25 Leaders Eat Last Quotes From the Bestselling Book

Check out these Leaders Eat Last quotes for ideas on growing your leadership skills.

Leaders Eat Last is a New York Times Bestselling book by author Simon Sinek about why some teams succeed while others fail.

The book was first published by Portfolio in 2014 and has impacted many people and organizations.

Simon studied high-level teams such as the U.S. Marines and other successful organizations to learn the difference between teams that succeed and those that fail.

Along with his research, experience as a professor at Columbia University, an adjunct staff member of the think tank RAND Corp, and time working for nonprofit organizations, Sinek is uniquely qualified to write and teach about leadership.

Take a few minutes to check out these Leaders Eat Last quotes; you will want to buy the book.

Inspiring Leaders Eat Last Quotes

Check out these inspiring Leaders Eat Last quotes.

1. “Let us all be the leaders we wish we had.” — Simon Sinek

2. “When it matters, leaders choose to eat last.” — Simon Sinek

3. “Leadership takes work. It takes time and energy.” — Simon Sinek

4. “Trust is not formed through a screen; it is formed across a table.” — Simon Sinek

5. “Integrity is when our words and deeds are consistent with our intentions.” — Simon Sinek

6. “Leadership is the choice to serve others with or without any formal rank.” — Simon Sinek

7. “Leadership is not a license to do less; it is a responsibility to do more.” — Simon Sinek

8. “The true price of leadership is the willingness to place the needs of others above your own.” — Simon Sinek

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9. “Leaps of greatness require the combined problem-solving ability of people who trust each other.” — Simon Sinek

10. “Just because we become accustomed, just because it becomes normal, doesn’t mean it’s acceptable.” — Simon Sinek

The Best Leaders Eat Last Quotes

Take a look at some of the best Leaders Eat Last quotes.

11. “When we have to protect ourselves from each other, the whole organization suffers.” — Simon Sinek

12. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” — Simon Sinek

13. “The ability of a group of people to do remarkable things hinges on how well those people pull together as a team.” — Simon Sinek

14. “Stress and anxiety at work have less to do with the work we do and more to do with weak management and leadership.” — Simon Sinek

15. “Only when we feel we are in a circle of safety will we pull together as a unified team better able to survive and thrive.” — Simon Sinek

16. “It is not the demands of the job that cause the most stress, but the degree of control workers feel they have throughout their day.” — Simon Sinek

17. “It is not the genius at the top giving directions that makes people great. It is great people that make the guy at the top look like a genius.” — Simon Sinek

Business-Minded Leaders Eat Last Quotes

Here are some business-minded Leaders Eat Last quotes.

18. “People who go to work unhappy actually do things to make those around them unhappy too.” — Simon Sinek

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19. “Costco has succeeded because it recognizes employees are like family, not in spite of this fact.” — Simon Sinek

20. “The more we give of ourselves to see others succeed, the greater our value to the group and the more respect they offer us.” — Simon Sinek

21. “It is all fine and good for a leader to expect the people to trust them, but if the leader doesn’t trust the people, the system will fail.” — Simon Sinek

22. “Just as a parent can’t buy the love of their children with gifts, a company can’t buy the loyalty of their employees with salaries and bonuses.” — Simon Sinek

23. “All the perks, all the benefits and advantages you may get for the rank or position you hold, they aren’t meant for you. They are meant for the role you fill.” — Simon Sinek

24. “When we find ourselves inside a circle of safety, stress declines, fulfillment rises, our want to serve others increases, and our willingness to trust others to watch our back skyrockets.” — Simon Sinek

25. “When a leader embraces their responsibility to care for people instead of caring for numbers, then people will follow, solve problems, and see to it that the leader’s vision comes to life the right way.” — Simon Sinek

What Did Sinek Learn About Leadership That He Teaches in the Book?

Sinek learned that a defining difference between success and failure for teams is trust.

This was evidenced when he visited the U.S. Marines and saw that Senior Marines put their charges above themselves by taking their place at the back of the line during meals and allowing their subordinates to eat first.

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