50 Quotes on Hiring Process and Talent Acquisition

If you are looking for some quotes on hiring that are worthy to share, look no further to this article.

Here, we have created a comprehensive list of the best quotes on hiring.

You can share these quotes with your friends, colleagues, and family members.

By doing so, you can inspire and motivate the people around you.

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In addition to our quotes section, we have also talked about the process of hiring and its importance. 

So, let’s dive in!

What is Meant by Hiring?

Hiring is the process of recruiting a qualified person for a job.

It is a well-executed process, which can lead to creating a motivated and productive workforce.

Besides, there are various strategies involved during a hiring procedure, which ensure that only the best person is hired for the job.

Effective Recruitment

Effective recruitment is essential for building a strong workforce. 

It helps attract top talent, which in turn allows the companies to find candidates with relevant education, skills, and knowledge. 

A strict recruitment strategy includes the following elements:

  • Impressive Job Description
  • Job Requirements
  • Proper Screening

Impressive Job Description

It is imperative to create a compelling job description.

The description must accurately provide all the information regarding the duties and responsibilities of a job role.

In addition, the overall worth and value of an organization helps attract the top candidates.

Job Requirements 

It is also required to define the job qualifications and requirements clearly. 

This ensures that the overall hiring process goes on smoothly and all the candidates aren’t underqualified for the job. 

Proper Screening

The hiring team must carefully screen the candidates before shortlisting them for the final interview.

This screening procedure involves the following:

  • Reviewing the resumes 
  • Skills assessments
  • Initial interviews

Identifying the Right Candidate

While qualifications and skills are important, there are other aspects to consider when hiring the right candidate.

There are certain areas beyond technical competencies which the hiring team needs to visit. 

This involves analyzing the alignment of a candidate’s thinking with that of a company’s values, mission, culture, and goals. 

The key qualities that a hiring team should look for in a candidate include:

  • Candidates must show a willingness to adapt and grow by embracing new challenges.
  • Selected candidates should also possess strong communication skills.
  • The prospective candidate should believe in collaboration and teamwork.
  • A perfect candidate must possess impressive problem-solving techniques.
  • The candidate should be resilient enough to face adversities with courage and determination.

Top 10 Quotes on Hiring 

The top quotes on hiring are as follows. They will give you an idea about dos and don’ts when you are hiring somebody.

1.  “Hire character, train skill.” — Peter Schutz

2. “Just hiring a deaf actor is not a job well done.” — Rose Ayling-Ellis

3.  “Never hire a team of cricketers to play football.” — Dax Bamania

4. “Interviewing is the single most critical phase of hiring.” — Mitch Gray

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5. “You can call me whatever you want to call me; just keep hiring me.” — Margo Martindale

6. “You know, if I’ve done anything right, it has been hiring the right people.” — Bob Stoops

7. “If you’re hiring a manager for two to three years, you need to get it right.” — Tony Pulis

8. “I value my staff, and I believe in hiring people who are smarter than myself.” — Masai Ujiri

9. “When Orlando gets to the point where they’re hiring local directors, that will be good.” — David Nutter

10. “Don’t hire anyone you wouldn’t want to run into in the hallway at three in the morning.” — Tina Fey

Quotes On Hiring About Hiring in Organizations 

The following quotes on hiring will enable you to know about the hiring criteria of these organizations.

11. “The Whisper Factory is now hiring! Report your grandma for suspicious behavior and get PAID!” — Jarod Kintz

12. “Small startup companies are the ones that are hiring. The statistics prove that’s where job growth is going to occur.” — Jerry Moran

13. “HBO is really famous for hiring good people and staying out of their way until they ask for help or need it. And that reputation is earned.” — Richard Russo

14. “Police internal affairs is hiring! Must be willfully blind, have hearing issues, not understand the law, and be a member of the blue brotherhood.” — Steven Magee

15. “Cohler advertised for summer interns, then sometimes told promising applicants when they came for an interview that Thefacebook was only hiring full-timers.” — David Kirkpatrick

16. “We can never fall short when it comes to recruiting, hiring, maintaining, and growing our workforce. It is the employees who make our organization’s success a reality.” — Vern Dosch

17. “There’s ongoing competition by global companies across all areas from products, technology development, and hiring talented people to patent disputes.” — Lee Kun-heex

18. “Supercomputer pioneer Seymour Cray used to deliberately hire for inexperience because it brought him people who “do not usually know what’s supposed to be impossible.” — Eric Schmidt

19. “He always said that when you are hiring someone, look at the quality of the person. It is very easy to find a good technician; it’s much harder and more important to have a good person.” Robert Drouhin

20. “There’s ongoing competition by global companies across all areas from products, technology development, and hiring talented people to patent disputes.” — Lee Kun-hee

Quotes On Hiring and Its Purpose

These quotes will help you know about the various purposes of hiring.

21. “We are hiring a talent not the people who have great qualifications…” — Axay D. Bhisikar

22. “Hiring is an opportunity to build a dream team that can achieve the extraordinary.” — Dax Bamania

23. “Hiring should always be part of your long-term strategy, not a quick fix to an immediate problem.” — Steven J. Bowen

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24. “We focus on two things when hiring. First, find the best people you can in the world. And second, let them do their work” — Matt Mullenweg

25. “You hire the best people you can possibly find. Then it’s up to you to create an environment where great people decide to stay and invest their time.” — Rich Lesser

26. “I usually hire people who have very exemplary work experience. Where they went to school, or what degree they have, really has no play into the hiring decision.” — Harper Reed

27. “Hire people who are smarter than you are—whose talents surpass yours—and give them opportunities for growth. It’s the smart thing to do, and it is a sign of high personal humility.” — Bruna Martinuzzi

28. “We hire military veterans because they make great employees. They bring proven technical and leadership skills… Bottom line, hiring veterans is good for business.” — Randall L. Stephenson

29. “Returning to my theory of hiring, I’d rather have someone all fired up to do something for the first time than someone who’s done it before and isn’t that excited to do it again.” — Marc Andreessen

30. “Favoring specialization over intelligence is exactly wrong, especially in high tech. The world is changing so fast across every industry and endeavor that it’s a given the role for which you’re hiring is going to change.” — Eric Schmidt

Quotes On Hiring About Protocols of Hiring 

Some protocols should be kept in mind before hiring people for work. The following quotes talk about these protocols. 

31. “It’s expensive to hire the wrong people.” — Nathan Mellor

32. “One competent go-getter is worth one hundred incompetent do-nothings.” — Kailin Gow

33. “If you make a hiring mistake, make the change quickly. Don’t ignore problems.” — Ziad K. Abdelnour

34. “Your goal is to learn the art of hiring based on the presence of a person rather than the skills of a person.” — Mitch Gray

35. “Hiring based solely on qualifications may fill a position, but hiring based on passion and potential can transform a company.” — Dax Bamania

36. “You have to make sure you are hiring somebody who is going to be a great fit in the kind of employee tribe you’re building.” — Pooja Agnihotri

37. “A good attitude is worth as much or more than any skill or talent. In hiring, people with good attitudes should be prioritized.” — Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

38. “When hiring, we look at various factors, including education, experience, and skills. The biggest factor by far, though, is a candidate’s ability to fit in with our existing culture.” — Sarah Cooper

39. “A brilliant jerk is one who is highly competent but whose attitude doesn’t align with company culture. If you end up hiring one by mistake, don’t keep them around for too long because they represent a living and breathing violation of the company culture, and you look like a hypocrite.” — Binod Shankar

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40. “If you are serious about having a virtual company with excellent culture, you must have the discipline to develop a hiring process that screens for culture matches and for the attributes of successful virtual workers. You can’t just hire for skills—that never translates to a great culture.” — Larry English

Interesting Facts and Quotes On Hiring

Here are quotes on hiring that are full of interesting facts related to the process.

41. “Hiring for potential allows you to discover hidden gems that can become future leaders.” — Dax Bamania

42. “Why bother hiring a hotshot if the bulk of their time is spent doing administrative work?” Cal Newport

43. “Hiring and firing people is about compassion. It is about alignment and care and empowerment.” — Mitch Gray

44. “We can’t completely eliminate the chances of hiring somebody wrong. It is very much like dating.” — Pooja Agnihotri

45. “I am of the belief that professional astronomers that were aware they were hiring unsuspecting workers into known biologically toxic jobs should probably go to jail.” — Steven Magee

46. “Taxing corporate activity means less investing, less hiring, fewer jobs, and a smaller economy, which hurts the rich, the poor, and the middle class alike.” — Adam Davidson

47. “If we agree that the education, employment, and retirement continuum is no longer a linear “cradle to grave” construct, then several tools for managing this reality are increasingly proving redundant.” — Gyan Nagpal

48. “Developing a good, healthy culture is extremely important at a startup. Culture reflects the essence of a startup’s operation because it directly affects the success of a company’s hiring practices and overall strategy.” — Scott Weiss

49. “Hiring foreigners is more expensive and more difficult than hiring locals because of the visa fees and long lead times for visa processing. And companies face a backlash from anti-immigrant groups for hiring foreigners.” — Vivek Wadhwa

50. “Further, when markers of race, gender, gender fluidity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, and other factors are the only criteria considered in hiring or admissions, students are cheated, as are those chosen to meet diversity measures on the basis of identity alone.” — Michael Rectenwald

Which One of these Quotes on Hiring is your Favorite? 

Hiring the most talented and devoted individuals is essential for the growth of an organization.

To elaborate on the importance of the hiring process, people usually share hiring quotes.

You can also do so by finding the most inspiring quotes from our list.

We have created this list to offer you authentic and relevant quotes on hiring.  

If you have found one that inspires you the most, do share it via the comments section.

We are looking forward to your reply.

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