25 Groundhog Day Quotes to Teach You About Life

The Groundhog Day quotes below are still relevant up to this day because the movie is filled with timeless comedy.

Groundhog Day is said to be one of the funniest movies and many people continue to watch it repeatedly.

Tell us your favorite Groundhog Day scene in the comment section below.

Released in 1993, the movie was directed by Harold Ramis.

The story focused on the distinct experience of Phil Connors, played by Bill Murray, a meteorologist covering Groundhog Day in Pennsylvania.

What seemed to be a typical day of coverage had him trapped in a time loop, and he returned to February 2 over and over.

According to IMDb, Groundhog Day is ranked #197 on the list of Top Rated Movies of all time, with a rating of 8.0/10 based on over 576,000 user votes. 

The memorable Groundhog Day quotes and its witty dialogue have become iconic, proving that Groundhog Day continues to resonate with audiences today.

What are the benefits of reading these Groundhog Day quotes?

He lived the certain day repeatedly and began his journey to break the cycle.

There are several lessons we can learn from these Groundhog Day quotes, like:

  • you can create new experiences in your life instead of reliving the patterns of yesterday
  • self-awareness, self-improvement, and self-transformation are necessary to live your best life
  • practice gratitude and realize you have everything you need to be happy

Phil learns these throughout the movie and proves to the rest of us we can create our own realities.

Of course, the movie is a comedy, so these Groundhog Day quotes will also make you laugh!

Check out these Groundhog Day quotes to relive your favorite scenes.

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Groundhog Day movie Quotes from Phil Connors

In 2006, the United States Library of Congress added Groundhog Day to the National Film Registry, citing it as “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.”

The continued preservation and celebration can be attributed to the fans’ repeated use of Groundhog Day quotes in conversations and writing.

1. “I’m not going to live by their rules anymore.” – Phil Connors

2. “It’s the same thing every day. Clean up your room, stand up straight, pick up your feet, take it like a man, be nice to your sister, don’t mix beer and wine ever, Oh yeah, don’t drive on the railroad tracks.” – Phil Connors

3. “When Chekhov saw the long winter, he saw a winter bleak and dark and bereft of hope.” – Phil Connors

4. “Yet we know that winter is just another step in the cycle of life. But standing here among the people of Punxsutawney and basking in the warmth of their hearths and hearts.” – Phil Connors

5. “I couldn’t imagine a better fate than a long and lustrous winter.” – Phil Connors

6. “Hi, three cheeseburgers, two large fries, two milkshakes, and one large coke.” – Phil Connors

7. This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather.” – Phil Connors

8. “Well maybe the real God uses tricks, you know? Maybe he’s not omnipotent. He’s just been around so long he knows everything.” – Phil Connors

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9. “Too early for flapjacks?” – Phil Connors

10. “Ned Ryerson! ‘Needlenose Ned’? ‘Ned the Head’? Come on, buddy, Case Western High! Ned Ryerson! I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing! Ned Ryerson! Got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn’t graduate? Bing again! Ned Ryerson! I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple of times until you told me not to anymore? Well?” – Phil Connors

Funny Groundhog Day Quotes

According to Box Office Mojo, Groundhog Day has grossed over $70 million worldwide since its release in 1993.

Despite its age, the film’s humor and relatable Groundhog Day Quotes continue to draw new audiences.

11. “Do you want to throw up here or in the car?” – Phil Connors

12. “It’s just still once a year, isn’t it?” – Phil Connors

13. “Come on, all the long-distance lines are down? What about the satellite? Is it snowing in space? Don’t you have some kind of a line that you keep open for emergencies or for celebrities? I’m both. I’m a celebrity in an emergency.” – Phil Connors

14. “I’m a god, I’m not the God. I don’t think.” – Phil Connors

15. “This is pitiful. A thousand people freezing their butts off waiting to worship a rat. What a hype. Groundhog Day used to mean something in this town. They used to pull the hog out, and they used to eat it. You’re hypocrites, all of you!” – Phil Connors

16. “Don’t drive angry! Don’t drive angry!” – Phil Connors

17. “I’m betting he’s going to swerve first.” – Phil Connors

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Best Groundhog Day Quotes and Lines

18. “Who is your perfect guy?” – Phil Connors

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19. “Ok campers, rise, and shine, and don’t forget your booties cause its cold out there…its cold out there every day.” – Phil Connors

20. “You are God?” – Rita

21. ” Sometimes I wish I had a thousand lifetimes. I don’t know, Phil. Maybe it’s not a curse. Just depends on how you look at it.” – Rita

22. “I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn’t I get that day over and over and over?” – Phil Connors

23. “I have an alcoholic now.” – Psychiatrist

24. “We must’n keep our audience waiting.” – Phil Connors

25. “Don’t mess with me, pork chop. What day is this?”

Which of these Groundhog Day quotes is your favorite?

Because of its unique comedy, the movie has amassed multi-millions in box office sales.

It became one of the highest-grossing films in 1993 and received favorable evaluations from critics.

It also gained multiple award nominations not only for the movie itself but also for its director and actors.

The movie is also a breakthrough advancement for Murray, who, since then, has landed more serious and high-paying roles.

The movie is one of the greatest movie creations.

It plays well with the script, making every character stand out.

These Groundhog Day quotes will always be etched in the minds of the movie’s fans.

Did you enjoy these Groundhog Day quotes and lines?

Which of the quotes is your favorite?

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