20 Mamie Till Quotes to Promote Social Justice

In this article, we have created a compilation of Mamie Till quotes to keep you motivated and inspired.

The quotes listed below are authentic and relevant, offering you a chance to find a quote that inspires you the most.

If you are a human rights activist or respect the rights of the people around you, this article is a must-read.

Apart from the quotes section, we have also discussed Mamie Till and the reasons for her popularity.

So, without any further ado, let’s dive in!

A Brief Introduction to Mamie Till 

Mamie Till is known as the mother of 14-year-old Emmett Till, who was an African-American boy.

He was brutally murdered in 1955 in Mississippi for whistling at a white woman. 

After her son’s death, Mamie Till gained popularity as a civil rights activist.

She became a strong figure in the Civil Rights Movement.

Mamie worked throughout her life to unveil the injustice she faced after the murder of her son.

At her son’s funeral, Mamie Till kept her son’s casket open to let the world see the marks of brutal violence. 

Since then, Mamie devoted her life to the awareness of racial inequality. 

Her struggle fueled the Civil Rights Movement, especially after her son’s murder.  

She is referred to as a sign of courage, strength, and determination.

Mamie Till is a popular figure who displayed determination and courage while seeking justice for her son Emmett.

The death of her son forced her to raise her voice against the violation of civil rights. 

She served as an inspiration for a wide range of people as well as organizations. 

Here are the few noteworthy aspects of her life which made her popular:

  • Mamie Till was popular due to her struggle against injustice faced by African-Americans in the US.
  • She founded the Emmett Till Foundation in 1991, which aims to empower and support youth throughout the world.
  • Mamie is also known for her voice against racial injustice, as she proved to be an important figure during the Civil Rights Movement.
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How People Remember Mamie 

Mamie bravely stood against injustice even at the most tragic time of her life.

This is why countless people stand against racial injustice in the world. 

With respect to Mamie’s legacy, people remember her for what she has done in her life. 

Her struggle is celebrated in a variety of ways, including:

  • Creation of the Emmett Till Memorial Commission 
  • Establishment of the Mamie Till Mobley Memorial Foundation
  • Naming a street in Chicago to honor her

You will also enjoy our article on civil rights quotes.

Top 4 Mamie Till Quotes

Following are the top four quotes from Mamie Till that you can’t wait to read.

1. “So all the world can see what they did to my boy.” — Mamie Till

2. “I have left something of myself in all the children I have touched.” — Mamie Till

3. “I think everybody needed to know what had happened to Emmett Till.” — Mamie Till

4. “God told me, ‘I have taken one from you, but I will give you thousands.’” — Mamie Till

Optimistic Mamie Till Quotes 

Mamie Till was very much optimistic, and this reflects in her following quotes.

5. “Strong women don’t merely birth children. They cultivate them to render service.” — Mamie Till

6. “Darling, you have not died in vain. Your life has been sacrificed for something.” — Mamie Till

7. “The past shapes the way we are in the present and the way we will become what we are destined to become.” — Mamie Till 

8. “The number of my sons has shown me that what happens to any of us, anywhere in the world, had better be the business of us all.” — Mamie Till  

Sad Mamie Till Quotes

Mamie Till had very sad incidents happen in her life, especially when her son was brutally murdered. Check out the following quotes in this regard.

9. “There was just no way I could describe what was in that box. No way. And I just wanted the world to see.” — Mamie Till

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10. “Prejudices can kill, and suspicion can destroy. And the thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own for the children and the children yet unborn.…” — Mamie Till 

11. “Have you ever sent a loved son on vacation and had him returned to you in a pine box, so horribly battered and water-logged that someone needs to tell you this sickening sight is your son, lynched?” — Mamie Till

12. “Two months ago, I had a nice apartment in Chicago. I had a good job. I had a son. When something happened to the Negroes in the South, I said, ‘That’s their business, not mine.’ Now I know how wrong. I was. The murder of my son has shown me that what happens to any of us, anywhere in the world, had better be the business of us all.” — Mamie Till

Appreciative Mamie Till Quotes 

The following powerful quotes by Mamie Till express her appreciation for her son’s bravery and highlight the importance of speaking out against racial injustice.

13. “When people saw what had happened to my son, men stood up who had never stood up before.” — Mamie Till

14. “Move back,” President Clinton said. “Let this mother through. Don’t you know who this is?” — Mamie Till

15. “I am pleased that I am able to stand here today and say with a pure heart and meaningful heart that I am against the death penalty. There is no purpose that it serves except to further the damage that death has already done.” — Mamie Till

16. “We cannot afford the luxury of self-pity. Our top priority now is to get on with the building process. My personal peace has come through helping boys and girls reach beyond the ordinary and strive for the extraordinary. We must teach our children to weather the hurricanes of life, pick up the pieces, and rebuild. We must impress upon our children that even when troubles rise to seven-point- one on life’s Richter scale, they must be anchored so deeply that, though they sway, they will not topple.” — Mamie Till

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Wise Mamie Till Quotes 

These quotes by Mamie Till are based on wisdom. Make sure you understand them completely.

17. “If you have to get on your knees and bow when a white person goes past, do it willingly.” — Mamie Till

18. “We are only given a certain amount of time to do what we were sent here to do. You don’t have to be around for a long time to share the wisdom of a lifetime. You just have to use your time wisely and efficiently. There is no time to waste.” — Mamie Till

19. “With each day, I give thanks for the blessings of life – the blessings of another day and the chance to do something with it. Something good. Something significant. Something helpful. No matter how small it might seem. I want to keep making a difference.” — Mamie Till

20. “That is, after all, how it works. We don’t come here with hatred in our hearts. We have to be taught to feel that way. We have to want to be that way to please the people who teach us to want to be like them. Strange to think that people might learn to hate as a way of getting some approval, some acceptance, and some love. I thought about all that.” — Mamie Till

Which of these Mamie Till Quotes is your Favorite? 

We hope you have liked our Mamie Till quotes collection.

The purpose of creating this compilation was to help you understand the legacy of Mamie.

Mamie was a popular human rights activist who spent all her life struggling against racial injustice.

If you have found your favorite Mamie Till quote, make sure to let us know by commenting below.

We also welcome constructive feedback and suggestions.

Looking forward to your reply.

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