50 Gen Z Quotes To Help Understand Them Better

Take a look at these deep and informative Generation Z quotes.

For those of you who are unaware, Gen Zers are folks who were born between 1997 and 2012.

They range from 10 to 25 years old.

Tell us your favorite Gen Z quote in the comment section below.

What are the benefits of reading these Gen Z quotes?

Today, Generation Z is made up of young people who grew up during some fundamental societal changes.

Generation Z was born into a world where:

  • global terrorism was the norm
  • social media is an important form of communication
  • YouTube and digital content generation is a viable career

They were the first generation to witness the supreme court ruling on same-sex marriage.

They experienced the Trump election and the formation of Brexit.

However, in terms of identity, Gen Z is the most connected and lonely generation.

If you want to empathize with or get to know them better, these Gen Z quotes will give you a better idea of where they are coming from and how to better understand their position.

Share your favorite Gen Z quote with us in the comment section below.

Generation Z characteristics quotes 

1. “Generation Z is the loneliest generation.” NotRhythm

2. “Can we call dibs on the heartbreak-free generation?” Umme Aaiman

3. “As you can probably already see, Gen Zers have some real strengths.” — Axis

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4. “I am sorry to say guys, but sadly and luckily, we are generation Z.” NRJ Saga

5. “Gen Zers also want to see evidence before accepting something as true.” Axis

6. “Problem of millennial and Gen Z, we try to find happiness on a 5.5 screen.” SHE

7. “In terms of identity, Generation Z is the least religious generation yet.” Daniel Cox

8. “In the U.S., the most recent generation to come of age is Generation Z, or Gen Z.” Axis

9. “Many agree there are clear similarities between Gen Z and the Silent Generation.” Axis

10. “Gen Z increasingly feels isolated and alone, but they hunger for real relationships.” Axis

11. “Fifteen percent of Gen Zers report being raised in nonreligious households and still do not identify as religious.” Daniel Cox

12. “In an era of fake news and the filter bubble, [Gen Z is] also more likely to be able to push through the noise.” —Lucie Greene

Generation Z years quotes

13. “Gen Z is a force to be reckoned with. We are strategic, we are organized.” Chelsea Miller

14. “Millennials and Gen Zers are much less likely to report attending worship services growing up.” Daniel Cox

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15. “To a generation that values people and relationships so highly, fostering relationships with Gen Z is essential.” Axis

16. “They hold each other accountable and find comfort in their shared experiences as Generation Z.” Abby Hamblin

17. “Unsurprisingly, Gen Z prefers using devices to communicate. They especially like texting because of how manageable it is.” Axis

18. “This pattern continues with Generation Z demonstrating less attachment to religion than the millennial generation did.” Daniel Cox

19. “On the other hand, Gen Zers’ emphasis on relationships and acceptance means that they can let their empathy overwhelm their morality.” Axis

20. “We’ve noticed through our interactions with families and students that members of Gen Z often relate well with their grandparents, who are typically Baby Boomers.” Axis

Generation Z age range quotes 

21. “Eighteen percent of Gen Z affirmatively identify as either atheist (9 percent) or agnostic (9 percent).” Daniel Cox

22. “Among Generation Z, 43 percent who are now religiously unaffiliated report that they were raised in a non-religious household.” Daniel Cox

23. “Members of Gen Z have a lot to be worried about. The current recession is worse than the one Millennials faced at their age.” Abby Hamblin

24. “It’s not only a lack of religious affiliation that distinguishes Generation Z. They are also far more likely to identify as atheist or agnostic.” Daniel Cox

25. “Nevertheless, it’s interesting to note that Gen Z also appreciates face-to-face communication. 39% say it’s “the most effective” way of communicating.” Axis

26. “In some ways, Gen Z takes trends that were noticeable in Millennials and makes them more extreme (hence why some call them “Millennials on steroids”). In other ways Gen Z is simply different.” Axis

27. “Why will Gen Z and those immersed in youth culture wait in line for hours at Supreme for a new product to drop? Because they want to be in the line.” Gregg L. WittThe Gen Z Frequency: How Brands Tune in and Build Credibility

Generation Z slang quotes

28. “About four in 10 millennials and Gen Zers report praying or saying grace with their families at meals at least once a week.” Daniel Cox

29. “Stop drinking from the firehose of a global Gen Z demographic.” Gregg L. WittThe Gen Z Frequency: How Brands Tune in and Build Credibility

30. “Thirty-nine percent of Gen Zers and more than one-third of millennials report they felt lonely at least once a week during their childhoods.” Daniel Cox

31. “Youth culture is constantly evolving and Gen Z, in particular, is disrupting industries.” Gregg L. WittThe Gen Z Frequency: How Brands Tune in and Build Credibility

32. “I think Gen Z will change the world through empathy and understanding because even though as I said, we are different, we seek to understand each other.” — Endiya Griffin

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33. “See whether what you’re reading about Generation Z is written by members of Generation Z or whether their voices and perspectives are given the spotlight they deserve.” Abby Hamblin

34. “For brands to succeed with Gen Z, they need to create a sense of belonging or their competition will.” Gregg L. WittThe Gen Z Frequency: How Brands Tune in and Build Credibility

Generation Z quotes about the workplace

35. “Gen Z represents an unprecedented group of innovation and entrepreneurship.” Gregg L. WittThe Gen Z Frequency: How Brands Tune in and Build Credibility

36. “More than one-third of Generation Z are religiously unaffiliated, a significantly larger proportion than among millennials (29 percent) and Generation X.” Daniel Cox

37. “It’s what made me so excited to try to offer the same opportunity to Generation Z, the youngest generation in the U.S. currently as defined by researchers.” Abby Hamblin

38. “When you look at Generation Z — those born 1997 and after — the push to correct systemic racism in this country is inevitable, even though it started long before they were born.” Abby Hamblin

39. “Rates of religious disaffiliation do not appear to be increasing across generations. Nearly identical numbers of Gen Zers, Millennials, and Gen Xers report disaffiliating from their childhood religion.” Daniel Cox

40. “The Christians in both generations experienced social pressures on their beliefs (Roe v. Wade for Boomers, the legalization of homosexual marriage for Gen Z) and grew up knowing that their beliefs were unpopular and considered ‘intolerant.’” Axis

41. “Brands targeting Gen Z need to look beyond the confines of traditional segmentation, the ultimate priority always has to be on alignment that helps us cultivate relationships with youth culture – not just organize it.” Gregg L. WittThe Gen Z Frequency: How Brands Tune in and Build Credibility

Generation Z senior quotes

42. “Though different and growing up in a very different world that could’ve even been imagined just 100 years ago, the members of Gen Z are still human beings.” Axis

43. “What most distinguishes Generation Z from previous generations is not that Gen Zers are more likely to leave their childhood religion, but rather that many of them lacked a religious upbringing.” Daniel Cox

44. “Seventy-six percent of baby boomers say they had “meals together as a family” every day when they were growing up, an experience shared by less than half (46 percent) of millennials and only 38 percent of Generation Z.” Daniel Cox

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45. “More than three-quarters of Americans who belong to the silent generation and about two-thirds of baby boomers agree that raising children in a religious tradition is important. Only 40 percent of Gen Zers agree with this statement.” Daniel Cox

46. “Gen Z spends more time on mobile devices (an average of 11 hours per week) and streams more content (an average of 23 hours of video content a week) than any other generation. That’s almost one full day spent watching (rather than, say, reading) content.” — Axis

47. “While they’re known for being liberal, we spoke to conservative members of Gen Z. You may believe that they’re obsessed with social media but we talked to several members of the generation who said they had taken a break or ABANDONED it for their own mental health.” Abby Hamblin

Generation Z meme quotes

48. “Despite all the technological advancements, the rise of globalization, changes in the political landscape, and more, Gen Z still needs relationships, connection, and love just as we do.” Axis

49. “The parents of millennials and Generation Z did less to encourage regular participation in formal worship services and model religious behaviors in their children than had previous generations.” Daniel Cox

50. “45% of Gen Zers say they are online “almost constantly.” And what they enjoy online is visual media. Research shows that Gen Z’s favorite social media apps are Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube.” Axis

Learn more about Generation Z through these quotes

Ironically, Generation Z is known as the most connected generation regarding social media’s role in their lives.

At the same time, Gen Z is often acknowledged as the most lonely generation, as you saw from these Gen Z quotes.

An Axis study on Generation Z found that “Gen Z increasingly feels isolated and alone, but they hunger for real relationships.”

Daniel Cox wrote, “Thirty-nine percent of Gen Zers felt lonely at least once a week during their childhoods.”

They are the generation of young people who are dissatisfied with politics and religion.

More than any other generation, Gen Zers are disassociating themselves from popular political parties and religious beliefs.

Over 40 percent of Generation Zers say they do not align with the religions of their parents and are more and more agnostic, atheistic, or neutral regarding religious beliefs.

Gen Zers would benefit from high levels of love and empathy, just like the rest of us.

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