50 Daughter-in-law Quotes The Woman in Your Child’s Life

These daughter-in-law quotes will help you express your love and appreciation for your child’s wife.

Make sure to share your favorite daughter-in-law quotes with us in the comment section below.

What are the benefits of reading these daughter-in-law quotes?

Well, if you are looking for the perfect thing to write on a birthday card, then you have definitely come to the right place.

Of course, we have all heard horror stories about mothers- and daughters-in-law, but not every relationship is that way.

If you have a warm bond and a heartfelt connection with your daughter-in-law, you will love these daughter-in-law quotes.

If you are distanced from your daughter-in-law and trying to create a better relationship, then these daughter-in-law quotes will help you get in the right mindset!

Keep reading for a daughter-in-law quote that speaks to you.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.

Check out our entire collection of motivational quotes here.

Daughter-in-law quotes for birthdays

1. Happy Birthday to the wonderful lady who keeps my son in line.

daughter-in-law quotes about happy birthday

2. Happy Birthday to a special daughter-in-law and an all-around wonderful person.

daughter-in-law quotes on birthday

3. It’s your birthday—let your husband do all the work today. You can tell him I said so.

More daughter-in-law quotes

4. Happy Birthday, daughter-in-law. You chose to be part of our family, and guess what? We’re keeping you.

Wise daughter-in-law quotes

5. Happy Birthday, daughter-in-law! Actually, can we just drop the “in-law” part? You’re like a daughter to me.

Other daughter-in-law quotes

6. What did we ever do to deserve a sweet daughter-in-law like you? Hope your birthday is as special as you are.

daughter-in-law quotes about wishing birthday

7. Happy Birthday to one of the strongest women I know. She has to be in order to deal with my son year after year!

daughter-in-law quotes about women

8. Hope you get lots of presents for your birthday. You already gave us a great gift the day you chose to join our family.

daughter-in-law quotes on family

9. I’d wish you lots of surprises on your birthday, but then every day with our son is full of surprises. So instead, I’ll just wish you luck.

daughter-in-law quotes about surprises on your birthday

10. We love you for all the things that you do, not just on your birthday but the entire year through. Happy Birthday to a daughter-in-law who does it all.

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daughter-in-law quotes on celebrities wishing happy birthday

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Funny daughter-in-law quotes

11. “You deserve an award for surviving another year with our son!” — Unknown

funny daughter-in-law quotes

12. “Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law.” — Unknown

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13. “Our son proved to be much smarter than we have expected by choosing you as his life partner.” — Unknown

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14. “I hope my son knows how lucky he is to have you. If he doesn’t, tell him I said to pay more attention.” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes and saying

15. “Movies treat in-laws like they treat birthday parties: poorly! Let’s celebrate as a family to set the record straight.” — Unknown

Inspirational daughter-in-law quotes

16. “I don’t hate my in-laws, but I’d rather not stay in the same room with them. Does that make me a bad daughter-in-law?” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes about i don't hate my in-laws

17. “As your mother-in-law, it’s my job to criticize you whenever possible. Unfortunately, you make my job exceedingly difficult.” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes on criticize

18. “The only thing in the world a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law agree upon, is that her hubby and her son respectively should have married someone else!” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes on married someone

19. “Just to prove that I’m not a typical mother-in-law, let me say this: you’re plenty good enough for my son, and I have no complaints about how you’re raising your child.” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes about mother-in-law

20. “My son seemed to be happy when he was single. Now that he has married you, I realized he was just pretending! I’ve never seen a bigger smile on his face before!” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes to being happy

Daughter-in-law quotes from mother-in-law

21. “My daughter-in-law is the woman my son picked to be my best friend.” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes about best friend

22. “If I didn’t have you as a daughter-in-law, I’d choose you as my friend.” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes choosing friends

23. “In order to stay close to my son, I need to stay close to the one he gives his heart to.” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes to stay close

24. “My beloved daughter-in-law, you are a special part of my life, without which I’m not fulfilled.” — Unknown

daughter-in-law quotes about beloved

25. “What did we do to deserve a daughter-in-law like you? Whatever it is, I might do it again for good luck.” — Unknown

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daughter-in-law quotes for good luck

26. “You might be my daughter-in-law, but after all we’ve been through together, you feel like my real daughter.” — Unknown

27. “You are special, because you know how to give everything to our family to make every member to feel blessed.” — Unknown

28. “To be honest, I didn’t think my son would ever find a wife good enough for him. I’ve never been so happy to be wrong.” — Unknown

29. “I feel proud to say that I’m your mother-in-law. Don’t forget that. I’ll always be there with open arms to comfort you if you lose or to cheer for you in your victory.” — Unknown

30. “As a parent, we are happy to see that our son is so happy with you. You two are a perfect couple. You have real love and chemistry. We are very lucky that our son has chosen a wife like you.” — Unknown

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Short daughter-in-law quotes

31. “Our son picked you, and we would have, too.” — Unknown

32. “Daughter-in-law by chance, friend by choice.” — Unknown

33. “Happiness is having a daughter-in-law like you.” — Unknown

34. “Now that you’ve come along, our family is complete.” — Unknown

35. “I can only say that my daughter-in-law is simply great.” — Unknown

36. “Marriage made you family; love made you my daughter.” — Unknown

37. “It is impossible to get a more perfect daughter-in-law than you.” — Unknown

38. “You’ve been a blessing to this family since the day our son met you.” — Unknown

39. “A daughter-in-law is one who marries your son and becomes your friend.” — Unknown

40. “You may not have been born into our family, but you seem born to be a part of it.” — Unknown

Related: Happy Birthday Quotes

Daughter-in-law quotes to show appreciation

41. “You are the daughter-in-law for which I have longed, and now to this family, you truly belong.” — Unknown

42. “Our son couldn’t have married someone better for our family if we picked you out ourselves.” — Unknown

43. “God gave us the great gift of you. We are proud to have a woman like you as our daughter-in-law.” — Unknown

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44. “Our son is very lucky to have a wonderful wife like you. We are also lucky to have such a sweet daughter-in-law.” — Unknown

45. “Thank you for doing such a great job raising my grandchildren. I hope you take some time for yourself—you’ve earned it!” — Unknown

46. “I’m blessed three times over. You’re a wonderful mother to my grandchild, an amazing wife to my son, and a dear daughter-in-law to me.” — Unknown

47. “Our son found a wonderful wife in you, and we found an amazing daughter in you. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into our family.” — Unknown

48. “It is you who have made our lives pleasant. Before you, the family was quite lifeless, but now we can feel the warmth of happiness inside our house.” — Unknown

49. “Seeing you in action reminds us of how much work it is to raise a child. We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate everything you do.” — Unknown

50. “It is a wonder to us how quickly and effectively you have joined with our family. How unfortunate our son would be if he was not married to you.” — Unknown

Why are some mother- and daughter-in-law relationships are strained

Many women report tension in their relationship with their mother-in-law, a conflict that is associated with increased marital dissatisfaction (Rittenour and Koenig Kellas, 2015).

Do you ever wonder why that is, though?

One of the simplest answers is that your daughter-in-law may not be who you would have chosen for your child as a life partner.

At the end of the day, this was not a choice you got to make, and as a parent, that can be difficult to realize.

Another answer that pops up according to research is that parents find their child’s significant other too attractive.

This one surprised me, as it sounded so shallow.

However, some people feel that if their child’s partner is too attractive, they may leave or stray.

Why do you think these relationships have a tendency to be difficult?

Do you get along with your daughter-in-law?

Let us know in the comment section below!

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