25 Legendary Larry King Quotes From America’s Talk Show Host
Larry King, the iconic face of CNN, has been an American staple for decades, and these Larry King quotes prove it!
In the early 1950s, Larry King moved from New York to Florida, which was a growing media market.
He began his career there as a local journalist.
He would also conduct radio interviews.
Larry King was also a sports fan and hosted a talk show called “Sports-a-la-King” during the 70s.
Keep reading for some of Larry King’s thoughts on sports!
In 1978, he gained popularity by launching an all-night call-in radio program with national syndication.
Many of these Larry King quotes are about himself and his long-standing career.
The radio show led to him becoming the host of Larry King Live on CNN.
He hosted that program from 1985 to 2010.
After that, he hosted Larry King Now on various streaming networks.
His last project was a political talk show, Politicking with Larry King.
Don’t forget to also check out these Craig Sager quotes from the iconic sports reporter.
Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.
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Larry King quotes about himself
1. “I’ve had a great ride. I’ve got no complaints.” — Larry King

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2. “I’m the worst person to be stuck with in a traffic jam.” — Larry King

3. “I love doing what I do. I love asking questions. I love being in the mix.” — Larry King

4. “I’m 80 years old, and I don’t know what I’m going to be when I grow up.” — Larry King

5. “I had no trouble going from radio to TV – I just thought of TV as radio with pictures.” — Larry King

6. “I’m sort of the comic relief after a hard day at work. My message is that it’s OK to relax.” — Larry King

7. “If I do something caring for a friend, I have no doubt in my mind they would do it for me.” — Larry King

9. “I’m having as much fun today as I did when I made $55 a week because it is as much fun.” — Larry King

10. “Gleason became like a mentor of mine. I had Gleason helping me on television, Godfrey on radio.” — Larry King

11. “I am going to get out of this chair, throw it away and walk… We are on the threshold of a cute – maybe in five, seven, eight, ten years.” — Larry King

12. “You know what amazes me about UFOs? They never land at the White House. They always land at Laramie, Wyoming. Thirty miles out, where they’re seen by one farmer.” — Larry King

13. “The ultimate travel destination for me would be one perfect day in San Francisco. There’s no city like it anywhere. And, if I could be there with the girl of my dreams, that would be the ultimate!” — Larry King

14. “I’ve got a nice car. I love my job. I’ve got a bagel store, I have breakfast every morning with friends I grew up with. I’ve been in movies, I’ve written books – I don’t know when it all happened.” — Larry King

15. “My biggest fear is death because I don’t think I’m going anywhere. And since I don’t think that, and I don’t have a belief… I’m married to someone who has the belief, so she knows she’s going somewhere.” — Larry King

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Larry King quotes about his past
16. “I fantasized about being a broadcaster.” — Larry King

17. “I never forgot being poor, and I never stopped thinking how fortunate I am.” — Larry King

18. “When I was 5 years old, I would lie in bed, look at the radio, and I wanted to be on the radio. I don’t know why.” — Larry King

19. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I’ve bonded with some people who use you, and some people that take advantage of you.” — Larry King

20. “I have lifelong friends. My oldest friend, Herbie, has been a friend since I was 9. I’ve had bonds for over 50 years with people.” — Larry King

21. “I was always telling everyone; I want to be a broadcaster. They’d say, “What, are you crazy? What, you’re going to be Arthur Godfrey?” — Larry King

22. “I worked on the United Parcel Service truck; I sold home delivery of milk. But always, in the back of my mind, I wanted to get into radio.” — Larry King

23. “I thought: If I was lucky enough to live, I’d change myself-I realized I could have a new life-new energy, new endurance, and feel better about myself.” — Larry King

Larry King quotes about sports
24. “Sports are my favorite. It’s the first thing I turn to everyday.” — Larry King

25. “Maybe I could come out to guide people. I’d need a little uniform – tell them I want a Washington Nationals uniform and we’ll do the tour live.” — Larry King

What did you learn from these Larry King quotes?
During The Larry King Show, King interviewed a guest for the first 90 minutes.
Then callers would call in and ask questions for another 90 minutes.
After that, the Open Phone America segment began.
Callers were allowed to discuss any topic they chose until the end of the program.
At one point, King was doing Larry King Live on CNN, followed immediately by The Larry King Show.
On Larry King Live, he interviewed a variety of high-profile guests, from UFO conspiracy theorists and psychics to politicians and entertainers.
He even interviewed Ross Perot and Al Gore.
He was known for his non-confrontational approach and easy-to-answer questions.
This gave his guests a platform where they could express their thoughts and not feel challenged.
He had some other television experiences that are worth noting, like guest-starring in episodes of Arthur, 30 Rock, and Gravity Falls.
He even had a cameo in Ghostbusters.
What is your favorite Larry King quote?
Feel free to share it in the comment section below!