25 Hilarious The Ladies Man Quotes From the Film

Laugh out loud today with our The Ladies Man quotes. 

The Ladies Man is a comedy that has a little bit of everything: raunchy sex jokes, extreme satire, quips of practical wisdom, and of course, Courvoisier.

Reminisce about this comedy from the 2000s with our The Ladies Man quotes. 

What is The Ladies Man?

The Ladies Man is a comedy from the year 2000. 

The film stars Tim Meadows as Leon Phelps, a unique and hilarious radio host and sex therapist. 

The movie is based on the Saturday Night Live character that Meadows developed.

Check out these The Ladies Man facts below:

  • The Ladies Man was walloped by critics but remains a cult classic.
  • The Ladies Man is one of eleven SNL characters to star in a feature film.
  • With The Ladies Man, Reginald Hudlin became the first and only African American to direct a movie based on an SNL character.

What is The Ladies Man about?

The Ladies Man is a film about Leon Phelps and his adventures as a sex therapy radio host. 

In the movie, Phelps encourages people to solve their sexual challenges.

His advice might be heartfelt, but it is often raunchy and, for many, intolerable. 

As Phelps pushes the boundary of appropriate on-air language, a coalition of men he has cuckolded are organizing to get their revenge against him. 

Why did some critics dislike The Ladies Man?

Some people love The Ladies Man, and others think it is a bad movie.

Why the divide? 

For many, the Saturday Night Live character was funny. 

Every week, the audience got a three to five-minute skit about the love misadventures of  Leon Phelps.

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People laughed, and The Ladies Man was one of SNL’s most popular recurring characters. 

Critics of the film believe that, like many SNL characters who get films, there was not enough creative content to carry the movie. 

For more Leon Phelps fun, check out our The Ladies Man quotes below. 

Short The Ladies Man quotes defining love

Nobody defines love like The Ladies Man

1. “What is love?” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

2. “You heard me; release the power.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

3. “Tame the wild cosmos with a whisper.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

4. “Conquer heaven with one intimate caress.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

5. “What is this longing in our hearts for togetherness?” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

Famous The Ladies Man quotes capturing the essence of Leon Phelps

These quotes embody the legend that is Leon Phelps.

6. “Yeah, that’s “da butt.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

7. “Let me give you the play-by-play.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

8. “So you don’t want a fish sandwich?” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

9. “Well, listen, baby. My car, uh, doesn’t exist, so.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

10. “Listen. I don’t care what you say. Chlamydia is a soup. It’s my opinion. I can have that if I’d like.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

The best The Ladies Man quotes about releasing the power within yourself

Mr. Phelps is full of unique ways to help you reclaim your power; here are some of his best. 

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11. “Does not the wind love the dirt? — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

12. “Are you with someone tonight? Do not question your love.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

13. “Is not love not unlike the unlikely not it is unlikened to?” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

14. “Take your lover by the hand. Release the power within yourself.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

15. “That’s right, don’t be shy. Whip out everything you got and do it in the butt.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

The best The Ladies Man quotes about starting conversations with strangers

Below, Leon gives us pointers on how he starts conversations with new acquaintances

16. “My name is Leon Phelps, and to those of you that are uninitiated, I am an expert in the ways of love.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

17. “Listen, I was wandering. Can I ask you a question? Uh, was your father a meat burglar?” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

18. “Here’s why I ask: because it looks like somebody stole two fine hams and shoved them down the back of your dress.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

19. “I will probably begin with a very classy first line. Something like: Say, sweet thang, can I buy you a fish sandwich?” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

20. “I have made love to many fine ladies from the lowliest bus station skank to the classiest most sophisticated, educated, debutant, high society bus station skank.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

Legendary The Ladies Man quotes about sealing the deal

Leon believes he has tried and true methods to stoke the flames of love.

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Here are some of his most hilarious reflections about love. 

21. “Man, I’d like to take a bite out of your butt.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

22. “And then I will commence to whisper sweet words in her ear.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

23. “And then I will close the deal by giving her a preview of: the goods.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

24. “Is it, not the sweetest flower? Does not this flower of love have the fragrant aroma of fine, fine diamonds?” ” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

25. “You don’t have to argue. I’ve seen it on the grocery store shelf. Don’t argue with me about it. I don’t care if you are a doctor.” — Leon Phelps, The Ladies Man

Make it classy, baby!

The Ladies Man is a hilarious movie about a man who loves love. 

Leon Phelps proves that classy is a state of mind and love conquers all. 

What is your favorite quote from The Ladies Man?

Be sure to let us know in the comments below. 

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