25 He’s All That Quotes For Questioning Role Reversals

Check out if the new Netflix project lives up to the original movie with our He’s All That quotes. 

Audiences have complained that Hollywood doesn’t make new material and just recycles old movies or shows that were successful. 

When fans of the 1999 film She’s All That found out that a remake was in the works, some yawned and thought, “Another one?” 

Role reversal movies are supposed to be fun and entertaining ways to see life from another perspective. 

Find out if the new film hits the mark with our He’s All That quotes below. 

What is He’s All That

He’s All That is a remake of the famous film She’s All That

The Netflix version reverses the scenario of the first. 

In He’s All That, Rae plays a social media influencer who believes she can turn her unpopular classmate into Prom King. 

The Netflix film stars 

Fans of She’s All That will remember Cook from her role as Laney Boggs. 

Conflicting messages and the role of social media

We live in a time where nostalgia for the 1990s is at an all-time high. 

I find that when I revisit shows from my childhood, I am baffled by some of the writing, jokes, and commentary. 

It’s also laughable how teens are misrepresented in films like this. 

It’s one thing for movie producers to use people in their mid-twenties to play teenagers. 

It’s another thing for writers and producers to use language, jokes, and references from another era.

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We live in a different time, so when movies like He’s All That attempt to depict a modern teenager using tropes from the 1990s, it does not always fit. 

They do touch on some interesting ideas from the first film. 

Physical appearance and vanity are major themes in both movies.

However, the modern rendition augments the pressure with the addition of social media

What do young people take away from He’s All That?

This movie is supposed to be a reversal from the original. 

The writers had a golden opportunity to address topics that are relevant today but chose to implore attitudes and belief systems from three decades ago. 

The movie opens up with Rae doing her beauty routine and posting to her fawning followers.

Sure, this is a “modern” activity, but it immediately sets the tone to suggest that women must adhere to strict beauty standards. 

He’s All That reinforces themes that are not always constructive. 

Teenagers are the target audience for these types of films. 

I overheard students in my class discussing the film one day. 

When I asked them what they got from the movie, they told me they learned that you can manipulate anyone if you try hard enough. 

I am aware that the film has the potential to serve as powerful social commentary on the way men and women receive different experiences navigating social media.

However, can we really expect teenagers to surmise these high-level ideas?

I doubt that is what the average teen is going to take away from the experience. 

Short He’s All That quotes from Padgett

We begin our He’s All That journey with these quotes from Padgett. 

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1. “Maybe I’m just a fraud.” — Padgett

2. “You don’t deserve me; you don’t deserve my love.and you don’t deserve my croquembouche, you croquem douche.” —  Padgett

3. “Your outsides are the first thing people see.” — Padgett

4. “Some of my best friends are entitled trust funders.” — Padgett

5. “As I always say when it comes to makeovers, it’s your insides that count.” — Padgett

Famous He’s All That quotes from Nisha and Principal Bosch

Check out these witty observations and quotes from Nisha and Principal Bosch.

6. “Classic Johnny Wang move.” — Nisha

7. “I know this is live streaming, but if you put your phones down, it’s actually happening right here in front of you.” — Principal Bosch

8. “That’s just because she’s tremendously ashamed of you.” — Nisha

9. “We have some weird a** traditions at this school.” — Principal Bosch

10. “If you do anything to hurt him, I’ll put a croquembouche in your croquem face.” — Nisha

The best He’s All That quotes from Cameron and Jessica

11. “It’s my place in the ecosystem.” — Cameron

12. “She acts like she doesn’t even know me.” — Cameron

13. “They’re a-holes, and I remind them that they are.” — Cameron

14. “Until you turn things around, don’t talk to me. Love ya.” — Jessica

15. “You’re Bubble Girl. And mucus is just not on brand for us.” — Jessica

He’s All That quotes and sayings about high school

These quotes are bound to have you reflecting on your high school experience. 

16. “High school’s just a bunch of scared people pretending to be something they’re not.” — Cameron

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17. “Never touch my Bose.” — Brin

18. “That’s like the Valley of the Valley.” — Alden

19. “Exactly. And then you feel this tremendous pressure to keep up.” — Mrs. Sawyer

20. “Yeah, you screwed up, but it’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it.” — Mrs. Sawyer

The top funny He’s All That quotes 

Our last selection includes some funny moments from the show. 

21. “Yes, exactly like a gap year. Followed by another gap year and then a gap life.” — Cameron

22. “Oh my god.” — Jordan

23. “Weird’s totally our thing.” — Nisha

24. “Wait, you guys aren’t recording?” — Jordan

25. “He kind of cried when he found out unicorns weren’t real.” — Brin

Is this the end of the franchise?

It took about twenty years for He’s All That to manifest. 

If another version premiered in 2041, what would it look like?

Would people be attempting to manipulate AI into being prom king or queen?

Who knows?

What is your favorite He’s All That quote?

Be sure to let us know in the comments. 

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