not come from the need to survive or from a brute indifference inherited from his father, but from a driving need for love, which no obstacle in this world or the next would ever break.” ― Gabriel Garcia Marquez

119. “I would not be a good mother. I mean, I love being an aunt to my niece and nephew. And I used to want to, like, adopt 10 kids – because I had friends who were adopted, and I thought that was the coolest thing, to be chosen. But again, my job is too selfish.” ― Kelly Clarkson

120. “But oh, beamish nephew, beware of the day, If your Snark be a Boojum! for then You will softly and suddenly vanish away, And never be met with again!” ― Lewis Carroll

Nephew Quotes By Celebrities On The Joys And Inspiration Of Being An Uncle/Aunt To A Nephew

121. “My nephew is a constant reminder of the beauty of life. He’s brought so much love and laughter into my world.” ― Bruce Springsteen

122. “My nephew is the most precious thing in my life. He’s brought so much joy and happiness to my world.” ― Selena Gomez

123. “My nephew is a living reminder that the future is in good hands.” ― Barack Obama

124. “Being aunts and uncles means you are part of something very wonderful. It means you are family.” ― Margaret Wild

125. “My nephew is a constant source of inspiration. He’s taught me so much about resilience and perseverance.” ― Will Smith

126. “I’m so proud of the young man my nephew is becoming. He’s kind, hardworking, and has a passion for learning.” ― Michael Jordan

127. “My nephew is a constant reminder of the beauty and innocence of childhood.” ― Mark Twain

128. “My nephew is the joy of my life. He brings so much laughter and love into our home.” ― Oprah Winfrey

129. Being an uncle, and now a great-uncle, has taught me the joy of passing on the things I know and love.” ― Anthony Bourdain

130. “My nephew has a bright future ahead of him. He’s smart, ambitious, and has a heart of gold.” ― Beyonce

Nephew Quotes That Capture Precious Moments

131. “Nephews are the poets of our hearts, crafting verses of love with their presence.” ― William Wordsworth

132. “Nephews are the ink that adds color to the story of your family’s history.” ― George Eliot

133. “The bond between an aunt or uncle and a nephew is an unbreakable thread in the fabric of time.” ― Agatha Christie

134. “Nephews bring a special kind of magic into your life, one that you never knew you needed.” ― Harper Lee

135. “Nephews are like little pieces of art, each unique and precious in their own way.” ― Jane Austen

136. “Nephews: the next generation of dreamers and storytellers, ready to create their own adventures.” ― J.K. Rowling

137. “A nephew is a source of endless love and inspiration, like the pages of a never-ending book.” ― Maya Angelou

138. Nephews are like seeds; with love and care, they grow into magnificent trees, providing shade and shelter.” ― Louisa May Alcott

139. “A nephew is a treasure, a chest full of memories and dreams, waiting to be opened with every visit.” ― Jane Austen

140. “Nephews have a way of making the ordinary extraordinary and the mundane magical.” ― Agatha Christie

Nephew Quotes Celebrating The Joy They Bring

141. “Nephews are the keepers of our youthful spirits, the mirrors reflecting our past and the windows to our future.” ― George Eliot

142. “A nephew’s smile is a poem written in the heart, a verse of joy that never fades.” ― Jane Austen

143. “Nephews teach us to see the world through the lens of wonder and curiosity.” ― Harper Lee

144. “A nephew’s hug is like a warm embrace from the universe, a reminder that love knows no bounds.” ― John Steinbeck

145. “Nephews make life brighter, love deeper, and moments more meaningful.” ― Mark Twain

146. “Nephews are the keys to our hearts, unlocking chambers of affection we never knew existed.” ― Louisa May Alcott

147. “A nephew is a reflection of the best parts of ourselves, a beacon of hope for the future.” ― J.K. Rowling

148. “Nephews remind us to live life with a childlike sense of wonder, where everything is a new and exciting adventure.” ― Jane Austen

Nephew Quotes To Brighten Your Day

149. “But if I were you, I would stand by my nephew. He has more to give.” ― Jane Austen

150. “Two brothers and a sister, my nephew, we’re a very small group.” ― Cristela Alonzo

151. “I’m an uncle now, and I’m here to spoil this lil guy and sing away all the hiccups.” ― Brett Eldredge

152. “I object to that remark very strongly! – The Magician’s Nephew.” ― C. S. Lewis

153. “My nephew’s voice is my favorite sound.” ― Unknown

154. “My life is better now that I am an Aunt to an awesome nephew like you.” ― Unknown

155. “There’s this boy… he kinda stole my heart, he calls me Uncle.” ― Unknown

156. “My nephew has changed my life for the better.” ― Unknown

157. “It is my absolute happiest moment whenever my nephew smiles at me.” ― Li Bingbing

158. “Seeing my nephew smile, makes me smile too.” ― Unknown

Did These Nephew Quotes Inspire You To Be The Best Aunt Or Uncle?

Nephews need a fun aunt or uncle in their life.

But that role also comes with some responsibility.

While you aren’t responsible for raising the child, you point him in the right direction and steer him straight when needed.

You are the adult they feel they can trust to come to for advice because you will protect their secrets, and you’re way cooler than their parents.

That’s the fun of having a nephew. 

So keep that in mind whether you already have a nephew or are getting ready to become an aunt or uncle soon. 

Did you enjoy these nephew quotes and sayings?

Which of the quotes is your favorite?

Let us know in the comment section below.

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  1. Kirsten

    June 12, 2022 at 7:20 AM

    I have a newly discovered 18? Nephew. I can’t wait to use some of these. He’s awesome. I’m having three time of my life getting to know him.
    I picked out 7,22,25,26,28,38 and 45

    • Danielle Dahl, Lead Contributor

      June 13, 2022 at 1:12 PM

      Congratulations! Enjoy this new blessing in your life! We are glad that these quotes resonated with you. We also hope you enjoy some of the other content on our site.

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