5 Reasons to Get Rid of Negative Friends

Even if you love them, keeping negative friends can have serious effects on your well-being.

They can rob you of happiness, peace of mind, and the ability to progress towards your greatest potential.

Negativity amongst friends does not strengthen the friendship.

On the contrary, it has the greatest potential to do more harm to the relationship.

Here are five core reasons you should get rid of all of your negative friends – ASAP!

#1. Negative friends are draining

Have you ever thought negatively when you were around your negative friends?

Have you ever tried to avoid conversations with them because they were too pessimistic?

I am sure the answers to these two questions are an absolute yes!

Often, negative people become draining because it takes a lot of time and effort to “deal” with what is going on in the negative person’s life.

You are caught up in the drama!

It feels like you have to be present and available for someone who is zapping the energy out of your mind and your spirit.

This brings you down in such a way that you become depleted.

Remember: it is important to be around people who empower you and “pour into you.”

What is meant by a person ‘pouring into you?

These people can encourage you when you are down and allow you to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

They also recognize that you can reach that light.

If you are the only one in the friendship doing this, you become depleted.

Your energy is sabotaged, your sanity may be affected, and your ‘wholeness’ can also be compromised.

#2. Negative friends do not have your best interest in mind

In the grand scope of things, friendships are not created to bring you down.

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Friendships empower you and take you to the next level.

Many motivational speakers inform their audiences to find people with the same mindset as you.

This is because they will hold you accountable, build you up, empower you to be great, and do what is necessary to get you to the next level.

Negative friends have no regard for your best interest.

They are sucking the energy out of you by “needing” your help to such a point that they are not concerned about what you may experience.

They only have a desire to be heard.

If you are the “listening ear” every time they have something going on in their life or if they are never concerned about others, then they do not have your best interest in mind.

The only concern for anything is for them and not for anyone else.

You need to get rid of this type of person!

#3. Negative friends don’t want you to be successful

Have you ever heard the following questions/statements?

1) Are you sure you want to do that (doubt)?

2) I don’t think that’s a good idea (fear).

3) What about me (selfishness)?

If you have heard these questions and statements from a friend, this has nothing to do with you and your success.

That negative friend who is not encouraging you towards success does not want you to be successful.

They will want to include themselves in your plans.

They seem to not understand that you are their friend and that they should empower you, not attempt to include themselves in your plans.

It is important to note that friends who do not see themselves in your plans may become negative because they fear being left out.

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With this in mind, they do not want you to be successful because your success has nothing to do with them.

The primary fear of negative friends is that they will be “left behind”.

If you have these people who do not seem to want you to be successful, it is time for you to leave the friendship!

#4. Misery loves company

This is one of the most popular sayings ever heard and one of the truest!

Negative people want to be surrounded by other negative people.

There are two main reasons you must not be around your negative friends when you are striving for success:

A) The misery your friend is putting out can rob you of your positivity.

There can be times when the negativity can be so infectious that you doubt yourself and your abilities.

With this in mind, if you have negative friends, they will encourage you to stop pursuing your goals.

B) Your mind has to be open when you are geared towards success.

When a negative friend’s conversation bombards you, you might become closed and guarded and lack the ability to trust your own feelings.

This is due to doubt.

It is important to note that doubt happens across settings.

This means that if you have issues with trust because of the negative mindset of your friends, you will not trust people in the professional world who are there to help you to your next level.

You cannot compromise your goals for these negative friends who want to see your failure.

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#5. Your potential to be great is at risk

When you are on a path to success, and you have a desire to be greater than what you are now, you must remember that negative friends can rob you of that chance!

Negativity is contagious.

Negativity can take the place of the greatness that you are destined to have.

Do not allow this!

You have the right to be exceptional.

If anyone is conflicting your positivity with their negative thoughts, actions, and personality, let them go.

Negativity and positivity are like oil and water: it does not mix!

You cannot be a positive person with negative friends.

It just doesn’t work.

Your potential is at stake when you have surrounded yourself with negative people who are not concerned about your success.

A negative person does not have the appropriate mindset for success.

You need to align yourself with like-minded folks who can encourage and empower you to the desired level of success.

Be careful of the company you keep

By engaging in conversations and activities with negative people, you are compromising the potential that you desire.

Don’t allow them to derail you from the path of success.

It is important to be around people who encourage you, as well as hold you accountable.

If you have friends who are always draining your energy with negative behaviors, conversations, and actions, you must get rid of them.

Your life, success, potential, and sanity are all at stake!

Do you deal with negative friends?

What do you do when your friend’s negativity starts to bring you down?

Tell us in the comment section!

We would love to hear from you.

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1 Comment
  1. Mulugeta Ayele

    January 8, 2019 at 2:04 AM

    Thank You very much!it is timely and very important.

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