50 Twitter Quotes you Will Love to Share

Just like Twitter itself, Twitter quotes are also quite famous among people who love using social media sites.

We are here to assist you if you want to read inspiring and engaging Twitter quotes.

In this article, we have created a list of the best Twitter quotes you would love to share.

Apart from this, you would also enjoy reading a few of the most exciting and unknown facts about Twitter.

So, without any further ado, let’s dive in!

Interesting Facts about Twitter

Most Twitter users know the basics of using a Twitter account.

However, specific facts about Twitter are usually unknown to everyone. 

As you will probably don’t know: 

  • When was the first tweet posted?
  • What was the first name of Twitter?
  • Why follow the pop on Twitter?
  • When Twitter introduced the Hashtag?
  • What is the name of Twitter’s blue bird?

When was the 1st Tweet Posted? 

March 21, 2006, was the day when the first ever tweet was posted. 

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter, posted the first tweet in 2006.

He posted the tweet at 9:50 pm, and it read, “Just setting up my twttr.”

Officially, Twitter was released to the public on July 15, 2006.

What was the First Name of the Twitter?

The Initially Suggested name for this Platform was “FriendStalker” 

When using Twitter, we stalk celebrities and friends by scrolling through different posts on their accounts. 

This was why Evan Williams (another of Twitter’s cofounders) suggested the name “FriendStalker.”

However, Noah Glass stumbled upon the word ‘Twitter’ while searching for a term identical to ‘Twitch.’

Why Follow the Pope on Twitter? 

According to the Vatican, following the Pope on Twitter can make you a better person. 

The Vatican suggests a wide array of things that you can do to become a better person. 

One of these suggestions is to follow the Pope on Twitter and take part in live events.

The Vatican made this announcement in 2013.

When Twitter Introduced the Hashtag? 

Twitter Introduced the Hashtag in 2007. 

Chris Messina was the person who introduced ‘Hashtag’ in the year 2007. 

This revolutionary step changed the way we use Twitter today.

Hashtags help users to connect based on a specific topic or theme. 

Adding a Hashtag lets you quickly find a post you are looking for. 

What is the name of Twitter’s Blue Bird?

The Popular Blue Twitter Bird is known as ‘Larry.’ 

This is the most exciting and unknown fact about Twitter.

Even the people using Twitter might not be aware of the fact that Larry is the name for the blue Twitter bird. 

This name was associated with the blue Twitter bird in 2012.

Top 10 Twitter Quotes

Following are the top Twitter quotes from some of the most famous celebrities.

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1. “Twitter is the Devil’s playground.” ― Albert Brooks

2. “I don’t do Twitter, Facebook; none of that.” ― Penelope Cruz

3. “Facebook and Twitter are like a horrible digital plague.” ― Steven Berkoff 

4. “I refresh Twitter as thoughtlessly as some twirl their hair.” ― Lena Dunham

5. “I’m not on Twitter. I’m not on Facebook. I’m not on Instagram.” ― Jonathan Groff

6. “Twitter can make a lot of things happen if you get enough retweets.”Lil Nas X

7. “With Facebook and Twitter, we’re all our own little publicists in a way.” ― Jess Walter

8. “I’m amusing and crazy on Twitter. I talk about important things, stupid things.”Cher

9. “I never knew how ugly and how stupid I was until, you know, we had Twitter.” ― Kellyanne Conway

10. “I don’t do any social media. I’m not on Facebook or Twitter. I’m just not interested.” ― Shaun Evans

Twitter Quotes that are Instaworthy

Here we will share some quotes you will love sharing to your other favorite social media platform, Instagram. 

11. “Twitter should ban my mother.” ― Frances Bean Cobain

12. “To me, I absolutely cannot stand Twitter. I hate it more than anything.”Melanie Martinez

13. “People moan about Twitter, people being rude and trolling. Just turn it off. Life goes on.” ― Tom Parker Bowles

14. “My Twitter account status used to say ‘part-time playboy’ on it, but I’ve taken that down now.” ― Judd Trump 

15. “I don’t understand this whole Twitter, Facebook stuff. I don’t get it. Make a phone call. Talk to somebody.” ― James Avery

16. “Machines and people are both necessary for Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Google, and neither is sufficient on its own.” ― Oren Etzioni

17. “I was in Shanghai recently, where Twitter is blocked, and yet there were ads and billboards across town with hashtags on them.” ― Dick Costolo

18. “Instagram has a faster chance of reaching me than CNN, and if I really want to know what’s going on, I refresh my Twitter feed.” ― Emily Weiss

19. “Twitter is one of those dangerous toys that if it gets in the hands of the wrong person, you’ll have the mind of a 12-year-old masquerading as an adult.” ― Colin Quinn

20. “That’s why I’m not on Twitter and don’t have an iPhone. It’s not because I’m superior to it: it’s because I would be a slave to it, and I don’t want that to happen.” ― George Packer

Twitter Quotes that Show Personal Preferences

In this section, we will share Twitter quotes based on the personal experiences of various personalities worldwide.

21. “Twitter freaks me out. You have followers? It feels so obsessive and proprietary.” ― Mos Def

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22. “Fame is the worst thing that can happen to a person. I choose not to appear in anything publicly. Twitter’s it!” ― Sia 

23. “The country would be a lot better off if we stopped having comment sections. And if we got rid of Twitter.”Colin Powell

24. “If a heartfelt apology on Twitter isn’t enough to restore some small semblance of faith in humanity, I don’t know what is.” ― Brianna Keilar

25. “Twitter, to me, works if you’re funny. Twitter doesn’t work as a promotional tool unless you do it very, very, very occasionally.” ― Albert Brooks

26. “I’m disappearing from Twitter for a while. Need a break from the bile. Local prejudice just seems to bring out the worst in some people.” ― Gary Lineker

27. “I’ve read that an average dog possesses a vocabulary of 200-300 words, which is enough for him to have his own Twitter account.” ― W. Bruce Cameron

28. “I am not a fan of Facebook or Twitter. They both allow too much information to be available, and they make privacy a thing of the past.” ― Kirsty Gallacher

29. “Twitter is the place where I try to be more funny. And then, I use Instagram just as my diary.” ― Gigi Hadid

30. “Twitter has restored my faith in humanity. I thought I’d hate it, but while there are lots of knobheads, there are even more lovely people. It delights me how witty and friendly most people are.” ― John Simm  

Twitter Quotes that Show its Negatives

These twitter quotes show the downside of using it mindlessly.

31. “Twitter is definitely not the place to handle business per se.” ― Miguel

32. “One thing I like about Twitter is that you can hear it from the horse’s mouth.” ― Big Boi

33. “I think we have the attention span of a gnat. You know, with cell phones and Twitter.” ― Jeff Daniels

34. “Whether or not Twitter makes you stupid, it certainly makes some smart people sound stupid.” ― Bill Keller

35. “A lot of people are living their lives online in much more public ways with Facebook and Twitter.” ― Dan Savage

36. “The reason I don’t tweet as much as I used to is because I’m sick of all the useless opinions and hate that I get daily. Goodbye Twitter.” ― Zayn Malik

37. “I’m just so against kids being on Twitter because they are not thinking about the ramifications of what they are saying or the emotion of how they say it.” ― Sherri Shepherd

38. “2012 was the year I saw Twitter as a negative. More people need to realise that not everything they read is true and that Internet trolls are a real problem.” ― Katherine Jenkins

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39. “Now we have so many more social outlets, so many ways to be stalked and bullied. If social media is too much for you to handle, then don’t have a Twitter or Facebook account.” ― Khloe Kardashian

40. “The whole Twitter phenomenon is really indicative of what’s happening in this country. And I say this in condemnation of myself as much as anyone else – we are growing into a nation that has no time, desire, or capacity for truth. All we can handle is 140 characters of knowledge.” ― Kurt Sutter 

Some More Twitter Quotes  

These are some more Twitter quotes with mixed types.

41. “I don’t keep up with Twitter all day long.” ― Jill Abramson

42. “I have a Twitter handle, but I never sign on.” ― Adepero Oduye

43. “Let’s be honest here: Twitter, for me, is 90 percent a marketing tool.”Ricky Gervais

44. “I don’t view Twitter as a promotional tool but as a really, really, really cool cocktail party.” ― Kurt Busiek

45. “There are some people whose Twitter feeds are works of art. They intuitively understand how much of themselves to put out there.” ― Jess Walter

46. “I use Twitter as a tool to get involved with people, to sell tickets to gigs where I can stand in a room and smell the audience – and I love that!” ― Rob Delaney

47. “Twitter has been my life’s work in many senses. It started with a fascination with cities and how they work, and what’s going on in them right now.” ― Jack Dorsey

48. “I love social media and the ability to connect to new people through Twitter and Facebook and share my real-time experiences with my mommy network.” ― Soleil Moon Frye 

49. “We live in a social world now, and there’s no denying the power that Twitter has yielded across all verticals. Sports is a perfect fit because fans are highly emotionally charged and things happen quickly.” ― Amy Jo Martin

50. “Twitter is so severe, you know? And it’s completely free, it’s scattershot, and it’s very easy to feel embarrassed. It’s hard to be artful with it. It’s like ticker tape. It’s not a forum that’s worth mastering, you know?” ― Jonathan Ames 

Which One of these Twitter Quotes is your Favorite? 

We carefully curated the twitter quotes listed above to assist you while finding your favorite quote. 

Most Twitter quotes are exciting and associated with the people using Twitter.

Besides, sharing Twitter quotes on social media platforms, including Twitter, would be a great idea.

If you have found a favorite Twitter quote, share it with us via the comments.

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