25 Thomas Fuller Quotes Full of Wit and Wisdom

Get to know the prolific 17th-century writer with these engaging Thomas Fuller quotes!

Thomas Fuller was an English historian, preacher, and author who lived in England during the 17th century. 

Thomas Fuller lived during a tumultuous period in English history but managed to write with a lightness and humor that captivated audiences.

His work was highly regarded during his lifetime and still inspires many people today. 

Tell us your favorite Thomas Fuller quote in the comment section. 

The Benefits of Reading Thomas Fuller Quotes

Reading Thomas Fuller quotes will increase your knowledge of this revered historical figure and give insights into what made him so special. 

Fuller was born in 1608 in Aldwinkle St Peter, Northamptonshire, England. 

The son of a clergyman, he was educated at Queens’ College, Cambridge. 

After his studies, Fuller became a preacher known for his engaging and entertaining sermons. 

He began to write books, and his first significant work, The Holy State and the Profane State was published in 1642.

Fuller wrote many works on various topics, including history, religion, and politics. 

Some of his most famous works include:

  • The Dead Yet Speaking
  • The Worthies of England 
  • Good Thoughts in Bad Times
  • The Church History of Britain 

He was known for his witty and engaging writing style.

His writing was often filled with humorous anecdotes and observations.

Thomas Fuller’s books remain popular today, and he is remembered as one of the most influential writers and thinkers of the 17th century.

Please enjoy these inspiring Thomas Fuller Quotes! 

Top 10 Thomas Fuller quotes

We start with these wise Thomas Fuller quotes. 

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1. “Let thy vices die before thee.” — Thomas Fuller 

2. “Make not a jest of another man’s infirmity. Remember thy own.” — Thomas Fuller 

3. “Keep thy eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterward.” — Thomas Fuller 

4. “Always tell the truth: where it is not loved, it is respected and feared.” — Thomas Fuller 

5. “Think thyself happy if thou hast one true friend; never think of finding another.” — Thomas Fuller 

6. “My glass of Life running now low” — Thomas Fuller 

7. “I would willingly make a present of to you.” — Thomas Fuller 

8. “I must not suffer one sand to fall in waste, nor spend one minute in picking of straws” — Thomas Fuller 

9. “And moreover, my aged eyes being grown weak and dim, I fear they will become quite dark” — Thomas Fuller 

10. “By much perusing and poring, or at least so far, so as to render me unable to perfect several papers now lying by me” — Thomas Fuller 

The top Thomas Fuller quotes about writing, editing, and mistakes

Fuller believed you should embrace your mistakes in order to improve. 

11. “Besides the pains, such a search would cost me more time than I can afford it” — Thomas Fuller 

12. “Find out thy own mistakes and failings in order to amend them. A disease known is half cured.” — Thomas Fuller 

13. “I suspect I may have written some things twice, if not the same in words, yet in sense, which I desire you to pass by favorably” — Thomas Fuller 

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14. “Forasmuch as you may well think, it was as difficult and dull a thing for me, in so great a number of independent sentences, to find out the repetitions” — Thomas Fuller 

15. “As it would be in a vast heap of different coins and medals, confusedly thrown together, to pick out here and there one that bore the same and like inscription.” — Thomas Fuller 

16. “Secrets are troublesome.” — Thomas Fuller 

17. “Avoid knowing more than thou needest.” — Thomas Fuller 

18. “Burthens to such as are not interested in them.” — Thomas Fuller 

19. “Find out thy own mistakes and failings in order to amend them.” — Thomas Fuller 

20. “Assist the afflicted with something real, if thou canst; As for Tears they are but water, what good can they do?” — Thomas Fuller 

21. “Learn the art of silence.” — Thomas Fuller 

22. “The wise man that holds his tongue says more than the fool who speaks.” — Thomas Fuller 

23. “If thou canst not find tranquility in thyself; ’twill be to little purpose to seek it anywhere else.” — Thomas Fuller 

24. “If thou art wise, thou knowest thy own ignorance; and thou art ignorant if thou knowest not thy self.” — Thomas Fuller 

25. “If thou wilt have no difference with thy friends; sell them not horses, nor goods; and buy nothing of them.” — Thomas Fuller

Which Thomas Fuller Quote Is Your Favorite?

Thomas Fuller’s dedication to his craft has made him a beloved figure in English history and literature.

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His life and works serve as a testament to the power of words and the importance of preserving history and culture for future generations.

Fuller’s legacy continues to inspire new generations of writers and historians worldwide.

We hope you enjoyed this compilation of the best Thomas Fuller quotes. 

If you found a particular quote that spoke to you, please share it with us in the comment section. 

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