25 Padre Pio Quotes to Help You Find Inner Peace

Padre Pio quotes can serve as a source to improve your spiritual well-being.

If you want to share such quotes with friends and family, you can count on us.

Here, we have created a list of the most popular quotes from Padre Pio to offer you the best possible options.

In addition, this article also throws light on the life and achievements of Padre Pio.

If interested, please continue reading!

Who was Padre Pio? 

Also referred to as Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, Padre Pio was a popular Italian Capuchin friar.

He was a revered personality who lived during the 20th century. 

Padre Pio is commonly recognized for his service to humanity and deep devotion to God.

He spent his life spreading the message of God. 

His teaching inspired millions of followers worldwide.

As a result, he stands among the most revered and beloved saints associated with the Catholic Church.

Spiritual Journey

Padre Pio was born on May 25, 1887, in Pietrelcina, Italy.

After the age of 15, he joined the Capuchin order.

He was given the name Pio in honor of Pope Pius I. 

During his whole life, Padre Pio remained committed to asceticism and service to God.

Charitable Works 

Apart from his spiritual work, Padre Pio also actively participated in charitable activities. 

One of his most popular charitable works is “The Home for the Relief of Suffering.”

Based in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, it served as a modern hospital offering medical services.

This hospital also served as a testament to Padre Pio’s commitment and compassion.

Padre Pio’s Legacy

The spiritual legacy of Padre Pio continues to inspire people even decades after his death.

The ceremony of his beatification was performed in 1999.

Also, Pope John Paul II canonized him on June 16, 2002.

Every year, millions of pilgrims visit the sanctuary of Padre Pio located in San Giovanni Rotondo.

People go there to seek spiritual solace and find intercession.

They also experience the unparalleled sense of peace and tranquility associated with this holy site. 

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Padre Pio’s life and teachings have inspired countless people and touched their hearts.

This is why most of his followers devoted themselves to God.

Top 5 Padre Pio Quotes 

Following are some of the best quotes from Padre Pio that can make an impact right away.

1. “Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.” — Padre Pio 

2. “I recommend calm and calm all the time.” — Padre Pio

3. “The root of all evil is ‘I,’ ‘Me,’ ‘Mine.’” — Padre Pio

4. “Do you not see the Madonna always beside the Tabernacle?” — Padre Pio

5. “Fear also seizes Him, and His spirit languishes in mortal sadness.” — Padre Pio

Padre Pio Quotes About Relation with God 

Building a strong relationship with God is the need of every soul. Here are great quotes from Padre Pio about relation with God.

6. “Through the study of books one seeks God; by meditation one finds him.” — Padre Pio

7. “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.” — Padre Pio

8. “The storms that are raging around you will turn out to be for God’s glory, your own merit, and the good of many souls.” — Padre Pio

9. “The longer the trial to which God subjects you, the greater the goodness in comforting you during the time of the trial and in the exaltation after the combat.” — Padre Pio

10. “Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart. You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips but with your heart. In fact, on certain occasions, you should only speak to Him with your heart.” — Padre Pio

The teachings of Jesus are important to follow for every Christian. Padre Pio’s quotes about Jesus are here as follows.

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11. “May the Heart of Jesus be the goal of all your aspirations.” — Padre Pio 

12. “May the Child Jesus be the star that guides you through the desert of your present life.” — Padre Pio

13. “A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” — Padre Pio 

14. “How unbearable is pain when suffered far from the Cross, but how sweet and bearable it becomes when it is offered close to the Cross of Jesus!” — Padre Pio

15. “If we earnestly endeavor to love Jesus, this alone will drive all fear from our hearts and soul will find that instead of walking in the Lord’s paths, it is flying.” — Padre Pio

Padre Pio Quotes Showing Rewards of Contentment 

Let’s explore the rewards of contentment through inspiring Padre Pio quotes, encouraging inner peace and fulfillment.

16. “The greater your sufferings, the greater God’s love for you.” — Padre Pio

17. “Joy, with peace, is the sister of charity. Serve the Lord with laughter.” — Padre Pio

18. “My past, O Lord, to Your mercy; my present, to Your love; my future to Your providence.” — Padre Pio

19. “Be content to progress in slow steps until you have legs to run and wings with which to fly.” — Padre Pio

20. “You complain because the same trials are constantly returning. But look here, what have you to fear? Are you afraid of the divine craftsman who wants to perfect His masterpiece in this way? Would you like to come from the hands of such a magnificent Artist as a mere sketch and no more?” — Padre Pio

Spiritual Padre Pio Quotes 

Embrace profound spiritual insights and wisdom with these inspirational Padre Pio quotes, offering guidance, hope, and strength for the soul.

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21. “The most beautiful act of faith is the one made in darkness, in sacrifice, and with extreme effort.” — Padre Pio

22. “Walk in the way of the Lord with simplicity and do not torment your spirit. You must hate your defects, but with a quiet hate, not troublesome and restless.” — Padre Pio 

23. “The life of a Christian is nothing but a perpetual struggle against self; there is no flowering of the soul to the beauty of its perfection except at the price of pain.” — Padre Pio

24. “The sacred gift of prayer is in the right hand of our Savior, and according to the measure that you empty yourself of yourself, that is of love of your senses and of your own will, and make progress in rooting yourself in holy humility, to that extent the Lord will speak to your heart.” — Padre Pio

25. “The greatest act of faith is that which rises to your lips in total darkness together with the sacrifices, sufferings and wholehearted efforts of a determined will to do good. This act of faith strikes through the darkness of your soul like lightening. In the midst of tempest it raises you up and leads you to God.” — Padre Pio

Which of these Padre Pio Quotes is your Favorite? 

Padre Pio was a man with profound humility, unwavering faith, and an unyielding commitment to God.

He possessed spiritual gifts and a unique stigma, which helped captivate the hearts of believers around the globe.

This is why people love to share Padre Pio’s quotes via social media platforms.

You can also take advantage of our list of quotes by simply browsing through it.

By doing so, you can find a Padre Pio quote that inspires you the most.

If you have found one, let us know by sharing it via the comments section.

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