25 George Muller Quotes About The Nature Of Faith

Take a leap of faith with our George Muller quotes. 

George Muller is one of the most well-known Christain evangelists of the nineteenth century. 

He pioneered education during a career that spanned decades. 

Check out our George Muller quotes below to find out more. 

Who was George Muller?

George Muller was born Johann Georg Ferdinand Muller shortly after the turn of the nineteenth century in Bristol, England. 

Check out these interesting facts about George Muller below:

  • George established 117 schools. 
  • Muller cared for over ten thousand orphans during his tenure. 
  • Collectively, his schools have graduated over 120,000 students. 

What is George Muller known for?

Muller is known for many things but is most recognized for his work with orphans in education. 

Muller was passionate about providing educational opportunities for those who were underserved. 

Muller used his platform to level his society’s playing field by exposing young people to education. 

He had such a profound on English culture that some unhappy elite members of British society accused him of raising poor orphans to excel past their station in life. 

What is the Plymouth Brethren?

George Muller is one of the founders of the Plymouth Brethren movement and the Open Brethren. 

The Plymouth Brethren are a unique group of Christians who follow something called sola scriptura. 

Sola scripture is the belief that the Bible is the only authority for church practice and doctrine. 

Accordingly, the Plymouth Brethren do not see themselves as a denomination of Christianity. 

They describe themselves instead as a network of like-minded free churches. 

Did Muller create miracles?

Muller was a man of faith. 

He was passionate about his faith and devoted to his cause. 

It seems miracles occurred in his favor in several instances, but he never attributed them to himself. 

Once in 1877, while crossing the Atlantic on the SS Sardinian, he asked the captain to speed up because he had an appointment the next day at their destination. 

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The captain told George that he must sail slowly because of the fog. 

George took the captain below deck to pray. 

They asked for the ships’ safety and for the fog to disappear.

The captain was a skeptic who did not believe in prayer or miracles. 

Muller told the captain to return to the upper deck and that the fog would be removed. 

The fog was gone when the captain walked up the steps, and Muller reached his destination on time. 

Short George Muller quotes about faith 

These George Muller quotes are short and sweet. 

1. “Our walk counts far more than our talk, always!” George Muller

2. “God delights to increase the faith of His children.” George Muller

3. “God will act according to what He has said in his word.” George Muller

4. “Faith is the assurance that the thing which God has said in His word is true.” George Muller

5. “Faith is not a matter of impressions, nor of probabilities, nor of appearances.” George Muller

The top George Muller quotes about leadership and inspiration

Muller influenced many people to strive to be their best. 

6. “As pastor of a church with 1200 believers, great has been my care.” George Muller

7. “But I have always made it a rule never to begin work till I have had a good season with God.” George Muller

8. “For 40 years, I have had annually about 30,000 letters, and most of these have passed through my own hands.” George Muller

9. “For more than half a century, I have never known one day when I had not more business than I could get through.” George Muller

10. “I have had charge of five orphanages; also, at my publishing depot, the printing, and circulation of millions of tracts, books, and Bibles.” George Muller

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The best George Muller quotes about prayer

Here are some of Muller’s best quotes about prayer and meditation. 

11. “It is not enough to begin to pray, nor to pray aright.” George Muller

12. “Nor is it enough to continue for a time to pray.” George Muller

13. “We must patiently, believingly, continue in prayer until we obtain an answer.” George Muller

14. “Further, we have not only to continue in prayer unto the end, but we have also to believe that God does hear us and will answer our prayers.” George Muller

15. “Most frequently, we fail in not continuing in prayer until the blessing is obtained and in not expecting the blessing.” George Muller

Famous George Muller quotes about the importance of endurance during difficult times

Muller believed we learn who we are during difficult times in our lives. 

16. “What is the food for the inner man?” George Muller

17. “The only way to learn strong faith is to endure great trials.” George Muller

18. “I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings.” George Muller

19. “We must consider what we read, ponder over it, and apply it to our hearts.” George Muller

20. “It often astonishes me that I did not see the importance of meditation upon Scripture earlier in my Christian life.”  George Muller

George Muller quotes and sayings about the value of literacy

Muller felt reading the Bible was a way people could learn self-mastery. 

21. “As the outward man is not fit for work for any length of time unless he eats, so it is with the inner man.”  George Muller

22. “I saw that the most important thing I had to do was to give myself to the reading of the Word of God and to meditation on it.” George Muller

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23. “I saw more clearly than ever, that the first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day was, to have my soul happy in the Lord.” George Muller

24. “Christians do not practically remember that while we are saved by grace, altogether by grace, so that in the matter of salvation works are altogether excluded.” George Muller

25. “Yet that so far as the rewards of grace are concerned, in the world to come, there is an intimate connection between the life of the Christian here and the enjoyment and the glory in the day of Christ’s appearing.” George Muller

Why was Muller so passionate about prayer?

Muller’s career is marked with impressive achievements. 

He often attributed his success to his devout commitment to prayer. 

Prayer is not designed for us to ask for things we do not have. 

Instead, it aligns us with what we desire and seek to achieve. 

A famous story details how the boiler in an orphanage broke during the wintertime. 

Muller prayed for two things: that the weather would calm down and the service people hired could do the job. 

Not only did the weather warm up so the orphans did not freeze, but the storm moved out of the way allowing the workers to get to the orphanage safely. 

Once the workers arrived, another storm came, causing them to stay at the orphanage for the night. 

The workers had the opportunity to stay until the job was done. 

Muller and his followers used situations like this to reiterate why prayer is such a powerful form of expression. 

If you like quotes that explore the topic of faith, check out these Woman of God quotes.

What is your favorite George Muller quote?

Be sure to let us know in the comments section below. 

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